Gold House Trilolgy Questions


Sr. Member
Apr 19, 2009
I received the Gold House Trilogy "hard back" books yesterday and I’m having trouble with the citation nomenclature. It’s probably something simple but I’m lost. John Clarence uses the following notation. For example on page 287 (Book 1) there is a reference O. Noss op. cit. p3. I know it stands for “in the work cited” but when I go to Page 3, I don’t see the connection?

It along with many other examples appear all through the book. I think this particular one may have something to do with Ova’s 1975 deposition but I can’t make the connection.

I “think”, I also read a post that indicated there was to be a 4th book that contained images of additional documents that were used in preparing the book. Am I on track or dreaming? If anyone knows whether it is still planned or completed, I would appreciate a heads-up.

One last question for the time being. What is the provenance of the photos showing Doc on the bumper of the pickup? Who took the pictures, what is the repository of the originals, are there other crime scene photos, etc. The only thing I found in the book was that all of the photos appearing were either from the Noss Family Collection, Credited within the book, or were pictures in the public domain (Internet?).

Thanks in Advance,


That photo is titled " Nap Time "

no help can I give on those books nor original source of photo

posted on another thread , and you may already have it

is Contact info for the authors

there is a webpage for the books you can check

That Photo was a copy from the crime scene photo's

where those are reposited at this moment ?

But if you wish to get the full investigation documents

Contact County Court House in I believe it was LUNA County NM .

A friend of mine got all the Court Case documents years ago

he said they were in a storage shed behind the house of the Woman who was the Court Staff

but so much of this legacy is o inundated with bogus statements

and some ,,,

never mind

good luck

Last edited:
I received the Gold House Trilogy "hard back" books yesterday and I’m having trouble with the citation nomenclature. It’s probably something simple but I’m lost. John Clarence uses the following notation. For example on page 287 (Book 1) there is a reference O. Noss op. cit. p3. I know it stands for “in the work cited” but when I go to Page 3, I don’t see the connection?

It along with many other examples appear all through the book. I think this particular one may have something to do with Ova’s 1975 deposition but I can’t make the connection.

I “think”, I also read a post that indicated there was to be a 4th book that contained images of additional documents that were used in preparing the book. Am I on track or dreaming? If anyone knows whether it is still planned or completed, I would appreciate a heads-up.

One last question for the time being. What is the provenance of the photos showing Doc on the bumper of the pickup? Who took the pictures, what is the repository of the originals, are there other crime scene photos, etc. The only thing I found in the book was that all of the photos appearing were either from the Noss Family Collection, Credited within the book, or were pictures in the public domain (Internet?).

Thanks in Advance,


I just emailed Jack and will see what he says. As a thought though, most of the pictures came from the Noss Family Archives. That's probably what the citation will say.

I bought the books the day they came available even though I had been given advance copies. I think I got the fourth book already.


I just emailed Jack and will see what he says. As a thought though, most of the pictures came from the Noss Family Archives. That's probably what the citation will say.

I bought the books the day they came available even though I had been given advance copies. I think I got the fourth book already.



Thanks for help. I have been to their web site but I didn't spot a way to contact anyone with specific questions.

Who is Jack?



Thanks for help. I have been to their web site but I didn't spot a way to contact anyone with specific questions.

Who is Jack?


That's the real first name of the writer (John Clarence).


He just replied and said that he has not released that addendum to the trilogy yet.

The reason is because he is working on another VP book that deals more with the military cover up and the Watergate Connection than the find itself. He is using a lot of that documentation for this book as well.



You posted earlier in one of the threads.

Willie Doughitt(Larry Foreman)= While not knowing exactly anything, what we do know is that the man lived in San Diego from about 1933 until 1998. Did not have a job. He paid for treatment of his brain tumor out of his own pocket, and when he died, his estate was still $3.5 million. To me THAT says something.

John Clarence references a similar story. $3.8 million estate, I believe. If this story has been researched in depth and posted elsewhere, I apologize and would appreciate some guidance on locating the research.

My first thought on reading this story was that there must be a long trail of public documents for Willie; probate, name change?, etc. I would appreciate any hard information on Willie that would get me started. Death Date, Obituary, Where the money went (Heirs), Larry Foreman, etc

I'm sure someone has ran much of this information down and verified that Willie had an estate of millions, but I would still like to satisfy myself. At present, I see very few alternatives where Willie could have accumulated that kind of money from some legitimate source (business, inheritance, etc.)

Maybe Noss is a dead end and Willie is the real story!!

Thanks in advance for any information that anyone can share,



You posted earlier in one of the threads.

Willie Doughitt(Larry Foreman)= While not knowing exactly anything, what we do know is that the man lived in San Diego from about 1933 until 1998. Did not have a job. He paid for treatment of his brain tumor out of his own pocket, and when he died, his estate was still $3.5 million. To me THAT says something.

John Clarence references a similar story. $3.8 million estate, I believe. If this story has been researched in depth and posted elsewhere, I apologize and would appreciate some guidance on locating the research.

My first thought on reading this story was that there must be a long trail of public documents for Willie; probate, name change?, etc. I would appreciate any hard information on Willie that would get me started. Death Date, Obituary, Where the money went (Heirs), Larry Foreman, etc

I'm sure someone has ran much of this information down and verified that Willie had an estate of millions, but I would still like to satisfy myself. At present, I see very few alternatives where Willie could have accumulated that kind of money from some legitimate source (business, inheritance, etc.)

Maybe Noss is a dead end and Willie is the real story!!

Thanks in advance for any information that anyone can share,



I believe it was his girlfriend that got his estate.

His birth name Doughit is pronounced (Doth-it). I didn't do the research on him. Others before me had done it and found him. I was surprised to find that Buster Ward lived into (at least) the 1990s. Someone tracked him down and got his side of the story, which roughly coincided with Willie's.

Its even a strong possibility that Willie murdered a boy named Jack Reynolds. Story goes that Jack Reynolds found the maps in an old adobe at Ft Selden. His adoptive mother (Margaret Perrone) helped him figure out the maps and find the gold. Willie saw the boy with gold bars, followed him to the cave then shot him in the back. What is known is that the boy disappeared shortly before Willie and Buster got wealthy. Jacks new red wool coat was found with two bullet holes in the back.


If I am not mistaken. Margaret Perrone was the woman that run the nursing home in t or c, she was also one of doc's girlfriends , she give a death bed confession about going to the site with doc. np:cat:


The Larry Foreman reference finally turned the light on and I think I have a good foothold on Willie. It will take awhile to sort through everything but I am moving!



I have set the Noss story aside for awhile to take a look at Willie Douthit. Willie seems to be quite a different person than I had conjured up in my mind. I had an image of a poor itinerant farm boy with little education who used his wits to survive in a tough environment. I’m still not sure where Willie got his money but that may be something that will take some research from somewhere other than what is available on the internet.

Anyway, I’ve got a structure and rough timeline in place using “documents” and I’m trying to pick up any other sources for Willie.

According to John Clarence, Willie was interviewed and videoed in 1989. Is there anything that anyone can share regarding the background and content?

Who conducted the video interview?
Where was it conducted (CA NM,…)?
How long it is (minutes)?
Is there any access of the general public to the video?


Have you (or anyone else, for that matter) seen the complete video or excerpts?

If so, did Willie talk about his personal life and family or was it all focused on Willie’s involvement in the treasures stories?

Any details anyone can share would be appreciated or better yet post a link to the video!:icon_thumleft:


I have set the Noss story aside for awhile to take a look at Willie Douthit. Willie seems to be quite a different person than I had conjured up in my mind. I had an image of a poor itinerant farm boy with little education who used his wits to survive in a tough environment. I’m still not sure where Willie got his money but that may be something that will take some research from somewhere other than what is available on the internet.

Anyway, I’ve got a structure and rough timeline in place using “documents” and I’m trying to pick up any other sources for Willie.

According to John Clarence, Willie was interviewed and videoed in 1989. Is there anything that anyone can share regarding the background and content?

Who conducted the video interview?
Where was it conducted (CA NM,…)?
How long it is (minutes)?
Is there any access of the general public to the video?


Have you (or anyone else, for that matter) seen the complete video or excerpts?

If so, did Willie talk about his personal life and family or was it all focused on Willie’s involvement in the treasures stories?

Any details anyone can share would be appreciated or better yet post a link to the video!:icon_thumleft:


Hey Garry,

Oren gave me copies of both Willie's and Tony Jolley's Interviews. Since they are technically property of the Noss Family, I can't post them. Alex Alonso did the actual interviews. I haven't spoken to him in a while, but I will email him and see. Alex (or John Clarence) posted this teaser on youtube a while back:


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