Nice commemorative and indeed a great start to the week! I've only found the Ellis Island ones and of those the clad variety.
just curious why you don't dump with coin-lock bags in California? I go to alot of Chase in my area and a couple of them have been getting alot of re-roll dumps in string boxes. They always ask me if I want to buy them always say no thanks, I'll pass.
I only mention this because Chase apparently has stricter rules for when the vault teller can ship out coin. I asked the vault teller why she didnt just bag them up and ship them out and she said, "I can't until I get to many, but they clog up our vault and the same guy keeps bringing them in."
Not saying this is you or anything, I don't even know where you dump, just food for thought for everyone CRHing in the SoCal area. Chase is great for ordering lots of halves but not a good dump bank.
Bigheed, I re-roll my halves. I buy the rolls online, they're really cheap. I do this because in my area I have yet to find a bank/cu that has a coin counter that doesn't charge the same fees as a Coinstar. I have used the coin-lock bags in the past but they only do that on a deposit and you have to wait until they are counted to be credited, usually 5-7 days. If I roll the coins, I can exchange for cash on the spot! I have been using the same $1000 since I started, and I am doing 8+ boxes a week now.