Ham radio talk: Bending rocks

Given the level of people that don't know what I'm talking about... I really shouldn't go into moon bounce, and Doppler tuning for that matter.

mikeofaustin said:
Given the level of people that don't know what I'm talking about... I really shouldn't go into moon bounce, and Doppler tuning for that matter.
I noticed you havn't contributed to the moon landing discussion ; perhaps you could bring your expertise to bare in helping to break the impasse that seems to have gripped the thread.

ah holding a intelligent chat on a topic --that few folks understand or even know of is of course difficult --and what folks no not know of they tend to mock --for fear of being called "unintelligent"
we all have subjects that we are "uninformed" about -- that doesn't make us dumb or stupid --far from it --often a "expert" is a person who knows more and more about less and less subject matter . -- he knows his "selected" subject deeply at a cost of overall general knowledge in some cases.

ivan salis said:
ah holding a intelligent chat on a topic --that few folks understand or even know of is of course difficult --and what folks no not know of they tend tomock --for fear of being called "unintelligent"
we all have subjects that we are "uninformed" about -- that doesn't make us dumb or stupid --far from it --often a "expert" is a person who knows more and more about less and less subject matter . -- he knows his "selected" subject deeply at a cost of overall general knowledge in some cases.

I couldn't have said it better (really). When I first started this topic, I labeled it "ham radio talk", hoping that it would be a sort of 'filter'. I was hoping that 'treasurehunting' also catered to the 'more mature' people.. and as you may know, you find a lot of HAM radio operators in a 'mature' group of people (the older we get, the more into that sort of thing we find ourselves). Perhaps i was hoping for that. I don't know. But, I still wasn't disappointing. People are always much better on this forum than on any other forum I know of... (insinuating mature people). ;).

On another forum, they would have already called me a pedophile, gay, satin lover. This is why I come to TNET. Mature people.

Moon bounce - An antenna that is transmitting from a transmitter, that is aimed toward the moon. Those 'electronic waves', are then picked up by 'receivers' from people that are also aiming their [receiving] antenna toward the moon, to pick up the transmitted signal. This is handy in case the 'line of sight' can not be seen from the horizon of the earth. Example. If you wanted to talk to a friend in Australia [from USA], you would bounce an RF signal off the moon, and they would receive it from picking up your signal from the moon. BUT, the problem exists where the moon is traveling very fast, and a 'Doppler shift' occurs, and generally the receiver is tasked with 'tuning in' this shift.

Of course there's also the recourse of bouncing AM off the stratosphere if the moon isn't available... but that's another topic... (I'm digging a huge hole here aren't I).

my grandfathers ham radio "handle" in the old days was "tree tops" - he was a chief engineer on merchant marine vessels -- it was via his ham radio "patches" that the crew got to talk with their wives back at home in the usa ( he often called my grandmother from south america--- the was a master of the "skip") --he had a old tube set at home so you know how long ago that was. --- in his will when hepassed it was noted that the ham radio went to the first one thaty got a license to use it --sadly I was only a child and it got "lost"in the shuffle over time.

your not a perv -- a techno geek maybe , but not a perv of any sort. --- I'm kinda a info / history geek -- folks are often amazed at the info stored in my head ( yes I was the straight "A" honors dork in history class in high school & capt of the chess club --but I still played as right tackle / guard on the football team as well --a "thinking jock" go figger)

45 years ago when I was a C.A.P. (Civil Air Patrol) cadet, we all had ham radios and Gonset's at home and Gonset's in our auto's. Boy those were the days. Had mine in a 1949 ford.



civil air patrol --watch out for those ruskies. -- "cap" was also a fighter pilot term -- flying "protective cover" for bombers or over a airfeild ( or any other asset) to prevent enemy bombers from hitting them.

had to have your ham radio's ready to report any russian planes you might "spot"

We ended up doing mostly search and rescue.
The Ruskies never showed.

My handle was "red fire 2-5"

I know just having fun -- but you were trained how to ID russian planes -- a lot of SAR work good training for youngsters --we need stuff like that tro keep kids minds "busy" these days -- lack of mental exersize --is making them dumb as a rock.

ivan salis said:
I know just having fun -- but you were trained how to ID russian planes -- a lot of SAR work good training for youngsters --we need stuff like that tro keep kids minds "busy" these days -- lack of mental exersize --is making the dumb as a rock.

We were trained to ID Any and All aircraft (weren't so many then)
Yeah, the youth today have really missed out on a lot of things, however the Civil Air Patrol cadet program is still available to teens 12 to 18. http://www.gocivilairpatrol.com/html/index.htm


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