First time boxing mixed dimes, at work on Friday.


Hero Member
Dec 14, 2014
Brooklyn, NY
Detector(s) used
AT Pro/BH Platinum, (Garret Pro-Pointer)
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting
50,000 in bagged dimes all dumped into a tub, the tub has three sliding doors on the side. The tube is lifted up with a lift, and connected with three draw slots and feeds coins into the wrapping machines. While working I managed to pull 22 silver dimes, just by spotting the silver rim, 2 Merc, 1 1958 Canadian, and the rest rosies. Imagine if I ran those dimes through a sorter set to reject silver! I would easily clear 20$ in face value I believe. If you want silver, dimes are your best bet. Your second best bet is nickels.

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Liu21: do you have a good working relationship with your shift supervisor, and if so, ask him if you could swap out all the silver you casually see, and tell him that you'll buy pizza every now and then for the entire shift crew. It's nice to know that there is somewhat ample quantities of silver still out there somewhere. Thanks for keeping CRH's informed.

50,000 in bagged dimes all dumped into a tub, the tub has three sliding doors on the side. The tube is lifted up with a lift, and connected with three draw slots and feeds coins into the wrapping machines. While working I managed to pull 22 silver dimes, just by spotting the silver rim, 2 Merc, 1 1958 Canadian, and the rest rosies. Imagine if I ran those dimes through a sorter set to reject silver! I would easily clear 20$ in face value I believe. If you want silver, dimes are your best bet. Your second best bet is nickels.

I still don't understand why the company's don't pull the silver. I'm glad they don't, but they could make a ton off silver if they did

I still don't understand why the company's don't pull the silver. I'm glad they don't, but they could make a ton off silver if they did

This is because Brinks, Loomis, Garda, etc do not own the coins they sort. The coins are owned by the federal reserve so it is their decision.

This is because Brinks, Loomis, Garda, etc do not own the coins they sort. The coins are owned by the federal reserve so it is their decision.

I don't think what you are saying is totally true. If Brinks, Loomis ect... wanted to pull the silver they probably could come up with some lame excuse or need as to why they pull it. I just think that it would slow m production down to much for them to pull it efficiently and not slow everything down.

The federal reserve only owns some coins in the facility. At my facility those coins are never touched. The couriers makes good money simply by sorting out the extra coins from bags. Besides who would they pay to just sort coins for silver ? The main purpose of any sort facility is to provide customers i.e. Banks and other places, cash logistics and boxed coins etc.

The federal reserve only owns some coins in the facility. At my facility those coins are never touched. The couriers makes good money simply by sorting out the extra coins from bags. Besides who would they pay to just sort coins for silver ? The main purpose of any sort facility is to provide customers i.e. Banks and other places, cash logistics and boxed coins etc.

I would imagine it would be as simple as modifying the machines to reject silver. Then simply replace whatever silver is pulled at the end of the day.
I know it would require money and time to change the machines but I would think they would recoup most within a short time.
Either that or just pay someone a small salary to pull as you guys do your normal job just from what they see. Even if you paid them $25 an hr. I'm sure if given the opportunity you'd be able to pull more then that if you where just looking for silver, right?

I would imagine it would be as simple as modifying the machines to reject silver. Then simply replace whatever silver is pulled at the end of the day.
I know it would require money and time to change the machines but I would think they would recoup most within a short time.
Either that or just pay someone a small salary to pull as you guys do your normal job just from what they see. Even if you paid them $25 an hr. I'm sure if given the opportunity you'd be able to pull more then that if you where just looking for silver, right?

It's not just simply replacing the silver coins you take out. You have to replace them before the bag is done rolling them. I don't think you realize the pace at which these facilities work. Sorting out the silver would slow down the process at which this facilities work. Time is money.

It's not just simply replacing the silver coins you take out. You have to replace them before the bag is done rolling them. I don't think you realize the pace at which these facilities work. Sorting out the silver would slow down the process at which this facilities work. Time is money.

You've worked for a sort facility as well?
I look forward to lius perspective on this as he is currently working in one.
Thanks though

It's not just simply replacing the silver coins you take out. You have to replace them before the bag is done rolling them. I don't think you realize the pace at which these facilities work. Sorting out the silver would slow down the process at which this facilities work. Time is money.

let me tell you, they give me $50,000 in quarters, they are not expecting 100 boxes of quarters back. from that 50,000 some coins will be bent, damaged or foreign coins, some coins will be lost on the ground, under the machines, etc. Things dont work perfectly, rolls break and coins fall out all over the place. You're right about the pace in which these facilities work at, but if they really want to cull silver all they need is some new machines. At my facility they would need to add/replace with new counting machines, and they would have to process ALL quarters, dimes, and halves that come in the facility if they want to cull silver. That will definitely slow down the process of, processing coin to be boxed. They weight most bags, and only use the counting machines for specific reasons. I believe for CWR, or bags that are under weight.

I would imagine it would be as simple as modifying the machines to reject silver. Then simply replace whatever silver is pulled at the end of the day.
I know it would require money and time to change the machines but I would think they would recoup most within a short time.
Either that or just pay someone a small salary to pull as you guys do your normal job just from what they see. Even if you paid them $25 an hr. I'm sure if given the opportunity you'd be able to pull more then that if you where just looking for silver, right?

Not with the wrapping machines my company has, they are like from the 80s or maybe early 90s. They have so many problems, they have trouble wrapping mint coins. If the Host company really wants the silver, they will need to invest in new counting machines for their coin tellers, and have ALL coins processed through the counting machines. Trying to look for silver, even if you were there to "look for silver" is not easy. You wont be able to search ALL the coins, only what is on the surface. Like i said with mxh, reply. If they want the silver they will need to get New machines that can Do two jobs, cull foreign coins/overweight coins and count coins. then process ALL dimes, quarters, and halves. Then at the end of the day check the cull bin.

Qwik question, if the bag does weigh less and they count it( all same denom) lets say halves and the bag comes ip short an odd number ($14.27) do they realize that can't be right and recount or what? My bags in the past have had this happen and then my account gets debited that amount, doesn't somebody at the plant scratch their head and say that can't be right.... Or just say " well, thats what it was counted at. Been a fight a few times at my bank anout it. Thanks, HH, Maverick.

You've worked for a sort facility as well?
I look forward to lius perspective on this as he is currently working in one.
Thanks though

Nope just using common sense. Have a great day

Qwik question, if the bag does weigh less and they count it( all same denom) lets say halves and the bag comes ip short an odd number ($14.27) do they realize that can't be right and recount or what? My bags in the past have had this happen and then my account gets debited that amount, doesn't somebody at the plant scratch their head and say that can't be right.... Or just say " well, thats what it was counted at. Been a fight a few times at my bank anout it. Thanks, HH, Maverick.

I have no clue, that would be up to the coin tellers. most likely machine problems, like they havent service them or something. If you seen what i've seen in a week boxing nickels, you be surprised like i was when i found, golden dollar/SBA coins and JFK halves in nickel bags...

Most of my bags are mixed denominations. For instance, I dumped two $1000 bags today and each contained $750 in halves, $200 in dimes, and $50 in Ikes.

How do bags like the above mentioned get processed? I assume there is a sorter that they run the contents of the bags through first.

Does your facility have the ability to handle large dollar coins?

You've worked for a sort facility as well?
I look forward to lius perspective on this as he is currently working in one.
Thanks though

I have worked at one. Though I disagree with mxh on the subject of videos, he is spot on in his analysis here.

I would imagine it would be as simple as modifying the machines to reject silver. Then simply replace whatever silver is pulled at the end of the day.
I know it would require money and time to change the machines but I would think they would recoup most within a short time.
Either that or just pay someone a small salary to pull as you guys do your normal job just from what they see. Even if you paid them $25 an hr. I'm sure if given the opportunity you'd be able to pull more then that if you where just looking for silver, right?

As much as you and I dislike CRH videos, I suggest we drop this train of thought. Do you really want to give ideas about how to cull silver that could theoretically be someday put into practice? I see nothing good coming out of this conversation.

I have worked at one. Though I disagree with mxh on the subject of videos, he is spot on in his analysis here.

Thanks it's good to know that my analysis was correct. I know the subject of videos is a dividing subject. I see both sides of the argument. I respect that others have an opposite opinion of mine

Not with the wrapping machines my company has, they are like from the 80s or maybe early 90s. They have so many problems, they have trouble wrapping mint coins. If the Host company really wants the silver, they will need to invest in new counting machines for their coin tellers, and have ALL coins processed through the counting machines. Trying to look for silver, even if you were there to "look for silver" is not easy. You wont be able to search ALL the coins, only what is on the surface. Like i said with mxh, reply. If they want the silver they will need to get New machines that can Do two jobs, cull foreign coins/overweight coins and count coins. then process ALL dimes, quarters, and halves. Then at the end of the day check the cull bin.

Ya I think thats what I was referring to. If they made the investment to add the new machines, it would probably pay off id imagine. There has to be thousands of dollars in silver that go through the facility a month. How many boxes of dimes are produced in one day? Even if you went with the average of 1 dime per box, gotta be a ton of silver going through.
I would think there would be a way to add a culler to the wrappng machine since every coin would have to go through it to get wrapped.

As much as you and I dislike CRH videos, I suggest we drop this train of thought. Do you really want to give ideas about how to cull silver that could theoretically be someday put into practice? I see nothing good coming out of this conversation.

No I hear ya I'm just thinking out-loud that it makes sense to me that eventually they would find a cost efficient fast way to cull the silver that comes through.

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