Good Luck Customs


Hero Member
Oct 27, 2011
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Acquired some new ground in December and as in the past we will do our little custom of initiating new claims. This year will be using metals & minerals to hopefully gather metal & minerals.

Does it really work?....Not sure but what I do know is that not only is it fun but we have family memories that last a life time. ( Attached picture explains this years custom )

[FONT=&quot]Do you have any good luck customs before or during your adventure and would like to share them....?

2018 New Claim Initiation.jpg

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When I go out I always say.... "Today I'm gonna find some F'n GOLD!!!!" Does it work? Usually not...……..

I wear the same pants all week.

Does that count?

when my shorts get dirty I just turn them inside out and back on they go...….

i leave a few dinks in my snuffer bottle. does the trick most the time.

I always say a little prayer that my day goes well and that I stop and admire the things that I see that day. I do more searching for open areas and do alot of ground work so the things I come across are all new to me. As long as I come back in one piece without getting hurt or too tired I'm thankful. If I was stuck in an area mining the ground I suppose I would have a custom like when I go to a casino.

i leave a few dinks in my snuffer bottle. does the trick most the time.

Sometimes I leave my snuffer. or nugget detecting vial at home.

Sorta murphys law..

Damn i found a picker and don't have anything to put it in!!!

It's work. Luckily i Have a zippered pouch in my pack. I've put cons in one of my sandwich bags.


I have a Florida Gator's baseball cap that I've had for many, many years (it looks like it's been salvaged from a dump, that bad, yes), and I've worn it many times on the first trip into a new claim or goldfield when I'm going to detect for nuggets. Does it work to help find gold? I have no idea, but it definitely establishes a comfort zone, so I guess it's a custom, but I should have some kind of ceremony too, an interesting idea . . .

I can see why your ceremony is something you all look forward to, looks like a fun time the way you have it set up, great looking items used too.

All the best,


When I go out I always say.... "Today I'm gonna find some F'n GOLD!!!!" Does it work? Usually not...……..

i always im gunna get a 1 ouncer, ill settle for a 2 ouncer. confidence is key!

I say "if I leave now, I will be home on time".

Sometimes I leave my snuffer. or nugget detecting vial at home.

Sorta murphys law..

Damn i found a picker and don't have anything to put it in!!!

Had the same thing happen last season. Forgot my vial and found a picker so I put it in my lower lip and while walking back to the PU I stumble on a rock and spit the picker Anyways...after 10 min or so I found it again with the Monster.....

Had the same thing happen last season. Forgot my vial and found a picker so I put it in my lower lip and while walking back to the PU I stumble on a rock and spit the picker Anyways...after 10 min or so I found it again with the Monster.....

That's a great story that could have had a far worse outcome.

A friend of mine had a handful of nuggets, a horsefly nailed him on the shoulder, and reflex kicked in: he got the horsefly with the hand that held the gold! The gold flew into a very large growth of nasty low-growing juniper, impenetrable stuff. And, there the gold rests to this day . . .

All the best, enjoyed your story,


I think I would have built a bond fire, with that juniper centered in the middle.

I think I would have built a bond fire, with that juniper centered in the middle.

Well, if there was only a way to do it and stop the rest of the forest from jumping in on the BBQ, it likely would have worked.

All the best,


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