Get Spanish gold and silver on a NJ beach

I don't care for this post because I feel it goes against the spirit of treasure hunting. I think part of the hunt is doing the research but I do have to disagree with one part of your statement. "However, to suggest that going on Google, spending 5 minutes typing in "gold and silver NJ beach" and calling that research is hardly appropriate." The internet is a huge part of ever treasure hunters research. I still hit the libraries, look at old maps and newspapers but I definately use search engines such as Google to assist in that search. Quite a few years ago I found information on ths beach that was found using a search engine in less then five minutes. I found a article about the dredging project that mentioned Spanish silver being found. Although it was located rather quickly I still feel I did the research. I wish all my research was completed that If Don did all his own research and then dicided to share it I have no problems with it. If his friend told him this information then said he could post it I have no problem with it. May not like it but I don't think he did anything wrong. If his friend was not aware that he posted this then it becomes an integrity issue. I don't particularly care for people with no integrity. Not sure if Don is one or not yet so I will withhold judgement until I find out more.


jerseyben said:
ticm: I don't hunt this beach and never will. That's not the point.
pyrate: What are you even talking about???

I don't see how myself, Neil, and Coinshooter can be the only ones who feel this way...

The points being made here about this being a public beach are unfounded. So what if its a public beach? There are miles upon miles of public NJ beaches available for hunting but the author of this post chose to call out a very specific beach with very specific information. Now tell me, is that publically available information?

I have NO PROBLEM sharing sites. In fact, I personally prefer to hunt in a group with friends and I willingly suggest sites to hunt. However, to suggest that going on Google, spending 5 minutes typing in "gold and silver NJ beach" and calling that research is hardly appropriate. Many people hunting in NJ are putting in time and effort to do so involving maps, joining clubs, networking, reading, and scouting among other things.

All this post serves to do is hurt the hobby and MAYBE help out a few people who just got lucky enough to stumble upon this post and suddenly just fell into an amazing "lead".

One more thing. I don't care if people have been hunting this spot for years and that lots of people already knew about it. I have plenty of spots like that which I currently hunt. I will and do invite friends to hunt it with me but that doesn't mean I am going to publically advertise those spots.

Man please, this site is no secret. I heard about it long ago. I have told lots of people about it. That's why I thought it was funny when he first posted it. This post does not hurt the hobby.[/ur Never mind that did not work.

I'm not a big fan of burning other people's spots...regardless of the public nature of the location. Two of my best dilver days were public places...I don't advertise them just because they are public.

gordonquixote said:
I'm not a big fan of burning other people's spots...regardless of the public nature of the location. Two of my best dilver days were public places...I don't advertise them just because they are public.

It's public land and information as well. Old
news. Let me give out another good spot to every one. Atlantic city. Oh my there I did it I ruined somebody's spot. Oh well I have no ethics.

It's public land and information as well. Old
news. Let me give out another good spot to every one. Atlantic city. Oh my there I did it I ruined somebody's spot. Oh well I have no ethics.

I have Neolithics? Thats in artifact forum .

I think don is getting paybacks on someone who probably busted his chops, possibly a home owner nearby

Cancel my membership to this and the other metal detecting forums. The only people still posting are these people. Facebook is where it's at.

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Neil in West Jersey said:
Cancel my membership to this and the other metal detecting forums. The only people still posting are these Facebook is where it's at.[/

Did poor Neil get his feelings hurt. Bet you come back. I see your a charter member. Are all your face book friends like you. Don't disagree with Neil he will call you a name and take his ball home.

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To each their own, but really, Facebook? I guess if you belong to a private group that makes sense. Otherwise Facebook blows.

OMG am LMAO, I dont think you finished your research on the so called secret spot.. Good luck there, oh and by the way, its state owned, which means, ya dang well better have a permit to hunt it.. FYI..

Apparently someone didn't let Don in on the full secret so he's going to get back at someone. Very Mature. People who give away secrets deserve to have the treasure taken from them.



  • ForumRunner_20140211_234029.png
    221.2 KB · Views: 165
In the spirit of helping others make their find of a lifetime I have researched some information and confirmed a great location for finding Spanish 8 reales and Spanish gold coins from a shipwreck that went down in 1781 in southern New Jersey. All the coins that have been found to date at this location are from 1781 and earlier

My detecting buddy was on the site and was shown a number of the 8 reales and gold coins found by someone who frequently detects there himself. There are about 50 guys that detect here that keep this location close to the vest from everyone else well that is about to change right now. EVERYONE should have the opportunity to detect there and maybe make their find of a lifetime. The area is known as Strathmere Beach - Roosevelt Blvd off the Garden State Hwy then head south.

Apparently, there were HUNDREDS of these reales/doubloons found over the last few years on the shore (not in the surf) after a dredging operation dumped sand from Corson Inlet onto the beach. Once the finds were discovered by the local authorities, they now have included an archeologist on the dredging ship and now use a screen at the intake area to catch any coins that might get sucked up.

My research indicates that the ship that went down is The Fame which was an American privateer. In 1781 she was sailing off the coast of New Jersey.
According to Walter and Richard Krottee's book Shipwrecks Off the New Jersey Coast: "She had captured a number of heavily laden prizes just before she Foundered" on February 22, 1781. The Fame went down north of Peck's Beach. The location of this wreck is unknown but she is believed to be a treasure site."

However based on the dredging and dump site where the artifacts were found we can now determine that The Fame actually went down much further south than Pecks Beach (which is now known as Ocean City, NJ) at Corson Inlet at the Strathmere Bay area on the ocean.

You can be sure that I will be there next big storm - hurricane or noreaster - looking for my gold doubloon or piece of eight. See you all there if you're 6 hours away its worth the trip

Email me for more exact location on the beach in the dunes where coins were found

Good hunting,


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8 years later after the date of this post, I tell you Thanks. Not all guy who use a metal detector know to find properly.

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