Help with ace 250 please


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Aug 9, 2007
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please give us some more detail what exactly is it doing? Have you turned down the sensitivity to 3 or 4? If you are hunting in all metal you may want to switch over to coins or jewelry until you get the hang of it.

Be sure & read the owners manual, and like anything else, give yourselt some time to familiarize yourself with it. Also, there's a local park I'd been wanting to check.....spent about 10 minutes there before determining the park was full of "trash", so I left & went elsewhere.

Be patient, bury some coins in your yard if need be to help you to determine what a coin signal sounds like (or have someone else bury them & "hide" them from you), bury some foil & a pulltab as well. A different brand/detector may not solve your problem.


Smitty has it right..
I think sometimes people read the posts on here and think it is as easy as pull the detector out of the box and go.If you have some experience you may be able to do that.
If this is your 1st the manual and look over the detector while doing so..and as suggested practice in your yard with some targets...see where they fall on the id meter and listen to the tones they make..
Most importantly give your self time to learn and dont get so frustrated you quit.Any detector you buy will have to be learned in order to get good use of it....and there are plenty of folks on here to help!!!!

I practiced for two weeks in my yard... I found more stuff in my yard then on the beaches or parks... I found stuff in my yard that I didnt bury... I buried coins to test em out..foil, tabs... did great in my yard.... then I went to the beach... confident.. started on the dry sand... was in the all metal mode.. ( that was suggested to me) then the signals were going nutso bouncing all over, so I dropped the sensitivity down.. then when I went to the wet sand...dropped it even more.... then like a dummy ankle deep in the salt water ( no I didnt get it wet either) I dropped it down to one or two bars..and it went haywire...every lil movement of the water set it off..I even let it sit in the water for a few minutes.... I just dont understand why I find stuff in my yard easily and cant find stuff elsewheres...I also tried coins only.... same stuff happened on the beach..haywire... bouncing all over, and finally again dropped the sensitivity way way down to two bars... it is literally making me nuts. I am seriously wondering if somethings wrong with this thing.... at this point I feel like a damn idiot...this is my third detector and mind you the first were garretts..but heck its been almost 20 yrs since i detected... am very dumbfounded on this one.

Well in all metal you will get that..have you tried hunting in the coin mode???I dont have an ace250 but there are alot of people on here that hunt with them....
Good luck...

when I went thru kellyco, I told then exactly where I would be detecing....the beaches..thats the dang detector they suggested to me...rated it highly they did..said I could even get inthe shallow waters...its ok....wait till I call em...aint nothing like a po'd woman I tell ya..and lordy, I am there...

Hey bootybay,
We're sorry to hear about your dissappointment with your finds.
If it's any consolation folks that have been doin' it for years get days like that as well, only they're not gonna post about gettin' nothin'.
It just boils down to lots 'n' lots of practice the Ace 250 really is a great little machine for the money.
We work dry saltwater beaches and the trick is to find where all the folks park their bums, stretch out, roll about, play games and generally fool around. Hey ya gotta lift a lotta trash to get the goodies.
We work in jewelry mode with sense at anything from 4 - 7 bars
depending on how busy or quiet it is. (and you'll still pick up coins)
Like I say you've got to walk over it to get it with any machine and you've got to get it before the other guy does.
We had many dissappointments at the beginning but that's all part of the learnin' curve. It does get better with lots of time, practice and patience we also read all 'n' any hints 'n' tips.
Hope this helps ya a bit.

I will give that a shot as well..never had the disc. set that high..or in the jewelry mode... so at this point will give it all a go...and again test all the modes out as well in play dirt....

Forgot to say the depth of the sand varies from day to day and will affect the amount of signals you get or don't get.
Disc. is the notches and jewelry only notches out iron.
Remember the higher sens might give false signals if you lift the coil even slightly at the end of each swing. So watch out for that.
Rings can be found under foil & ring pulls, hence you have to dig a lot of trash to get the rings.
Sometimes it can be soul destroying digging foil 'n' ring pulls all day, (we've had it often) but everyone has to do it & sooner or later you'll get your rings.

HH. 'n' good luck Ian & Eileen

They are there but sometimes they are deeper than you can reach with the 250. Yesterday @ 10-12 inches with an Excal


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I wouldn't disagree with that, but the keyword is "sometimes".

We do it for fun and anything we get is a bonus, but dang we don't want to go to Australia if it's not within' 6 inches we don't dig. (that's not fun)
Bearing in mind that the vast majority of finds for all MDers are within the first 4 inches.
Anything that's deeper we'll get when the sand level goes down.
It's nice to show off one's finds but not at a newbie who's struggling a wee bit.
We're supposed to be encouraging, not dis-heartening them.

Ian & Eileen

well here on the nj coast..we have had one hell of a storm the last couple days..especially last nite... so you can bet..... this ole gal aint giving up...I am gonna hit them beaches hot n heavy..... I will try everything ... its not that I am complaining I havent found anything..I just felt I wasnt doing anything wrong with it.... read it.... re read it.... tested.. played in the yard... and still not much luck... so we'll see again I guess, but with the sea churning up butts gonna go out as long as it doesnt rain.

my ace does not like wet sand and barely tolerates dry sand. For that mater my 2500 did not like the highly mineralized sand mud flats and always gave me false signals even using the salt elim. mode.

They should not of told you to use an ace on the beach there is a chart for garret machines, you can see that for beach detecting the ace is not advised, but I have heard some folks use it on the beach with no problems, but I think those are few and far between.


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bootybay said:
when I went thru kellyco, I told then exactly where I would be detecing....the beaches..thats the dang detector they suggested to me...rated it highly they did..said I could even get inthe shallow waters...its ok....wait till I call em...aint nothing like a po'd woman I tell ya..and lordy, I am there...

You might do one of a couple things, if you need a beach machine, call Kellyco, explain the situation, and see if they'll let you return the 250 for credit towards another detector. Or, keep it & spend alittle more time trying to see if infact it will do what you want/need it to do on the sand & water. Only thing is the more time that passes, the less the odds are of a refund (I'd have to think).

Call Kellyco & see what they think & if they'd have any suggestions for you. Have them "tag" you in the computer that you've not been satisfied with the 250, that might help in a couple weeks if you decide it (the 250) isn't the one for you.

I sure hope you can get things taken care of. I'm new to TH'ing as well, and know some of the "aggrivation" as well, but that's just part of it. Like the old saying "If it was easy, everybody would be doing it" ;D

Having being married/divorced 3 times, trust me....I fear the wrath of women :o :D

Seriously, give Kellyco a call........


Wise words Smitty,
Yep that does need some thought by bootybay.

Anyway best of luck bootybay whatever your choice may be.

To txkicker,
we've worked dozens of beaches in the dry sand no problem up to a couple of hundred miles from our base.
But, your right in saying wet or damp sand is mostly a no no.

ok heres the experiment I did today...I went back to the beach.. put that ace250 in jewelry mode.. ( it lessened the trash, as the majority of the foil was ontop of the sand, but I did dig some up as well) ok so, first thing I find the dry small metal scooper like for sugar or coffee.. ok so I found something... two hours hunting, came home with one penny, two nickels and one dime... the dime was found in wet sand... in all honesty I am still not impressed with this detector.. so tomorrow, I am calling kellyco and lordy on the person who answers the phone...

I have a cibola (spell check) comming..price was cheap and its a more expensive detector then the ace250...

I am going to sell a few things on ebay to get more cash up..and then I am buying a detector that can go in the water and handle all beach modes... as I have seriously had it with this one...

sorry your having so much trouble with the ace. In all fairness many times hunting a beach with a better detector than an ace has turned up less than what you did. I agree though if you only want to hunt beach best advice get a detector for both land and water. Before its off to ebay with the ace I would take it to a park and give it one last chance. Best of luck to ya and HAPPY HUNTING

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