Finding The Real Thomas Beal

"And you know that notion , just crossed my mii- ii-nnd."

Anyway . Would rather have an accurate i.d. on Thomas , than actually find him.:icon_pale:

I have seen TJB's name spelled Beale, Beal, and Beall. Back in those days, the misspelling and variations of a name were common. I have a friend who has a ledger from the early 1800's with his family's name spelled at least seven different ways. In our "neck of the woods", we have Beal and Beall. No Beale with the "e". Our Thomas Beall died in 1823. He was a Revolutionary war Captain with the Rawlings (Maryland) and Virginia Rifle regiment.

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I have seen TJB's name spelled Beale, Beal, and Beall. Back in those days, the misspelling and variations of a name were common. I have a friend who has a ledger from the early 1800's with his family's name spelled at least seven different ways. In our "neck of the woods", we have Beal and Beall. No Beale with the "e". Our Thomas Beall died in 1823. He was a Revolutionary war Captain with the Rawlings (Maryland) and Virginia Rifle regiment.

i think the reason no one has found thomas beale is, ward misspelled it in the papers as beale not beal, just like the one who decoded the ciphers said.

With all those who have claimed to have "broke" the ciphers, one almost needs to buy a program to keep up who the current claimant is.
I reckon you are NOT referring to Franklin.

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Why drag my name along in your mud?

Not dragging you anywhere.
In the past you have posted your solutions of both C1 and C3 which of all "solved" cipher claims presented over the years, seem the most plausible.

That, Franklin, is a compliment.:thumbsup:

No reason to arm the populace with pitchforks and storm the castle.

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With all those who have claimed to have "broke" the ciphers, one almost needs to buy a program to keep up who the current claimant is.
I reckon you are NOT referring to Franklin.

i am not seeing a lot of people that have claimed to have done that. i have been looking for them all for the last few months and only see 5.

Not dragging you anywhere.
In the past you have posted your solutions of both C1 and C3 which of all "solved" cipher claims presented over the years, seem the most plausible.

That, Franklin, is a compliment.:thumbsup:

No reason to arm the populace with pitchforks and storm the castle.

Well for that I thank you. I did have a man and his son came to my home on Thanksgiving Day to compliment me on being the person that had solved the Beale Cyphers. They had flown out to Northern Virginia and then drove down to my home. They said they had to meet the man that deciphered the Beale Cypher Codes. He was quite a wealthy man that loved his work. He lived in a rich neighbor near Beverly Hills, owned his own companies and even worked gold mines in Alaska and all over the Western United States. I told him of the City of Gold in Honduras, told him exactly where to go but he went up the right fork of the river instead of the left. He panned and found gold but he would have found more up the main or left hand fork. He mailed me some of the gold in a Christmas Card. We send Christmas Cards and letters to each other for years and still do. That first year when I copyrighted my pamphlet, I thought it was the best compliment anyone could do was to come to my home on Thanksgiving Day and congratulate me. I will never forget it. I still do believe I deciphered C1 and C3 also C4 correctly. I also re=worked the C2 and found that the author did not write down exactly what he decoded. He wrote thousands when actually all it said was hundreds. Did not make sense a man should have been proud of his decipherment but it seems he wrote it down as though he was not the least bit interested. Like it was just a book?

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the nsa documents you guy led me to have some good information. thanks

jean had this one on his site

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