I found this 3/4 inch button which has no markings in the front or back and is thin with a very slight concave back. The shank is missing. Thanks for your input.
It is what button collectors call a brass 1-piece flatbutton, dating from the late 1700s into the 1830s. Made for Civilian use... but we know a few did get used on local Militia uniforms when more-expensive "Emblem" buttons were not affordable.
Thanks, CannonballGuy. I suspected as much as other buttons that I found have been similar but the shank had a definite loop...not always in good shape. Those were a bit thicker and flatter....1800-1830..probably manufactured in Great Britain. This button was a bit thinner and slightly curved near the edge and the shank seemed wider but broken...If it is 1700s that would be so cool and my earliest piece. I have not found any military buttons yet....Recently I marveled at someone's post about a two cent piece and I soon after found one of my own that I have yet to post. It is soaking in olive oil as I cannot read the date and it is not in good shape..but I was still excited about it.