Good combination: Hookaj and metal detecting

That is on my wish list for next year. Or if I can swing it sometime this year if I am lucky....Matt

Re: Good combination: Hookah and metal detecting

Nice video, thanks for sharing. I can't wait to get out there in the water with my Excal next month.

skt :)

Egads, don't get me started of thinking how nice Hookah's are as I might get one again. Mine was a Kneen Engineering job that lasted over 10 years and I don't know how many dives.

to solve the problem of trip after trip and help lugging the heavy Hookah... I use my little girls red wagon..... can get everything in it and carry the rest in one trip...... and helps to pull the system as opposed to carrying it forever

FloridaTreasureFinder said:
mlayers said:
That is on my wish list for next year. Or if I can swing it sometime this year if I am lucky....Matt
If not this year, maybe next year with tax refund?? Just a thought. :)

I'm waiting my tax Return just to buy My hookaj.

;D ;D

Loved the OneRepublic song on that video... :thumbsup:

Bran <><

MT Pockets said:
Hookah's are Nice to have.. I bought one from a Tnet Member several months ago...I got a really good deal on it..

The only problem is it's a "Drag".. :laughing7:

I've took it out a couple of times.. Got to the Beach.....

Lugged it All the way to the water.. Ran all the way back to the truck to drop off the things that I wasn't going to use...

Like; extra Reg, duffel bag, hard case, etc....

Then went and Grabbed the Detectors, wetsuits, etc.....

Hookahs are fine.. if your with a couple or few people.. this way you have help lugging everything back and fourth
while doing a beach dive.. It's a workout.... especially when it's a Long Haul to the beach from where you park..

I ended up selling it. and bought a Excal II and other toys..

You also have to make sure that your aware of the Surf Conditions.. Before you head out and make a trip....

Hookah is different than "Diving" you have to make sure that there aren't any waves ..sorta speak.. cause if your getting a lot of wave action
your taking a risk of swamping your hookah.. and that can be costly...

even salt spray isn't really good for it..

Thanks for the input. I'm a certified diver and Hookaj diving is not the same than tank diving because you don't breath compressed air into your lungs, and you don't have to observe uncompressed stop, if you dive less than one atmosphere( 30ft.). The manufacturer recommend do uncompressed stop anyway, if you dive more than 30ft.


Sandman said:
Egads, don't get me started of thinking how nice Hookah's are as I might get one again. Mine was a Kneen Engineering job that lasted over 10 years and I don't know how many dives.

I was glad to here you say "Keene's" as I have just purchased one and it should get here soon. Just as the ocean begins to calm down and behave itself. :laughing9:

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