How are most rings lost in the water?


Jr. Member
Jul 25, 2010
Cocoa Beach Florida
Detector(s) used
JW Fisher Pulse 8X
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Wet fingers and too loose a ring on a finger . Throwing footballs and beach balls cause these rings to fly off . Wrestling in the water also rips those chains and rings off . Then you also have those suntan oils which makes rings slide off when they are applied . Focus where you think the most force would be applied on a ring . I would guess hip to mid chest deep . Good luck and happy hunting.:icon_thumright:

I have been trying to figure out what causes rings to be lost in the water.

They slip off.....

They can be found any where in the sand. I personally prefer wet sand to chest deep water but every beach is different and same beach changes day to day. Observe the beach, hunt where the most people are. If water is calm that is one of best places to be..

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Most of my rings have come from what I call the "BBT" or belly button trail.I am average height(5'7") It seems most "waders"don't like to go deeper than this,and so I find most of my rings from knee deep to the "BBT".

Most of my rings have come from what I call the "BBT" or belly button trail.I am average height(5'7") It seems most "waders"don't like to go deeper than this,and so I find most of my rings from knee deep to the "BBT".
Same zone I find most of my rings.

Great question. I was wondering the same thing. I like the BBT approach.

The vast majority of "Water" hunters have never been in past their knees. That means if you get in from waist-deep to chest-deep, you are in virgin territory. "Most" guys and gals find the "most" rings in knee-deep water, because that is as far as they get in..

saltwater shrinks skin. i have found both rings and chain, pendants in wet sand.. the beaches i go to has heavy waves most of the time and when i go water hunting i get the hell beat out of me but i do believe what most has said about knee to chest is the place to be, but do it at low tide BTW Toyotaman, im near you. Let me know if you want to MD sometime.

All Of the Above advise Is Great, For those Fresh water detectorist Like Our Self Chug and Red If your Lake Is attached to a local river Watch the tide just like they do Hunting in the oceans low tides and Negitive low tides are The Best especially if you dont have a water detector!!! Learn your area and Good Luck Chug and Red

My best freshwater finds come from knee to ankle deep. The place where moms play with toddlers. More bands from waist to chest deep. HH

Remember, wetsand was underwater on the last hightide..............................I hunt up to chest deep many times when the water is calm, hard to do that when its rough though, in rough water I still will get waist deep many times.............BUT best is when its calm like on the gulf coast of Florida....

I have done good in the near chest deep water, also waist deep and sometimes knee deep. It just depends. If the water is calm, I will often use the bathers as a sight and work that line without bothering bathers.

If there is surf of any size, this is often a lot of work and timing of the waves. I've also lost a bit of stuff for various wave induced reasons.

That said though, some days, the shallow water has the goods and you don't find out until you are tired and need a break from the surf.

It can sometimes be unnerving while detecting and schools of bait fish are blasting all around you, or you feel the "thump" on the coil and see a larger fish hit it a few times. Once had a manatee avoid every bather and come right up to me and turn away inches from me.

What I would like to know, is it worth it to MD with a snorkel just slightly deeper water, the point where the natural underwater cut seems to be. Like where you step off into the deep end.


Great information, thanks so much. I went out last night at midnight and was hunting waist deep. It was a little spooky, until I saw another guy out further.
I started out at the edge of the water and saw that someone had already dragged their scoop to grid search. They did a good job because I did not get any targets. As soon as I went past my knees at low tide there were plenty of targets. I was surprised to see someone else in the ocean after dark.

I dont go in the water after dark.

I have a difficult time being in the water at dusk...not while MD'ing, but years ago, afternoon beach time had me in the water before dusk. Pretty freaky having that shark fin 30 feet away from you.


Great information, thanks so much. I went out last night at midnight and was hunting waist deep. It was a little spooky, until I saw another guy out further.
I started out at the edge of the water and saw that someone had already dragged their scoop to grid search. They did a good job because I did not get any targets. As soon as I went past my knees at low tide there were plenty of targets. I was surprised to see someone else in the ocean after dark.

Just remember , in the ocean, especially dusk on man is not the top of the food chain, we are in fact "the food chain". Things that go "bump in the night" have razor sharp teeth. After dusk I don't usually go any deeper than knee deep, and try to hunt with someone slower than me.......

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Great information, thanks so much. I went out last night at midnight and was hunting waist deep. It was a little spooky, until I saw another guy out further.
I started out at the edge of the water and saw that someone had already dragged their scoop to grid search. They did a good job because I did not get any targets. As soon as I went past my knees at low tide there were plenty of targets. I was surprised to see someone else in the ocean after dark.
Ifish for sharks at night

then theres me - all the people can be correct in their opinions in what they find and where
most of us are from different parts of the country and use a variety of machines - at all different kinds of beaches
no one is wrong - I for the most part hunt farther out than most and at low tide - out of the last 18 gold rings I have found
3 were at waist deep
6 were chest deep
6 were chin deep
3 over my head

at these beaches the shallows get hammered - so I most likely would not get one in the shallows at these spots
unless it was a fresh drop
and every beach is diffrent - once you learn a beach - it will help you hit it for maximum chance to find gold
but timing and luck is a big part of it

Wet fingers and too loose a ring on a finger . Throwing footballs and beach balls cause these rings to fly off . Wrestling in the water also rips those chains and rings off . Then you also have those suntan oils which makes rings slide off when they are applied . Focus where you think the most force would be applied on a ring . I would guess hip to mid chest deep . Good luck and happy hunting.:icon_thumright:

Don't forget Mommies that carry toddlers and babies into the shallows and the children while holding on to Mom tears off her chain or bracelet.
Being in water for a long period of time softens the body tissue, removes moisture from inside the body and rings etc. get loose.

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