got a bad cold.. its feed a cold, right?


Gold Member
Jun 5, 2014
mid western ARK
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XP Deus with 9"LF and 9" HF Coils and 600 Equinox with stock and 6" coils
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Relic Hunting
so much for detecting today, can't breath, sneeze all the time, ache all over, can't smell anything or taste much of anything. so great time for hot and spicy corn on the cob, sweet potatoes with brown sugar and butter and terriaki steak shiskabobs with jalopenos. the spicy stuff momentarily helped open the sinuses and at least I could sort of taste the food. working on the raw nose right now, the good thing is at least I can see everyone else's great finds. guess its time to make soup again...

I thought it was drown a cold, preferably with bourbon, the alcohol sterilizes the innards, and if you drink enough, you don't care if you have a cold.

Dirtlooter. Brother. Listen to me.

Eat Kimchee. Its one of the worlds leading superfoods. It may take some getting used to if you are a white anglo saxon like me, but its worth it. Very healthy and it will grow on you.

Take these 3 times a day: Products | Emergen-C This stuff has been around since the sixties, and me and the missus swear by it. It will kick a cold right in the arse, and if you take it when another person close to you has a cold, you wont get it.

I know you may not want to hear everyone's remedies, but alas - advice is free, right? :laughing7:

Sometimes when I am burring brush and there is Poison Ivy involved. Inhaling the smoke by accident can cause problems like you have described. Hope ya get well so!

You have time to check Googel Earth for new locations and drink moon shine oh yeah store bought of course ...... Is there any other kind lol

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so much for detecting today, can't breath, sneeze all the time, ache all over, can't smell anything or taste much of anything. so great time for hot and spicy corn on the cob, sweet potatoes with brown sugar and butter and terriaki steak shiskabobs with jalopenos. the spicy stuff momentarily helped open the sinuses and at least I could sort of taste the food. working on the raw nose right now, the good thing is at least I can see everyone else's great finds. guess its time to make soup again...
Yeah, when I get a head cold I lose my taste...last couple of colds Ive had a big appetite for some reason.

Hi Dirtlooter.

When I get even the slightest cold I get real problems with my ears, pain and discomfort for over a month.

Any way, I came across this stuff called Turkey tail mushrooms nearly two years ago, and since I started taking it I have not had the slightest sniffle.

I highly recommend at least looking into it

Drink heavily.

hope you are feeling better. when ever i feel a cold coming on i take zinc. knocks it right out.

Guaifenesin, it's the expectorant, that thins and loosens mucus, so you can spit them nastys out. It's over the counter, usually walgereen/cvs brand(save a few bucks). It can also come with a cough suppresent, if you're hurting from coughing so much.

Nyquil, for quick liquid fever reducer, and to sleep. The Mr likes alka seltzer capsules, meh.
Lots of gatorade with lotsa water chaser, whatever you can get in you to eat and I like the chewable Centrum vitamins.
Also, I put boiling water in a bowl, towel over the head, breathe moist air breathing treatment, seems to help. Deep breathing is beneficial, period. You know how you seem to feel better after a shower or it helps get them nastys out, the warm moist air, imo. Oh and brushing teeth washing face will help stimulate salivary/mucus glands, keep that stuff running. It's when it sits, it starts getting bacterial infection.

Hope you better, and if you ain't, get with your PCP doctor or walk-in clinic. Good luck and best wishes.

thanks everyone, chest is sore from coughing, feels like i am ripping out the lungs when I cough but the good thing is that it has subsided somewhat. yesterday was starved, today haven't eaten the first thing yet, just liquids. aw its just a stupid cold but they are always so aggravating and you feel like you just got ran over.....the plus side, I'm not puking my brains out or stomach boiling over. had some sort of Moroccan soup last night, tasted like chili with incense in it. in a couple of days it will just be a bad memory

Dirtlooter, don't do what I did back in the mid '60s. I had a cold. Got off work on Saturday evening, drove about 16 miles to nearest liquor store. The county where I lived was 'dry'. I bought a half pint of whiskey, and went home.
I intended to drink a couple or three shot glasses of whiskey, get under the covers, and 'sweat it out'. I had heard this was a great way to get rid of a cold. This was in November, temp in the lower 30s that night.
Well, I sat on the side of the bed, had a shot glass in one hand, and the half pint in the other. I poured a glass full and sipped it slowly. I was never one that could just down a shot of whiskey in a single gulp without losing my breath and almost choking to death. After I finished the first one, I poured a second. I remember watching Jackie Gleason and the Honeymooners as I sipped. After the second shot I decided that at least one more would be necessary. After the third, I thought I wasn't getting any 'effect' from those first three and decided to have a fourth.
Later, after finishing the entire bottle, I decided it was time to get under the covers. I knew I was 'feeling pretty good'; but didn't feel 'high'.
About 1:30 a.m., I woke up. My wife was still up watching a movie. I was laying on my back, looking up at the light on the ceiling. That darned light began slowly turning! About that time my stomach kinda 'lurched'. I headed for the bathroom. By the time I got there, I was feeling really sick. I threw up, and I threw up. I washed my face in cold water until I felt better. I went back to bed, for a few minutes, then back to the bathroom. Again I threw up, then I washed my face in cold water until I felt better. Then I went back to bed.
I slept, but about 5 a.m., I went back to the bathroom. I didn't feel sick, just needed to relieve the pressure in my bladder. By the time I had finished, my stomach started feeling sick again. I threw up again.
After getting into bed again, I noticed my wife was sound asleep. That's when the baby daughter began crying. I checked to make sure her diaper was ok, then warmed a bottle of formula. I fed her the formula, put her back into the crib, and started back for bed. I was exhausted and felt so bad I wondered if I should go to the emergency room.
Just as I started dozing off, I remembered that this was now Monday morning and I was supposed to be at work at 7 a.m.. Oh, no! I realized that I was in no shape to go to work! I called in sick. About 4 p.m. my boss called and asked how I was feeling. I told him that I was pretty sure I had a case of the flu. He told me to take it easy and let him know if I would be able to work Wednesday. I called him Tuesday and told him I would do my best to be at work on Thursday morning.
I don't know if I actually had the flu or if I had a three day hangover! Very seldom have I felt so bad as I did this time. I've had a few hangovers, not many. I've never known of one lasting very long; so I assume I really had the flu. lol

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