gold bar


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Feb 29, 2016
NW Minnesota
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A 2-box detector would probably be your best bet. There are units that have both boxes mounted on a single shaft that is hand-carried while detecting, and another variety that sends either electrical pulses or sound waves into the ground and then tries to distinguish what gets reflected back. For 6' down, the hand-carry model would be better. There's a good article that lists the different models available at:
2-Box Metal Detector Reviews


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What makes you think there is a 400 oz bar at least 6' down? Buried with someone? :laughing7:


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Mar 23, 2007
Salinas, CA
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What makes you think there is a 400 oz bar at least 6' down?...

He doesn't "think" anything. He's 100% certain. Did you see his post on the general discussion page ? And as usual, all such treasures in the Philippines are, of necessity "6 to 9 ft. down".

There was even a guy on the Yamashita section of T'net who had dug 89 ft. at last count. Mind you, it's never because the treasure isn't 100% certainly there. The fact of not finding it at those insane depths merely means "it must be deeper". No amount of digging and finding nothing will convince them there's no treasure. It always only means: "it must be deeper yet".

Kind of like the Oak Island nonsense story, eh ? Believers will always continue to assume: "then it must be deeper...." No amount of counter persuasion and alternative explanations to the clues (showing them how telephone game works to explain away their clues), will dissuade them.

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Nov 12, 2012
Cincinnati Ohio
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Especially since no metal detectors even existed when these treasures were buried. Out of site would be plenty deep and a whole lot easier to retrieve later.


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Mar 23, 2007
Salinas, CA
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Especially since no metal detectors even existed when these treasures were buried. Out of site would be plenty deep and a whole lot easier to retrieve later.

Bingo. If the intent of burial is to "hide" an object, then ask yourself: What difference did 1 ft versus 6 ft. make ? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. As long as the surface was covered and fluffed up back to normal, then 1 ft. versus 6 foot is EQUALLY hidden.

I could *possibly* understand the mentality if you were trying to hide something from the next passerby who has a metal detector. But you bring out an excellent point that such detectors did not exist in 1943.

And if you've ever dug a hole EVEN IN SAND to 6 ft. deep, you know it's a back-breaker hard job . There's a beach where we dig pits to find coins lodged in bedrock (which is between 2 to 6 ft. deep on this particular cove-bay beach). And BELIEVE ME, @ the times we dug to 6 ft. deep, it took a LONG time. Because to get a single 1 ft. square area of size at the bottom of your hole, means the top has to be exponentially 6x bigger across the top. Ie.: like an ice-cream cone shape. Because otherwise your sides of your hole continually cave in. Even in wet-sand. So for us to get a single foot of real estate at the bottom our holes, your top mouth of the hole was way-much-bigger across.

Bottle diggers would be another to vouch for this: a 6 ft. deep hole takes a lot of work. And then go figure: If Joe Blow conceivably intended to some day return, then why oh why oh why does he make it harder on himself to retrieve ? And the effort to "erase all evidence" of having dug a hole will be much harder for the guy who just dug a 6 ft. pit, versus the guy who dug a 1 ft. pit (d/t the interum size of mess you will @ the surface).

Yet for some strange reason, the stories that emanate out of certain areas, are always 6 to 9 ft (or meters) deep. And humorously, the more valuable the treasure, then the more deeply it must be buried.



Hero Member
Jul 27, 2016
South East Asia
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tom your 100% correct ive seen it myself many of times with my own eyes here .......ive seen many 50 foot holes and nothing just a scam ....... ive seen a dig down only 7 feet and find what some soldiers stolen in the area .....tom since no one here can give me answer about how deep i must be able to look down to the coral which is about 6 feet down before i give up ..... even if its only 4 feet deep its still very hard to dig 4 feet in strong current......i hope u realize ive seen the sand move over 6 feet in depth just due to the seasonal changes here and remember in the sea here the water very very deep not one of those scam artists here i ask for only ideas if i dont get a signal from a detector i give up ......ive only spent my own money and time not some investors its just a boring place here its its just a hobby im not making a living off bs like many others here


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Mar 23, 2007
Salinas, CA
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Explorer II, Compass 77b, Tesoro shadow X2
666, sure , you're not fishing for investors like the stories you chalk us BS and thievery scams. Granted. But so-too do a lot of the stories of treasures there likewise also not have investment schemes involved. There's no shortage of sincere people, like you, who truly believe to 100% they've "found a treasure". And , like you, are not scams, are not seeking investors, etc... Yet "sincerity" does not equate necessarily to meaning "it's truly there". There's lots of sincere people who are chasing stories that simply are not there.



Hero Member
Jul 27, 2016
South East Asia
Primary Interest:
i only need info

666, sure , you're not fishing for investors like the stories you chalk us BS and thievery scams. Granted. But so-too do a lot of the stories of treasures there likewise also not have investment schemes involved. There's no shortage of sincere people, like you, who truly believe to 100% they've "found a treasure". And , like you, are not scams, are not seeking investors, etc... Yet "sincerity" does not equate necessarily to meaning "it's truly there". There's lots of sincere people who are chasing stories that simply are not there.

tom i live here ....i dont need this treasure or the money or any one money i ask for nothing ,,,,,, if your right about the depth and its there ,,,,, i dig it up in one night by myself ,,,,, if its deep some how ill use my dredge,,,,,i have nothing better to do here .....eye witness told me he seen 2 navy guys in a row boat that evening on this beach 13 years ago ....large number of navy guys swam ashore 15kms from this spot that day .....i have many other facts i dont want to mention here because theres to many scam artists reading this site i know what boat...... it was heading back to japan never made it one ever mention gold when they told me this information ....entil some japanese treasure hunter showed up with his map thats when gold came about .....this treasure hunter guy told my friend the exact info i already knew ......thats y i believe it there or its been found


Gold Member
Mar 23, 2007
Salinas, CA
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Explorer II, Compass 77b, Tesoro shadow X2
identical info to all the other Philippine stories. They all have "maps". They all have "eyewitnesses". They all saw govt. officials snooping around suspiciously. They all see/saw funny symbols on rocks. They all researched it for many years. They all heard of Japanese troup movements in the area during the war. They are all sincere and "don't need the money". They all "aren't seeking investors". They all say theirs is the true one, while 99.9 % of the others are silly fables.

And if you ultimately find out there's no treasure there, that will only mean "someone beat you to it". Or "it's deeper" . Never that there wasn't actually treasure there. For example, notice your followup replies to us keep concentrating on the depth of sinkage, methods of recovery, etc.... While any other food for thought (the possibility it doesn't exist) is simply not being heard. Thus the filter of your hearing is doing exactly as I'm saying.

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Gold Member
Feb 23, 2007
North Central Florida
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I've always wondered why someone would bury a treasure, a BIG treasure... a flipping massive treasure~

...and then carve a map to it in large unmovable huge rocks nearby pointing to the treasure and never come back.

I believe I'd bury it, then immediately kill anyone else who helped bury it or knew where it was. I certainly wouldn't spend the next couple of years moving massive rocks around while aligning them with the stars and sun, all while carving additional clues into everything nearby.

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Gold Member
Mar 23, 2007
Salinas, CA
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Explorer II, Compass 77b, Tesoro shadow X2
G.I.B. sort of defeats the purpose of "hiding" it, to then subsequently go mark the spots with all sorts of arrows and clues, eh ? And pass out maps to all sorts of yahoos to have. Or to have done it in the full-view of eye-witnesses (who subsequently spin the story to others when they're now 80 yrs. old, but you have stop and ask yourself : " why didn't they just go get the treasure ?". None of it makes any sense does it. But this will not dissuade the faithful.



Hero Member
Jul 27, 2016
South East Asia
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ive seen them some are real ...99% of the ones on the internet are fake ....just for your knowledge they only used markers (the ones that are real maybe 1% of the ones i seen ) in the jungle or mountain places wheres theres no roads , churches , schools or other land marks ....its so they could return and find the spot ..... only one time i seen someone find something with a marker .......say u have 1000 troops half of them are thieves they stole everything of valve ....each one of these soldier had something well 99.9% of markers that are real is this something ...something that was in there pocket or pack .....the natural gold mined in negros are made in 1 kilo bars maybe there was a few hundred of these in the area over the 3 years .....theres many stories here of people finding one bar some are true .......but theres no facts of anyone ever finding a large amount say more then a 100 kilos here .....theres no written ship logs which are on the internet of any ship to negros ( over 2000 ships in the philippines ) ....that brought gold here.... the japanese keep great records which ive seen them online ....this totally 100% supports toms attitude about treasure here .... i dont call 1 kilo bar , silver coins ,gold cup , some jewery or even a few bars a treasure .....those big stories are luzon not here the 100s of tresure sites here in negros are all scams


Gold Member
Mar 23, 2007
Salinas, CA
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Explorer II, Compass 77b, Tesoro shadow X2
666, on the one hand, you're acknowledging that treasure lore is a dime a dozen, and that there's alternate explanations to why the stories aren't true. Yet on the other hand, you keep going back to believing your particular pursuit is a true treasure. Could it be that yours too is just another example of telephone game ?

As for the treasures you say have been recovered, let me shine a light on that:

SO TOO did I hear of "recoveries" by other people, when I got ready to go to Mexico on a treasure hunt (Mexico is another country that is steeped in treasure lores and stories). My host had several stories of recoveries. So, like you, I'm thinking "How can anyone argue with that !!?? Let's go !! Certainly there can be more then !!" :hello2:

Then once we got down to these high-mountain villages of the Sierra Madres, and once we began to find zilch, I began to ask more questions:

Like before we had left the USA, my host had told of coins recovered by a particular friend or relative of his , in the village we were now at. So eventually , since I was curious to see the coins, I asked my host to please introduce me to the "guy who found some coins". Eventually, we tracked the guy down. WELL GUESS WHAT ?? Turns out he didn't actually find the coins himself. But rather, he knew the guy who found them. Ok, no problem, so I ask this person "Can you please introduce me to that person?". After much reminding and persistence, I finally get introduced to the other person. WELL GUESS WHAT ?? Turns out that they too weren't the ones who actually found the coins either :icon_scratch: But not to worry, as they got it on reliable source from their cousin. And so you track down that cousin. BUT GUESS WHAT ? They too never actually saw the coins. But not to worry, because they heard it on good authority from someone else.

AND SO ON, AND SO FORTH to perpetual regression. Very quickly I realized that there was never actually any coins, and that this is all a camp-fire story gone awry. But notice how NO MATTER HOW MANY HANDS THE STORY PASSES THROUGH, that the end person still considers it "first hand info".

So too do I suspect is going on with the recovery stories you hear in the Philippines.

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Gold Member
Mar 23, 2007
Salinas, CA
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Explorer II, Compass 77b, Tesoro shadow X2
Another time, a Mexican immigrant, recently arrived from Mexico to the USA, saw me metal detecting. He got his daughter to come out to translate, and had some questions about what type metal detector to buy. After awhile, he launched into a treasure story, and showed me a Mexican coin from the 1800's. Said it was found in Mexico, and he knew the location and suspected more should be there.

But upon scrutiny and questioning, his story began to fall apart. Turns out he didn't actually find the coin . He bought it from someone who told him where it had been found. Do you smell the same problem I smelled at this point ? Old coins can be bought and sold (ebay, etc...) all the time. And anyone can spin a tale of how they "found" it. Then the buyer simply takes the story on face value. In fact, I'll bet the person who sold this guy that coin, probably HIMSELF simply bought it from another guy. And THAT guy likewise bought it from someone else.

See how the telephone game works ?



Hero Member
Jul 27, 2016
South East Asia
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tom now i realize y you know so much........ mexico and the philippines are the same exact bs these people here also drive me crazy with there lies and the treasure hunters are even worse then the natives .....just remember ive spent 13 years here and the phoney bars , coins , maps , bills ive seen it all ..... i think its worse here .....out 1000s of stories ive shot holes in every one but this one i still believe i could be wrong but if im wrong its not because of some phoney story i never believe people here once they mention the word gold or if they try to grift rum drink ,,,,,tom u keep up the good work warning people on this site and good luck next time u look in mexico have a nice day tom


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Mar 3, 2013
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Tom, I think you covered everything quite well :)


Gold Member
Feb 23, 2007
North Central Florida
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CTX 3030 / GTI 2500 / Infinium LS / Tesoro Sand Shark / 1 Garrett Pro-pointer / 1 Carrot / Vibra Probe 580 (out on loan) / Lesche M85 / Mark1 MOD1 EyeBall
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Or perhaps Tom just doesn't want anyone else looking for treasure.

hmmmmmmmmmm....... :icon_scratch:


Silver Member
Mar 8, 2014
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Or perhaps Tom just doesn't want anyone else looking for treasure.

hmmmmmmmmmm....... :icon_scratch:

I think your on to something!!!! Toms sitting at his computer desk right now with stacks of gold and silver he found on past hunts........ He's trying to chase us off and keep it for himself!!! He has that bar pinpointed right now........I know, because a guy, that a guys wife knows, that knows his neighbor, that knows him told me! The neighbor was peeking in his windows!! I'm not sure if it was that Tom, but who else could it be? All you have to do is put it all together and it becomes clear!

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Bronze Member
Jun 8, 2016
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All Treasure Hunting
.....eye witness told me he seen 2 navy guys in a row boat that evening on this beach 13 years ago ....large number of navy guys swam ashore 15kms from this spot that day .....i have many other facts i dont want to mention here because theres to many scam artists reading this site i know what boat......

The only fact in your above statement is the fact that you spoke to someone. That does not make the information they provided a fact.

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