Help Id new to hunting


Feb 5, 2015
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Going to add a piece or 2 everyday to spread them out a little bit. If anyone can help Id any of the items such as what type of heads or such and tell me a
little bit about them that would be great as I am always trying to learn more.Found in the eastern Tn area :) SAM_0546.JPGSAM_0547.JPGSAM_0544.JPG Red quartz i believe on the head not sure what type

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cool still new to it trying to figure out what some of this stuff is i got lots of nice goodies to post eventually
thanks for the reply!

The hard stone item has the shape of a hoof type pestle.
Really interesting material on that stem point for Tennessee.. It has the form of several atlatl projectile points found here in Florida there's a few guys from Tennessee in here that can probably tell you more.

Great Finds. I am impressed that you are looking for tools as well as points. You would be surprised at the number of "arrowhead hunters" never recognize tools and walk right past them. Keep at it. steve

ok guys and gals got a few new ones for you i think maybe some sort of jasper tool maybe?
no idea on the big knife/point would really like to know what it isSAM_0551.JPGSAM_0548.JPGSAM_0504.JPGSAM_0505.JPGSAM_0506.JPG

Wow that's a nice blade the other item would be considered a scraper like a thumb scraper

All nice finds, welcome to tnet

Ty! I have been a long time lurker got a lot more to show you all and a lot more I can learn to :D

Start a new post for your future showings

Dover on that brown scraper. Does the blade contain secondary work on the edges or is it as is? If it has work maybe a Cobbs if not maybe an Adena as suggested by other members.
Welcome to t-net you have found some nice pieces.

the edge has defiantly been worked down on it and thanks!

Yup looks like a hoof pestle that point looks like an adena sweet piece and the light colored big one I would call a cobbs as well some close up pics of the flaking would help keep at it you got some nice finds boss !!!

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