Getting Digging permissions

Ask in person if possible. Calling only makes it easier for the person to say no. I always go to the door by myself. Don't wear your hunting tools. Be courteous and friendly. Don't take a negative response personally. Hope this helps.

Exactly what KS Coyote wrote and you can do a search on youtube for metal detecting permission for a take on how some others have done it. All comes down to getting that first attempt out of the way and don't be nervous, you are not doing anything wrong and actually doing everything right by asking! :)

Don't put all of your eggs in one basket. If you plan on asking permission for one place, have at least two or there other back up places to ask. That way if the first guy says no you have more options.

Try to ask the husband if possible. They seem to be more laid back when giving you permission, perhaps because they understand the hobby more.

Dress nice and always ask in person. People are more comfortable talking to someone who looks nice and cleaned up.

In addition to what everyone else had written, I'll add this: I notice that in your post title, you use the word "digging". And then again in your post, you allude to the hobby as digging/dug as well. Loose that from your vocabulary, at least if we're talking about turfed yards anyhow. You "metal detect" and you "find" or "retrieve". Don't use the evil "d" word, if you're talking in the context of turf. It only conjurs up the image of "holes".

If they were to ask you "how do you get the targets out of the ground", then yes, you'll have to address that. My usual pet line is: "you won't even be able to tell I was here". :)

You've got to be a salesperson. Sell yourself. Look in the mirror. Do you smile or frown? Is your smile genuine? People can see right through a fake smile.

Are you clean? Scraggly? Unshaven? Clean hair? Knocking on the door of an old house most-likely will produce old people at the door. They take note of these things.

Are your clothes clean? Are your clothes conservative? Its another thing people look at. If you are wearing grungy pants hanging off your butt, I'll bet you will find that is a detriment to successful permission-asking.

Speak evenly and with assertion. Know what you are saying, and say what you mean. Dont cloud the conversation with gobbledygook that the person doesnt understand. The ABC's of good communication are ACCURACY, BREVITY, and CLARITY.

1. Tell them exactly what you'd like to do and where you want to search.
2. Be brief. Don't ramble on. Dont waste their time or yours.
3. Be specific. Be clear. Be simple.

Do all this above and be sincere, and you'll have no problems getting some permissions. What I do, after I hunt is tell them I am leaving and thank them profusely for their permission. I also try to fit in a, "and can I please get your name and address so that I can put this in my log book?" If they consent, I send them a thank you card and a Christmas card. Its an added expense, but you would not believe how many extra "add-on" places that I have gotten to hunt because the first people told their friends how nice I was. You catch more flies with sugar than you do with vinegar!

Thank you everyone. Great advise. I teach high school and middle school art, so being a teacher I think my teacher ID might be a help. Everyone trusts a teacher...I hope. Thanks again everyone!

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