

Jr. Member
Jan 5, 2011
Detector(s) used
tesoro cibola
okay... i had my heart set on the at pro but have been looking at other posts about other water machines in the same price range and now i'm confused....came up with 3 different machines and all have their pro's and con's....being a tesoro user i'm torn between the sand shark, the tiger shark, and the at pro....i will post this same topic in the tesoro topic for discussion as well.....mainly will be hunting fresh water seeing as i live in georgia but once or twice a year will be in salt conditions and on land....which would you choose and why????

Its easy to get confused. The AT Pro would be a good choice for land and some water if they have the leaking problem solved. It would suck at the ocean.

The Tiger Shark is a fantastic freshwater detector and I have used it in saltwater where it was unstable in very shallow water at some beaches. It can be used on land but lacks a good pinpoint mode though you can get it down to around an inch. It does have great discrimination and is the only detector I've used that can respond to those thin gold chains. But how many of those do you run into?

The Sand Shark is mainly for only salt water. Lacking good disc you will wear yourself out digging deep holes in the and for bread wrapper wires and hairpins. At a park you will wrap it around a tree.

metalman709 said:
okay... i had my heart set on the at pro but have been looking at other posts about other water machines in the same price range and now i'm confused....came up with 3 different machines and all have their pro's and con's....being a tesoro user i'm torn between the sand shark, the tiger shark, and the at pro....i will post this same topic in the tesoro topic for discussion as well.....mainly will be hunting fresh water seeing as i live in georgia but once or twice a year will be in salt conditions and on land....which would you choose and why????

Hi MM! The key is understanding the differences between "VLF," and "PI" machines and what they can do (and can't do). The "Tiger Shark" (and the AT PRO) is a VLF metal detector, and the "Sand Shark" is a PI detector.

The VLF metal detector sends 12,000 - 60,000 radio waves per-second into the ground. When the radio waves hit something conductive - like an iron nail, gold ring, coin or aluminum pulltab, a magnetic field sets up around the object and a particular signal frequency is transmitted back to the detector's receiving coil. VLF metal detectors have the ability to "discriminate," or tell what type of metal they are seeing by "reading" the return signal frequency. An iron nail for example, has a different frequency than a silver coin. The processor in the metal detector knows the difference between the two, and can be set to remain silent when seeing the nail. However, the radio waves bounce off everything that is conductive in the sand or water. This is why VLF detectors must be "ground balanced" to work effectively in highly mineralized soil, or on highly conductive saltwater beaches. You must tune or adjust the machine to see through the "fog," or white-noise created by the salt and iron in the sand or water you are detecting. Unfortunately, this usually leads to a loss of depth and stability with most VLF detectors.

A pulse induction or, "PI" metal detector, sends out hundreds of electric pulses-per-second, rather than thousands of radio waves. While PI metal detectors do not have the ability to discriminate between different types of metal, their powerful pulses go much deeper than the VLF signal, and eliminate the problem of mineral conductivity. A pulse induction detector measures the decay rate of the electronic pulses it sends out, and looks for anomalies. The strong electronic pulse is not conducted by the salt in the water or the iron in the black sands. Think of a Navy ship "pinging" with its sonar for an enemy submarine. If there is nothing in the water the "ping" just continues on and fades out at the same measured rate. If the submarine is there, the signal decay is interrupted and bounces back to the sonar operator on the ship.

Most successful ocean-beach detectorists, own both types of detector. The land-based VLF unit is preferred in the dry sand blanket area because you can use discrimination to knock out iron and still achieve superior depth without loss of stability. The pulse induction machine is used on the wet ocean- and black- sands, as well as in the surf.

Hope this helps! :headbang:

thanks terry and i do have an understanding of the machines and what they can do.... my thoughts on the subject are more in line with getting the most use out of the machine for the price and things like warranty based on usage for salt,fresh water and land....kind of a if you had the money to buy either one of these machines which one would you get based on usage.... the at pro being all terrain made perfect sense to me but after reading everything about all these machines they all sound pretty much all terrain with their strengths and weaknesses being different for each one....hope i'm making sense....

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