How hard do you try????

I never tried. only found 2 nice rings in my time detecting and both times it was one of those in the middle of nowhere on the beach and an owner to be found wasn't happening.

I don't try that hard, I'll check on Craigslist and see if anyone posts that they lost something. Most of the time they don't seem to even try. Oh well their lose.

I try hard if it has a name in it...with no name, its mine.

While I've never found a nice ring, if it has a name ill try but if it has no name and its an expensive ring, I would have to hear something about it to return it because I wouldn't trust asking someone if they lost a really expensive ring because they would just say yes

If there was a name on it I would try to return it also. Yea I would love to cash it in but my conscious would take over. Its all good I never look for a name untill after I melt it. I never seem to find one. Dont know.

sponge using smoke signals.

If the item has identifying markings on it, then I try to trace it back to the owner.

Class rings are the easiest to trace most of the time, but this is on my own as the schools /alumni do not follow through when I phone them with info.


I actively try to find anyone who lost any decent jewelry. I post an ad on Craig's list lost and found. No photo or details about the ring, just a vague description of the area. If someone lost something, they'll need to respond to the ad with a detailed description and a good idea of where they lost it. Returns can be very rewarding in so many ways.

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