Heard from KURIOS1


Gold Member
Jun 5, 2014
mid western ARK
🏆 Honorable Mentions:
Detector(s) used
XP Deus with 9"LF and 9" HF Coils and 600 Equinox with stock and 6" coils
Primary Interest:
Relic Hunting
received a PM from Kevin earlier. He said that he was not a quitter, a very good thing. He has a tough road ahead of him. Strokes have a way of forcing you to do and to be simpler and he acknowledged that fact. He also said something about needing more wisdom and I understand that as well. in stroke recovery, even the tiny victories are monumental. The hardest part is the fact that you want everything back to normal now, right now but it doesn't work that way. It becomes a how bad to do want it, how bad are you willing to work for it. I still have my struggles as I have been reminded of them just this week. Every struggle is one that if I manage to get thru it, I have beaten it for the most part. Kevin will be dealing with a multitude of tiny to some but huge to him struggles. some he may never overcome but the ones that he does overcome will slowly add up. Remember him in your prayers and if you are able to, encourage him to keep pushing himself. Still missing you Kevin. Jerry

While I don't know who Kevin is this post caught my attention as I suffered a massive stroke in April of last year so I can relate to the whole recovery process as I'm in the thick of it myself

While I don't know who Kevin is this post caught my attention as I suffered a massive stroke in April of last year so I can relate to the whole recovery process as I'm in the thick of it myself

I too have have strokes, I had one that took me on out of work followed by numerous smaller ones (all because of a severe case of sleep apena.) They were pretty devastating, last one was in 2004. I almost let them beat me but slowly regained some of my abilities. I still struggle with some comprehensions but not like it was. I can now do simple math and more spelling but word check is my best friend. I constantly push myself to relearn things or to learn new ones. I can speak better now and more confidently but still have short term memory problems. Strokes rob you of something, sometimes a lot of somethings. I wish the best for you, the road can be a long hard one but don't ever give up or quit trying to succeed. Jerry

I wondered what had happen to K1. Really nice guy and full bore digger.

Thanks for the update. I will make sure that I keep him in my prayers. I have been blessed in life, and as I grow older, I often reflect on how short and fragile our lives are. Live every day to it's fullest.

Thank you, dirtlooter, for the update! The care and concern Tnet members have for one another is awesome. Kurious1's posts are some of the best and he is truly missed! There is no guarantee for anyone to be able to take their next breath. All one can do is prepare mentally and spiritually for it as best you can and enjoy all that is available to you.

Kurios1, hopefully you are lurking around Tnet. Please know that many are praying for your recovery and thinking about you!


Humbled at that post brother. I was reining in on becoming a pretty decent treasure hunter and BANGO! Well, my eyes have been fully opened. I have been given a gift of sorts. A gift of another chance at getting it right. I have about 1/2 my ability to walk, talk, and chew bubble gum. Suffered a severe right hemisphere stroke blood bleed yadda yadda budinga. At three months in plan on kicking it's butt, it's a long way from my fork lift at work. It's a long distance to my local supporters who have my back at whooping this thing called stroke. I love and thank God for each and every one that so much as considers a thought of me. Three therapy sessions a week. I'll see you on the flip side buddy! Kevin P. Gibson

glad you are back take care and feel better

What you see here is the correct attitude to tackle such a devastating hit. Kevin has what it will take to get back out there and do what he loves to do much less to be able to do what we consider normal abilities. It wouldn't hurt to occasionally send him a word of encouragement. If I lived a lot closer, I would try to come see you my friend. Can't wait to see your 1st dig thread, no matter what it is, just to know that you have managed to swing that detector again. Jerry

KEVIN!!!!! 🙌🙌🙌 Sooooo good to hear from you! Miss your posts and still looking forward to a hunt with you...which, with your attitude, should be pretty soon! 😁

All y'all ... sending Old North State prayers for the work you are having to do.

You can do it, Kevin! :icon_thumleft:

Man it sure was good to hear your doing better and on the road to recovery. It was also great to see you post again and there is a lot of us who have you in our thoughts and prayers. Keep getting stronger buddy.

I was so happy to see you comment on another post. It has been to long and now I know why.
You are in our thoughts and prayers. We hope you have a successful and speedy recovery Kevin.
Hope to see you swinging and posting sooner than later. Take care, you are missed and respected on this forum.

Brennon (and family) aka -TMD-

Thank you for checking in with us Kevin.
I must echo what has been said. My thoughts and prayers are with you and I am looking forward to your next hunt and post.

Kevin, we all are praying for your recovery. We miss your great posts!

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