Heart Break at Chase


Full Member
Jan 11, 2007
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I'll keep it short,
Went in to make a withdrawl and looked in the tellers tray and in the slot I see a Morgan Dollar,So she asks me how would I like it back and I said the dollar coin and the rest large please...She looks at me and says "Sorry I cant give you any change out of my tray" I said "How come?" She goes "Because " I said "Ive never heard of that,Lets ask the manager"...Shes said I'm keeping it fpr my self..and pulled it off and and stuck it underneath the tray...I asked Youre allowed to take coins out of your coin trays she said OF COURSE!! Sad day for me......
I thought the tray was fair game??
Keep em in yer draws!!

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I would have def pushed the issue, it was still in plain view and you asked for it before she pulled it out. I am sorry about that happening, you really should have gotten the bank manager. I bet you would have walked out with that dollar coin.

Well...seeing that you were making a withdrawal from this bank tells me that this wasn't just any old pick-up bank. It was either your primary bank or a dump bank and in either case, crucial to this hobby. So, I hate to say it, but you probably did the right thing by just letting it go. :thumbsup:

Unfortunately, the tellers have the power in this relationship. You may win a battle with them by snagging a silver coin out of their tray, but they will ultimately win the war...

I have had this happen to me with smaller silver coins, and my understanding is that the teller has to wait till the end of their shift. They have to sell the coin to another teller, then buy it back before they can keep it. Sounds weird but I have heard that at more than one bank.

I would have asked too, but going to the manager for one coin in the till is overkill if you want to keep going back to the bank. I look at it like an extra perk for a not so great paying job (teller job).

I would differentiate your story though from tellers who go to the vault to get hand rolls for the CRHer, then sift through them and remove silver before turning them over to the customer. That is wrong in my opinion.

But if it is in their till, they have priority.

My 2 cents.


It is happening more and more now. I hate when I ask for halves and then I can see the tellers across the way at the drive in respond that they don't have any and then the girl asking if anyone has one gives them a look like " but you have several right there" the girls who have em give a look like "I know but I am not giving those kind away." Pisses you off because it makes you think they think you are an idiot to not notice.

golden silver

Personally, I work at a bank full-time dude, and there is no way that I am allowed to just trade coins out of my own tray for change in my pocket or a dollar coin for that matter. Most, if not all banks, have a policy on stuff like this. For me, I would have to sell the coin to another teller out of my tray and into his or hers, and then pay them for the coin. So, in other words, this girl was more than likely bending the rules a little bit. I do have to admit though, that is a coin worth fighting for. Sorry bro. Its definietly rough when you find someone like that who knows the coin well, as I do. I am the teller that, unfortunately, knows about the coins as I see them. As a matter of fact, as I was vending out some change to a customer the other day, I had to pause because I caught sight of a silver dime in my hand before I handed it off, so I quickly traded out for another dime in my tray. This is usually the same with wheat pennies or any other coin I find. Keep it real man.

JJ :coffee2:

I have seen many coin trays in my time and some of them have something covering the top portion. That could be a good spot to hide any silver from prying eyes and still look innocent. My favorite teller (untill he quit last year) would just save coins in his drawer. When ever I came by and he had something he would open his drawer and move some papers aside to show me. Once there was 13 silver quarters. He knew the value but just wasn't interested.

Yeah it stunk..the thing that got me was she flat out lied by saying she couldn't give any change out of her tray...Its a bank thats what you do!!It is also my primary bank for my checking and savings I usually dont get anything from them, I know the manager because my in laws have several large accounts there she wasnt on but I will sure check the company policy on tellers holding coins in their tray and not giving them....The tray to me is fair game....Thats why they have drawers. I won't lament the loss because armed with the proper knowledge the next battle will be won by me!!!!!!!

yoyoyo :notworthy:

i think they can take it... my friend works as a teller and he got a bunch of the pennies... i was like just buy them all, it is easy profit...

if it were my main bank I would have DEMANDED that coin, I have dealt with my main bank since I was a small boy and I do not think I would appreciate a teller treating me like that, they all know me on a first name basis, but seriously you should have pushed the issue.

True Terry I could've....That coin is still burnin a hole in my brain!!!

Goes4ever said:
if it were my main bank I would have DEMANDED that coin, I have dealt with my main bank since I was a small boy and I do not think I would appreciate a teller treating me like that, they all know me on a first name basis, but seriously you should have pushed the issue.

If the bank's policy is that tellers are allowed to buy coins they find (as I have heard from many tellers it is that way in most places), they probably would have told you to not let the door hit your a$$ on the way out. You can demand whatever you want, but that doesn't mean you are gonna get it. I can't believe that a 15-18 dollar coin (might have been worth more or less depending on date and condition) would create such angst among some.

If you were a teller and were allowed to keep coins, would you give them up to a CRHer who asked for them?


jim4silver said:
Goes4ever said:
if it were my main bank I would have DEMANDED that coin, I have dealt with my main bank since I was a small boy and I do not think I would appreciate a teller treating me like that, they all know me on a first name basis, but seriously you should have pushed the issue.
if the teller wanted it it should be IN her drawer not sitting out in plain view, in all the banks I deal with I have asked them and they said they have to wait till the end of their shift to buy any coins they want, and if a customer wants it the customer gets it. And if a bank values a customers business they will do what it takes to keep them happy, especially if you a long time customer. I cannot imagine a bank manager risking upsetting a customer because of a coin he wanted. It would never happen at the banks I deal with

If the bank's policy is that tellers are allowed to buy coins they find (as I have heard from many tellers it is that way in most places), they probably would have told you to not let the door hit your a$$ on the way out. You can demand whatever you want, but that doesn't mean you are gonna get it. I can't believe that a 15-18 dollar coin (might have been worth more or less depending on date and condition) would create such angst among some.

If you were a teller and were allowed to keep coins, would you give them up to a CRHer who asked for them?


Goes4ever said:
jim4silver said:
Goes4ever said:
if it were my main bank I would have DEMANDED that coin, I have dealt with my main bank since I was a small boy and I do not think I would appreciate a teller treating me like that, they all know me on a first name basis, but seriously you should have pushed the issue.
if the teller wanted it it should be IN her drawer not sitting out in plain view, in all the banks I deal with I have asked them and they said they have to wait till the end of their shift to buy any coins they want, and if a customer wants it the customer gets it. And if a bank values a customers business they will do what it takes to keep them happy, especially if you a long time customer. I cannot imagine a bank manager risking upsetting a customer because of a coin he wanted. It would never happen at the banks I deal with

If the bank's policy is that tellers are allowed to buy coins they find (as I have heard from many tellers it is that way in most places), they probably would have told you to not let the door hit your a$$ on the way out. You can demand whatever you want, but that doesn't mean you are gonna get it. I can't believe that a 15-18 dollar coin (might have been worth more or less depending on date and condition) would create such angst among some.

If you were a teller and were allowed to keep coins, would you give them up to a CRHer who asked for them?


Let me say this....angst?

You totally missed the point of the whole discussion here, Put it simply for anyone, I saw a coin,I asked for coin,Told me she cannot give change from her tray.( First issue there) then says shes keeping it for herself,All good to me but telling someone you cant have any change...What if I needed 4 quarters?This is my primary bank where all my life dollars are...Then taking it off the tray and sticks it underneath and says they can do it...Theses responses are fine when theyre in the game but the change of policy
(or no change ) for that matter is the issue.The ethics of the situation,You can keep it put it in the draw so there isn't any confusion in the thrill of the hunt!!
No angst here I have plenty of good bank stories!!!

I understood what you meant GT, the teller was clearly lying by saying she cannot give you change back. How many times do you cash a check and they ask how do you want that back? You could say you want all 20 dollar bills, or you may say I want half 20's and the rest 1's............or you could request part coins!!!!! you ARE the customer!

she lied plain and simple.

I would have asked to see the manager. Most tellers are not allowed to bank from their own drawers. She would have had to give up the coin or be in serious trouble. I would have pushed it.

gtlfindings said:
Goes4ever said:
jim4silver said:
Goes4ever said:
if it were my main bank I would have DEMANDED that coin, I have dealt with my main bank since I was a small boy and I do not think I would appreciate a teller treating me like that, they all know me on a first name basis, but seriously you should have pushed the issue.
if the teller wanted it it should be IN her drawer not sitting out in plain view, in all the banks I deal with I have asked them and they said they have to wait till the end of their shift to buy any coins they want, and if a customer wants it the customer gets it. And if a bank values a customers business they will do what it takes to keep them happy, especially if you a long time customer. I cannot imagine a bank manager risking upsetting a customer because of a coin he wanted. It would never happen at the banks I deal with

If the bank's policy is that tellers are allowed to buy coins they find (as I have heard from many tellers it is that way in most places), they probably would have told you to not let the door hit your a$$ on the way out. You can demand whatever you want, but that doesn't mean you are gonna get it. I can't believe that a 15-18 dollar coin (might have been worth more or less depending on date and condition) would create such angst among some.

If you were a teller and were allowed to keep coins, would you give them up to a CRHer who asked for them?


Let me say this....angst?

You totally missed the point of the whole discussion here, Put it simply for anyone, I saw a coin,I asked for coin,Told me she cannot give change from her tray.( First issue there) then says shes keeping it for herself,All good to me but telling someone you cant have any change...What if I needed 4 quarters?This is my primary bank where all my life dollars are...Then taking it off the tray and sticks it underneath and says they can do it...Theses responses are fine when theyre in the game but the change of policy
(or no change ) for that matter is the issue.The ethics of the situation,You can keep it put it in the draw so there isn't any confusion in the thrill of the hunt!!
No angst here I have plenty of good bank stories!!!


I agree completely with how you handled the matter. I would have asked for the coin too. I also would have been mad/angry/sad that I did not get the coin. I have had this happen with smaller denomination coins, and when the teller says they are keeping it I let it go. Why ruin good relations with a bank where I CRH at or dump. Especially now in that many banks are charging fees or not ordering boxes. To make a major production out of this (let me speak to your manager, NOW!!) can only put a person on the S**tlist at that bank. Maybe you don't CRH at that bank, if so, then I guess what would you have to lose to make a big deal out of it.

And yes, the teller should have kept the coin in her drawer if she was gonna sell it to another teller later and buy it back for herself.

As far as angst, you mentioned that the coin "was still burning a whole in your head". To that I would say life is too short to stress about the coins that got away. Maybe the silver gods will give you a dream box since you missed out on this deal (by letting the teller have the coin= good karma). Maybe that is the coolest coin she has and is showing it to all her family and friends. Things happen for a reason I believe. :thumbsup:

Just my 2 cents.


True that Jim...The burning the hole comment was meant like the fish that got away comment......I dont CRH from Chase,No boxes no dumps...They are a huge chain but most branches wont give (sell) boxes....They are very inconsistant with their policies...A few would sell some say no tax id no coins and some flat out no!! I think the branch managers make policy there so I dont even bother with them....theyre just so big theyre convenient......I just pick their trays...and have gotten all coins everytime..So you see where i was going....And yes the Silver God popped into my head at the very moment she said it was for herself...But she was a little nasty in her tone about it.
Thanks Terry and Jim!!!

gtlfindings said:
Chase......They are a huge chain but most branches wont give (sell) boxes....They are very inconsistant with their policies
They just came out here in CA. Washington Mutual Bank (WAMU) went bankrupt and chase bought all in my area.

I closed my WAMU account about a month before they closed. They sent me a letter with lots of fine print changing their policies. They bacically said if you don't like the changes, get lost. ;D so I did and pointed it out to them when they asked why I was closing my account.

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