Haunting Experiences/Spooky Stories



Halloweens Approaching. Do you have a scarey story to tell?

In my county we didnt have a regular Juvenile Facility, they would house them in our Court House on the top floor. Every day during the weekday the Court House was open, of course, but would close at 5:00 pm. When the last person left the building they would always check to make sure all the doors were locked. But we had to have officers on duty 24/7 at the Juvenile Detention Center. I worked there for alot of years, the place all ways gave me the creeps. I'll try to explain the layout the best way i can.

It wasnt a big facility, we only housed 7 Juveniles at a time. At each end of the top floor, there were 2 spiral stairwells that both went down into different court rooms. Both, if you opened the doors leading into the stairwells, it was like looking down into a dark hole, the stairs spiralled almost straight down, both were cold and full of spider webs, they looked like something that came out of a horror film. They obviously hadnt been used in years.

One of the stair wells were located in the kitchen, and in the kitchen if your standing at the sink, right behind you were 5 cells that we kept the juveniles in, to the right of the 5th cell was the other door leading down one of the spiral stairwells. The other Stairwell was located at the other end where we had to go to do drug test when the kids were brought in. I would never go back there because it felt like someone was watching me.

One night one of the local Deputys brought in a kid, after we got him booked in an put in his cell for the night, he and i were standing there talking about how creepy the place was, I told him i thought it was haunted, thinking he would laugh at me and think i was crazy, he proceded to tell me that he had worked there a long time ago, but when he worked there it was only 1 officer to a shift, not 2 like it was when i was there. He said he was sitting in the Day Room one night, where the kids would watch t.v, Juveniles had gone to bed, and he happened to look towards the hall that leads into the kitchen where the juveniles were, and saw the Ghost of a little boy walking into the day room, looking down as he walked, and when the little boy looked up and saw the Deputy standing there, he turned around slowly, and walked back towards the kitchen. I asked him if he could tell what kind of clothes the little boy was wearing, time frame? He said late 1800's. Well that certainly wasnt something i wanted to hear, knowing i had to stay there all night!

Few weeks go by, didnt see any Ghost, but i had a few taps on the shoulder, only to turn around and no one would be there.
One night while working the night shift, myself and a male co-worker had got theJuveniles put to bed for the night, like i usually did, i would pull on the cell doors to make sure they were all locked. So i go down to the Day Room, after they are all asleep, to watch some T.V. Im sitting there for several hours, listening for any noice from the Juveniles. 3am rolls around, i hear foot steps walking up the hall coming into the Day Room, Im thinking its my co-worker as im listening to these footsteps. Then the foot steps stop! I have my back to the hall way, my chair facing the T.V. and after it stops walking it catches my attention, im thinking, "well hes standing behind me watching t.v" then i hear something bounce on the floor infront of me, like it was trying to get my attention! Im looking i cant find anything! My heart started to beat fast! I heard it bounce, what ever it was but i couldnt find it! I knew then that it was not my co-worker! Little did i know he was over in the corner in another chair behind me sleeping! I was so scared i couldnt even turn around to see what it was! Never have i ever been that scared in my life! I can still feel what ever it is standing behind me, then all of a sudden my co-worker starts to snore, and when he did, i guess he scared what ever it was and it started to RUN back up the hall towards the kitchen! I could hear every foot step as it was running on the old creeky floor. So i wake up my co-worker and tell him what just happened, he gets up and we both walk up towards the kitchen, the juveniles are all sound asleep, all the cells are locked. What was it? Who was it?!

The next day, when the other shift came in to releave us, i had told them all what happened, this place gave them the creeps too. They said "why didnt you turn around to see what it was Trish?"I couldnt! Its like my whole body froze up from fear! I couldnt move! I hope i never experience anything like that ever again!

They've since built a new building for the Juveniles. The top floor of the Court House is only an office for the Probation Officers. But i know its haunted. Theres something there, i just dont know what it is. I've often wondered if what ever it was, did it come from one of the creepy stairwells?....

you think thats bad i know someone that has these pictures and........ :D great story :thumbsup:

aa battery said:
you think thats bad i know someone that has these pictures and........ :D great story :thumbsup:
Heheeee Good one AA!
Thats why i love you :-*

Good story. That would be a good place to set up cameras.

creepy! I have a story of my own but not so creepy as yours...

about two years ago I was driving around town by myself; as i was driving something out of the corner of my right eye caught my attention. I glanced in that direction and saw my best friend from the Navy, Rebbecca, (who lives in Texas and I hadn't seen in 9 months) sitting in my passenger seat and she was looking at me and smiling. I did a double take and she was gone. I didn't think anything of it until I parked my car and reached over to grab my purse, which had been sitting in the passenger seat and was now sitting on the floor board, the passenger seat belt was also fastened when it previously had not been. I still didn't think anything of this, other than it being odd and i just forgot about it...
A month later I got an email from a friend of ours asking if i had any photos with Rebbecca in them for Rebbecca's mom, I sent what the ones I had and mentioned to her that I had sent Becca an email and never heard back from her. It was only when our friend responded that i found out why i never got a response. Rebbecca had been killed in a car crash the previous month... the night before my "experience". I called Becca's mother and found out the details of the accident and talked about Becca's and my Navy adventures together. Since I didn't want to upset her I didn't tell her about my "experience".
On the year anniversary of her death I felt that her mother needed to know so I told her mom what I had seen and described what I remembered, Her mother asked me some questions about what she had been wearing and I described a light pink hoodie with white "fur" around the hood and a pair of jeans and she had her hair up and it was curled. Her mother was quiet for a few moments. Thinking I had upset her i asked if she was ok and apologized, she told me that they had buried Becca in her favorite baby pink hoodie with white fur trim on the hood and her favorite jeans, her hair was up and curled.
There is no possible way I could have ever known about the hoodie or jeans since I met her while in training and I never saw her in anything other than her uniform....

I like to think she was telling me good bye. :angel7:

I like to think she was telling me good bye.
Awww :'(
Thats very sad Ash, its almost bitter sweet, sad that she was killed, but she loved you enough to tell you bye. I believe thats exactly what she was trying to do.
You would be surprised how often that happens. I believe it with my whole heart.
Did any of you ever see footage of the Ghost they caught on tape at Pucketts Garage? Do a google search (Pucketts Ghost) on it and watch the video if they still have it up. Puckets Garage is a place where they would take wrecked vehicles, they had a 24 hour sevalance cameras and a night watchmen because of the problem they had with kids jumping over the fence at night. The person watching the cameras that night had saw a woman floating over a car, this was caught on tape! They did an investigation to see if the vehicle, she was floating over, was a fatality car, sure enough it was, they traced the family of the lady who had been killed in it, her Daddy confirmed that it was definately her. He showed a picture of her compaired it to the video, and you could clearly see it was the same person. Saddest thing i'd ever seen. You could tell she was very confused.

awesome stories you guys....my mother told me a story once....she was a teenager walking home from school in south philly...sometime after her grandmother had passed away...she wasn't paying much attention as she approached 12th st...all of a sudden she heard "MARIE" in the broken italian accent that was her grandmothers....she stopped and turned and at that moment a car ran the red light missing her by less than a foot....she swears to this day it was her grandmother saving her life....

she heard "MARIE" in the broken italian accent that was her grandmothers....she stopped and turned and at that moment a car ran the red light missing her by less than a foot....she swears to this day it was her grandmother saving her life....


here's another....and this is actually the start of the story about my brother-in-law steves house being haunted which i will be posting shortly.....on May 27th 2003...my father in law passed away...at the time my nephew joe (steve's son) who was named after my father-in-law, was visiting his father(and us) for the summer....steve and his wife are divorced and being in the navy she continued to be stationed around the world with thier twins Joe and Gabby....at the time of his last few summer visits Jo-JO (thats what we all called him) was living in Hawaii.......his and his sisters birthday is MAY 27TH 1986....anyway at the viewing Jo-Jo says to me " Uncle George.....i'm never going to celebrate my birthday again, because it'll just remind me of my grandpop dying" i told him "your grandfather would be very upset if that were true".....6 months later in hawaii Jo-Jo was killed in a car accident....he never did celebrate another birthday...

aww thats sad mistergee...They say "the soul knows" and i believe that too.
I was at my Daddys this evening visiting, he'll celebrate his 74th birthday this month. One of the conversations we had today was what he wanted when he died. He makes little suttle remarks everytime i go over there, but today he was telling me that he had signed all his titles so no one would have any trouble selling anything when he dies, and that he wanted all my brothers to share his tools, and for my youngest brother to have his truck. Put a big lump in my throat. Dont know what i'll do when something happens to my daddy. I just have to keep preparing myself for it.

After my mother died, the next year my husband and I relocated 2800 miles to my ancestral home. A few weeks after we arrived and moved in, we were out in the yard planting some flowers when I clearly heard my mother call my name. I didn't say anything to my husband, but I was thinking, no, that can't be. I thought maybe one of my aunts had come to visit and had called my name, so I got up and circled the house and grounds (3 acres). Nothing. I never said anything to my husband.

The next morning while getting ready for work, one of our lamps began to blink on and off, probably electrical, but I said, "Sure are some weird things going on around here."

My husband replied, "You mean like yesterday when your mother called your name?"

I about fainted. He'd heard it, too. That wasn't the last time, but it was the most enlightening.


I can hear my mother answer questions for me sometimes Noodle. When im worried about something and cant figure out what i need to do about it, i'll usually try to keep myself busy so i can get it off my mind, that usually works, but out of the blue, even when im not thinking about my problem i can hear my mothers voice giving me the answer. Its crazy, but it makes me feel good to know she's with me.

I was standing in my bathroom one day, and out of the blue i heard her say "Trish you need to clean out that drawer so Trendle (my hubby) can put his stuff in there" i thought "Ok..so i did!" My husband said "what made you do that? That drawer has been full of junk for 3 years?" i said "my moma told me too!" lol

You girls are not crazy. Nothing can stop love, not even death.

Dont know what i'll do when something happens to my daddy. I just have to keep preparing myself for it.
i know what you mean Trish...my parents are still alive but my in-laws are gone....loved them as much as my own though and miss them alot...hate to have to go through all that again but unfortunately noone lives forever
My husband replied, "You mean like yesterday when your mother called your name?"
at least you know your not nuts or wishfull thinkin....you got a witness

A woman named Mrs. Andrews was visiting the grave of her daughter Joyce, who died at 17. Andrews saw nothing unusual when she took this photo of Joyce's gravemarker. When the film was developed, Mrs. Andrews was astonished to see the image of a small child sitting happily at her daughter's grave. The ghost child seem to be aware of Mrs. Andrews since he or she is looking directly into the camera. Is it possible a double exposure? Mrs. Andrews said there were no such children nearby when she took the photograh and moreover did not recognize the child at all. It was no one she would have taken photograh of. She remarked that she did not believe it was the ghost of her daughter as a child.


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Of all the ghost photos I've seen (well, except for that one that I can't show at the present time), this one is hands-down the most eerie. Probably the most disturbing too. I didn't know about this one until a few months ago. Almost ten years ago, on November 19th, 1995, Wem Town Hall in Shropshire, England was engulfed in flames and burned to the ground. As firefighters tried to stave off the inferno a town resident, Tony O'Rahilly, took pictures from across the street using a telephoto lens on his camera. There, rather clearly in one of the photos, is what looks very much to be a small girl standing in a doorway, with the brightness of the flames behind her. No one ever remembered there being a small girl present on scene, much less in that close a proximity to the fire. The photo and the original negative were turned over to a photo expert who decided that the picture was 100% authentic: "The negative is a straightforward piece of black-and-white work and shows no sign of having been tampered with." Okay, so what's a girl ghost doing in such a big fire? Well in 1677 a fire destroyed many of Wem�s wooden houses. The fire was said to have been caused by a 14-year old girl named Jane Churm, who had been careless with a candle. Churm died in the fire along with several others, and her ghost is said to still haunt the area. Whether there's such a thing as ghosts or not, it must be said: if this is just a trick, an illusion of smoke and fire that happened to be captured on film, it's a zillion-to-one coincidence that it just so happened to appear in the form of a girl who also died in a terrible fire at the same location. But hey, stranger things than that have happened in this world, right?


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Anyone ever think about going to a cemetary to take pictures just to see if you capture anything on camera?
I love to walk through old cemetarys just to look at the dates on the headstones, i've always wondered what it must have been like for people back in the 1800's. Alot of them were so young when they died. Theres one cemetary not far from here, has some old old headstones in it, theres a husband and wife buried but whats so sad is they had 5 children buried next to them, only thing i can figure is they died of some sort of fever. Theres some pretty old cemetarys around here where i live. I thought about doing the digital camera thing, but imma chicken...lol...might see something i dont wanna see! lol

I'm a frequent visitor of cemeteries; I love the peacefulness. One day I decided to visit a local, out of the way, cemetery to check for relatives. It's really out in the middle of nowhere, though well-kept. The cemetery is on a knoll with a circular drive around the edges of it; nothing up the middle.

I pulled in the cemetery gravel road and had to make a choice whether or not to go to the left or right. Looking ahead, I saw a gentleman standing up on the cemetery hill in a black coat with long tails and a black umbrella. I didn't think too much of it except to note that there was someone else in the cemetery besides me. He was standing a little to the right side of the knoll, and not wanting to disturb him, I took the left route.

I took my time, not wanting to disturb other visitors (him). I really do hate to go to a cemetery and encounter others in close proximity. Just my quirk. Anyway, I slipped slowly in my car around to the left and began to circle the cemetery. When I got about one-third the way around, I looked and saw no one; continuing, I saw no one. I found myself back at the starting point of my journey, and never saw anyone.

He was tall, over six feet, dressed in black, with a coat that had tails down to his mid-thighs, and he held a black umbrella, large. He was facing NE as I came in from the SE. Never saw his face or any features. He didn't move, but I didn't linger to observe him.

But when I drove around the cemetery, and held an attempt to give him his privacy, then later found no evidence of his existence, I decided I'd seen something I hadn't anticipated. Was never afraid; just left...


Did you ever go back Noodle? I think i would have. Dont know that i would have gotten out of my car the second time though. lol Theres an old cemetary in Tehaucana Tx, (pronouced Ta-walka-na) As you pull up at the gate of this cemetary, the road slopes down at the entrance. But while your at the gate, before intering the cemetary, and put your car in nuetral it will roll backwards! Like its rolling up hill? We've done this several times, and cant explain it unless its an illusion of some sorts. We've stepped out of the vehicle, looked all around trying to figure this out, and if you are standing inbetween the gate and the car, it still looks like the road it going up. How does the car roll backwards if it looks like it would be going up hill? very weird, cant figure it out.

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