Gary Drayton , what’s the deal with this guy

I was asked by a production company in 2011 if i would like to do a water detecting show
I had some Skype meetings with the production company
they sent me a contract which i was not entirely happy with i signed it and sent back after a few
alterations were made- one was
that I would keep my mouth shut and do what i was told by director and producers - no comments or ideas
(the people in the Skype meeting had no clue what detecting was about and they were gonna tell me :icon_scratch:
the other was if i could not produce the "WOW" factor they would (which i took to mean they would have someone
buy a large cheap ring with a CZ in it and toss it out for me to find...that was never gonna happen)
The thing is 2012 was a pretty good year for me and i would have had a pretty good show of finds

I was asked to be on 2 other shows too but could not get time off to do it (I have a government job and producers needed at least 6 months from me)

Yes I'm no Fan of the phrase "Ninja" let alone the Ego needed to describe ones Self as a "Ninja" :laughing7:
But Takes all Kinds to Make up the World :tongue3:

The fact he Stops as soon as He finds one Keeper, And the Fact he immediately Acts like it's hundreds of Years old and Proves there was
Certain People There Burying Treasure, and always at the necessary Time.
is one of the main reasons I Stopped watching the Show. Entirely too unbelievable !

& Yes ^&%$# Producers / writers satisfying their Advertisers by directing how things must go down :coffee2:
I Wouldn't be surprised if the Producers Buy things off EBay & Tell them when to Find them in the dirt

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Occasionally I Receive Invites To do Shows & do Research for Shows,
Personally, Not enough money to destroy what Little Reputation I Got Left :laughing7:
I rarely even Respond.
I'm sure if my research suggests they are in the wrong area, They would Twist things anyway.

almost like the Phrase "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt"

to me going on a tv show with People who are Their to Exploit you for their Bank accounts,
is Worse for your Reputation :coffee2:

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