Goldpanning ban in Wales, UK

An Ri Rua

Full Member
Apr 7, 2008
On da money
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Mermet brass pendulum; Aqua Locator (antique), Luddite Skeptic detector
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An Ri Rua said:

Clearly, there's been people trying to dredge and stuff like that. Now even simple panning will be seized upon as environmentally destructive..... As against a river in high flood?? Gimme a break.

If the price of gold keeps going the direction its headed, a 20K fine might not matter :laughing9:
Your tax dollars at work!

Me thinks that folks with a more conservative point of view need to start running for public office and take charge of the way the government functions in relation to the use of public lands.


Gramps43 said:
Me thinks that folks with a more conservative point of view need to start running for public office and take charge of the way the government functions in relation to the use of public lands.


Couldn't agree with you more Gramps!!
Gold Nuggets :hello:

hey Gramps
Me thinks that folks with a more conservative point of view need to start running for public office and take charge of the way the government functions in relation to the use of public lands.

like others i am 100% in agreement, but everytime a conservative runs for a public office/position the media hammers on them and were out number 3 libs to every 1 conservative voter in California.

i know there are some that are tired of me posting sh** like this, but the truth is its time to wake people up and there are a lot people that have the mindset "oh, it can't happen here" mentality
hjere is a link that shows the overreaching environmetal crap kicking people out for a bird and a frog

no manly outdoor activities is immune, well unless your a dam/lib donkeybackend sniffing bird watching environmentalist


The biggest problem I see is that most of the conservatives that run for office 'ain't got no balls." When a lefty media type says something that is absolute crap they should jumped right back in their face and say "PROVE IT" and when the media twink hems & haws jump in again with the facts and keep slamm'n um home. But like I said conservative political types just don't have an agressive nature, they just want to be liked. That's why my man is Herman Cain, he doesn't care if you don't like him on a personal level, he wants you to like what he says about saving this country form the ash heap of history.

Another thing conservatives don't have is debate smarts, know your facts forward & backwards, be polite but don't be afraid to say his opponent is wrong and prove it. And for heavens sake act like a man instead of a panty-waist. If it should be a woman act like a cat back into a corner and shred your opponent mercilessly.


2cmorau said:
hey Gramps
Me thinks that folks with a more conservative point of view need to start running for public office and take charge of the way the government functions in relation to the use of public lands.

like others i am 100% in agreement, but everytime a conservative runs for a public office/position the media hammers on them and were out number 3 libs to every 1 conservative voter in California.

i know there are some that are tired of me posting sh** like this, but the truth is its time to wake people up and there are a lot people that have the mindset "oh, it can't happen here" mentality
hjere is a link that shows the overreaching environmetal crap kicking people out for a bird and a frog

no manly outdoor activities is immune, well unless your a dam/lib donkeybackend sniffing bird watching environmentalist

2cmorau made me a believer in his rants....LOL, i hated on him for it but after I actually read the stuff he was posting it all makes since and we need to put our foot down and stop these tree-huggers

IF WE Americans do not put a stop to the type of "government out of control" that we currently have the main liberty we will have will be to work for the government and stay at home when we are not working for the government! And in case you can not read between the lines, it will no longer be the land of the free!

IF the U.S. Gov. keeps going the way it is we will very shortly be living in cardboard dwellings, circa 1920's, and everything will be illegal. Life could get ugly real soon. Look around, things are not good! When gold jumps to $1600 an ounce it means the country is in deep do do. Honesty, Integrity, Knowledgeable, Wisdom and a few more words like these need to be in the White House, Congress, State Governments, etc. and I do not see much of that on the horizon. Lets see, right here in good ole CA the Governor just extended educational benefits to illegal alliens?? Come on now they have not even input money to help run the government and WE the People are paying for illegal alliens to be educated and what else are we paying for that we should not be.

PLEASE prove me wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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