How it is possible for an ordinary person to lift a car - interesting.....


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BBC - Future - How it?s possible for an ordinary person to lift a car

By Adam Hadhazy
2 May 2016

It’s a common urban legend: a mother lifts up a car to save her screaming child pinned underneath. And every now and then, this incredible feat of "hysterical strength" seems to really happen.

In 2012, Lauren Kornacki, a 22-year-old woman in Glen Allen, Virginia, raised a BMW 525i off her father when the car toppled from a jack. Seven years earlier, a man named Tom Boyle hoisted a Chevy Camaro, freeing a trapped cyclist in Tucson, Arizona. The events don't always involve vehicles, like when Lydia Angyiou went toe-to-toe with a polar bear in northern Quebec to protect her son and his friends while they played hockey.

Riveting as these accounts are, scientists have only a tentative understanding of what exactly might be behind hysterical strength. After all, the spontaneous, life-and-death situations that apparently unleash it do not lend themselves to rigorous study.

"You can't really design an experiment to do this in a lab and make people think they're going to die," says E Paul Zehr, a professor of neuroscience and kinesiology at the University of Victoria in British Columbia, Canada. "Something has to happen by fluke."

Nevertheless, numerous lines of research, particularly on athletes, have given us compelling insights into the physiological and psychological elements of hysterical strength. "Clearly, we have it in us," says Robert Girandola, an associate professor of kinesiology at the University of Southern California. "It's not some supernatural force that's causing that strength."

Super human, not superhuman

Before delving further, let's establish a key point about hysterical strength: the amounts of mass often claimed to be involved in the events are less than reported.

Take the archetypal car-lifting example. A person exhibiting hysterical strength is reckoned to have lifted at least 3000lbs (or about a tonne and a half) – the ballpark weight of a mass-market, non-truck, passenger vehicle. This kind of lift is essentially a "dead lift," where someone crouches down and then lifts an object, like a barbell with a bunch of weights on it, completely off the floor.

The world record for deadlifting, however, stands at a mere 1,155lbs (524kg), held by Zydrunas Savickas, four-time winner of the World's Strongest Man competition. Could everyday folk really heft three times the world record?

Probably not. Most reported hysterical strength examples describe a person lifting a portion of a vehicle several inches off the ground, and not an entire automobile. There's the catch: three of the vehicle's wheels – or maybe even all four, depending on the suspension – remain on the ground, distributing the total weight of the vehicle. Furthermore, a vehicle's mass is not apportioned evenly; the heaviest part is the engine block, at the front-centre, not at the periphery where the lifting is taking place.

Put that all together – and not to take away from the courage of those who have put themselves at risk to save others – but someone in the standard hysterical strength scenario is probably lifting more on the order of several hundred pounds, not an Incredible Hulk-esque few thousand.

"You're not lifting the whole car, of course," says Girandola.

More from the muscles

Still, for the vast majority of us who aren't natural beefcakes, such a huge deadlift is nothing to sneeze at. So how is hysterical strength, even in this more down-to-Earth conception, possible?

One major clue is that we humans are, quite simply, stronger than we realise. Our movements are controlled by the contraction of muscles through signals relayed by nerves. When going about our daily lives, our bodies tend to use whatever the least amount is of muscle-and-nerve "motor units" to perform an action.

"Your muscles are normally activated in a very certain way that's really efficient," says Zehr. "Why use your whole muscle mass to lift up a cup of coffee?"

When we need to lug that couch up the stairs, we can simply recruit more motor units. Yet even when we feel we are at our limit, we most certainly are not.

Estimates vary, but researchers have pegged the amount of muscle mass recruited during maximal exercise at around 60%; even elite athletes who have trained to get more output from their musculature might only harness around 80% of their theoretical strength.

Why do we keep so much in reserve? Safety, essentially. If we were to exert our muscles to or beyond their absolute maximum, we could tear muscle tissue, ligaments, tendons and break bones, leaving us in dire straits.

"Our brains are always trying to make sure we don't get pushed too far to where we actually damage something," says Zehr. "If you actually used all the possible force or all the possible energy you could to complete exhaustion, you'd wind up getting into a situation where you might die."

Pain and fatigue as semi-illusions

To duly disincentivise us from incapacitating ourselves, we have evolved to feel pain and distress during periods of high exertion. Experiences of those feelings thus dissuade us from trying to move something that we judge to be too heavy, like a car, under ordinary circumstances.

Though our muscles seem to be screaming out "stop!", in many cases, we could do more without incurring injury. Until around 15 years ago, exercise science had long chalked up muscle fatigue solely to physiological factors within the muscles themselves. The 1922 Nobel Prize in Physiology winner, AV Hill, established the dogma that the limiting factor in strenuous exercise was simply the body's ability to take in and disseminate energy-unlocking oxygen to muscles.

This "brainless model," in the words of Timothy Noakes, an emeritus professor in the Division of Exercise Science and Sports Medicine at the University of Cape Town, has withered in recent years. Noakes' work and that of other researchers has reframed the brain not as a bystander, but as a "central governor", with primary responsibility for performance. Per the new thinking, the pain of muscle fatigue is more of an emotion than a reflection of the physical state of exerted muscles in question.

Zehr offers a telling anecdote to illustrate the central governor hypothesis. He remembers 30-odd years ago, his martial arts teacher asked the class to do a leg conditioning stance that really strained the thigh muscles. When the students finally felt they couldn't take the burn anymore and broke their stance, their teacher asked why. "We'd say, 'our legs just gave out' and we'd 'reached our limits'," says Zehr. The teacher responded that if that were so, instead of standing there offering excuses, shouldn't Zehr and his fellows have collapsed onto the floor?

The takeaway: our brain, rather than our body, largely says when it's time to quit, based on our psychology instead of the physiology of oxygen-starved muscles.

So what is it psychologically that allows athletes – and for that matter, hysterical strengtheners – to overcome their brain's protestations to physical exertion?

Training, which can be thought as frequent exposure to the psychological pain of effort, certainly helps in getting one accustomed to and "pushing through" the agony. There might also be an underlying genetic component to the subjective feeling of pain, so some people have a harder time getting as close to their theoretical maximum output, says Zehr. Truly elite athletes might have a built-in advantage of being physiologically predisposed to superior performance. Either way, it's little surprise that, in studies, highly trained triathletes have reported higher pain thresholds than average folk.

A hard-to-calculate, but titanic factor behind hysterical strength is, of course, motivation. "We can force ourselves to ignore some of those pain signals," says Zehr.

As strong as the motivation might be for succeeding in an athletic contest, the motivation can be arguably mightier for someone directly experiencing danger, or empathising with another in harm's way. "If you're in a situation where it's all risk, and the reward is that you live, you're going to risk everything," says Zehr. "There is no next step unless you do that."

"We always act with reserve but that control can be overridden," agrees Cape Town's Noakes. "I am aware of people doing remarkable feats in war when if they were caught, they would be killed. They have run for days without food or drink."

Adrenaline rush

A key actor in pushing the body to extremes is the well-known "adrenaline rush," where hormones such as epinephrine (aka adrenaline) surge out of our adrenal glands, into our blood and throughout the body.

"The release of adrenaline is rapid – seemingly instantaneous – so that we can respond accordingly to fight-or-flight situations," says Gordon Lynch, a physiologist at the University of Melbourne, Australia.

Physiologically, adrenaline boosts breathing and heart rate, flooding our muscles with extra, oxygenated blood for more forceful contractions. Nerves from the spinal cord running to our bodies' muscles are more easily able to recruit motor units, again harnessing more of a muscle's total strength. "The more motor units that are recruited, the greater the force that can be developed," says Lynch.

Furthermore, during a stressful, adrenaline-fueled situation, the body's pain sensitivity seems to fall, as suggested by numerous anecdotes of injuries incurred and only later fathomed. For example, according to the writer Jeff Wise, only upon returning home from having lifted a car off of a teenager, Boyle – the Arizonian man – felt pain in his mouth. It turned out he had unknowingly cracked eight of his teeth, apparently from clenching his jaw during the intense lift.

The behaviour of people on certain drugs also sheds light on this pain-and-strength nexus. Users of methamphetamine, cocaine and PCP, just to name a few, have reduced pain sensitivity due to the pharmacokinetics of the substances. That fact likely explains the seemingly exaggerated strength some users display in violent encounters with law enforcement. "Drugs can blunt the pain signals and make you 'superhuman'," says Girandola.

The strength increase from an adrenaline rush is unquantified, but for an estimate, Girandola points to a study from 1961. Michio Ikai of the University of Tokyo and Arthur Steinhaus of George Williams College investigated how subjects' grip strengths changed, given certain, ahem, provocations.

"What Ikai did was, he went behind the [study subjects] with a starter pistol," says Girandola, "and he fired it – not at their head – and after the sound, their strength went up dramatically." By 10%, actually, in part based on an adrenaline rush, he says. (Speaking even more convincingly to the reserve vim in our muscles, shouting or grunting by the participants in the 1961 study unlocked 15% more strength, and hypnosis an amazing 30%.)

Clearly, we are capable of more than we realise. That true capacity may well emerge when the stakes are at their highest – or it may not.

"We may think we'd know how we'd react under such stressful situations," says Lynch, "but we could be surprised or disappointed."


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Mar 8, 2014
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The section about pain and Fatigue I do understand. It's just a feeling. You can hit a wall mentally and physically and push beyond. There is a lot to that. I've worked with people that they concentrated on the "how tired they were", "how hot it was", "I'm so sore", etc... Just making the situation harder on them. If you ignore it or rethink the "feeling", You can make it go away. To a certain point! I'm getting to the age where doing that my whole life and pushing my body "beyond" is taking it's toll!:laughing7:

The strength thing is true too, You can do things and lift things that you normally wouldn't, if the "will" is there. By not prejudging it. But, you will feel the after effects!:laughing7:

One small example, A friend and I found a safe years ago, it was about a mile from my house, dumped in an old strip mine pond. We dug the thing out, carried it home, and worked on drilling it open all night, The rush of "what's inside"? Gave us super strength and able to carry that thing a mile through the woods. A couple of years later, we decided to get it out of my dads garage and scrap it, We could barely move the thing!:laughing7: Ohh, when we finally got it open? There was only 55 cents in change in it. What we thought was the "good stuff" rattling around inside were two inside doors. :laughing7:

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May 9, 2012
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Seemed I ran faster as a youth , when scared.

The old , "fear lends wings to the feet".


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Jun 9, 2013
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Your mine (brain) can override the bodies signals of pain and fatigue to quite a degree. And with training this can be ratcheted up to extreme levels. Now I totally admit I was NEVER close to being a world class athlete but I was big fish in a small pond in MI. While in H.S. I ran track and cross country (1-3 miles). I did very well starting out as a freshman. I would NEVER be viewed as a smart runner but I did win 95% of the time. My coaches would say "Brad, slow down and you'll run faster times". Never made sense to me (did later). My desire to win would push my body into areas of pain I never knew many times.

When the gun went off to start a race I'd set a torrid pace and continue it until EVERYBODY dropped off one by one. After that I'd just hang on. While that worked against most folks it didn't when you met someone your equal. For some reason when your body is screaming for relief and you ratchet it up you can learn to push through to a higher level. I believe it's a leaned behavior. Some folks may call it a "second wind". But your body can be pushed to amazing levels if you learn to push through. I met my match my Junior year against the eventual State Champ in the 2-mile. We were on a cinder track and everybody knew this match-up would be interesting. The open mile that night was won in 4:42. When Tim and I finished the first mile of 2 in 4:41 & 4:42 each I really knew this was gonna hurt badly. I then picked up the pace on the 5th lap of 8 and damn if he didn't go with me. On the gun lap (8th) Tim shot out around me at the start/finish line. I broke....! He won in 9:48 to my 10:03. He opened up a 15 second gap on the last lap! While those times today may not be fast in H.S. they were between 69'-73'.

Folks of all sizes can push and do amazing things when confronted or wanting to achieve something. I was only 4'-11" @ 95lbs entering H.S. and still was winning. I think most folks don't challenge their strength and/or pain level but it can be raised to amazing levels.


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Feb 29, 2016
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Many times, I've heard about such counts of strength concerning someone lifting a car off of someone else, but while the car was partially in the water. People tend to forget that buoyancy comes into effect. That said, Brad has it right. I used to push myself as well. The harder I worked, the more I liked it, the better I felt afterward. The pain was, for me, a good feeling - if that makes any sense. ...Now, just a few short LIFETIMES later, I deal with pain moment to moment. No longer can I figure out how to push myself "beyond limits", not even my own. It just hurts too much trying to make it to my "new" limits!

We got the new (used) metal detector the other day. Wife went out that beautiful evening to try it out. No bugs, calm/no wind, simply gorgeous day!! She turned on the machine near the house and I helped her tune the machine (Silver uMax) to what I had read was a good starting point. Without taking a step, there is a very loud, sharp signal - constant. A shovel is just a few feet away. However, we had been out for a couple hours doing other things and were already hurting, so even the excitement of hearing a strong target didn't help motivate us. Maybe one day we'll dig a coin out here, or something else that we'll call a treasure (but probably just junk :tongue3: ) and then get more excited at the tones we find. ...Just hard to get motivated when everything you do hurts, even rest & relaxation!


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kcm: What I posted was something I did in the extreme between 69'-73'. But maybe like you (?) I'm now almost 61 y/o and we pushed ourselves then much easier. If I had to run another 4:32 mile or a 9:45 2-mile (my fastest) I'd die within the first 200yds... :BangHead: KCM... YOU are absolutely right it felt "good" to push to another level. And I also "liked" the results of the pain I/we/others went through to achieve another level of achievement. It does make perfect sense to me.

But when we're older we're not trying to "achieve" an athletic goal to better others anymore. All we want is to not hurt anymore. Pain now comes to us.... Not us attacking it!!!! BIG DIFFERENCE.

kcm.... Your right... to push through to a higher personal level of pain brings about a great deal of satisfaction when we are attacking it.... but not in the reverse. I absolutely understand your statement of pain "being a good thing"... PERFECT SENSE TO ME. And it feels GREAT to push through it when attacking it. At that point you just "learned" something and your now new limits.


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Feb 29, 2016
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The pain back then shall I say it....good? Now, it just feels sick. It's a sick aching that never seems to end - just keeps spreading, kinda like my pants size. :tongue3: ...Funny how my mind seems to be changing as well - in an equal, though opposite way! :BangHead:



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This thread takes me back to the last time I saw my father's mother. Granny Laura's oldest daughter stood close in front of the fireplace in a Sunday dress and burned alive in front of Granny. I remember as a child, she never was "there", her mind had left but she was farmer's wife functional.

In the 70's I was riding my motorcycle around just wandering, and stopped by my aunt's house - hadn't seen her since '58. And she was in care of Granny Laura - and Granny Laura had gone off somewhere else. All she did was smile, and she was in her 90's then.

Granny Laura wanted to ride my motorcycle! She kept patting the seat and just spreading her face with a huge smile. I'm sorry now, but I couldn't do that. I was living somewhere else when she passed, I think she was 95.


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May 22, 2013
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I don't believe in those urban legends of strength. Your body can only do so much, it's basic physics. No matter how much "adrenaline" or my mind wants me to do something. My muscles, ligaments and cartilage can only handle so much pressure before being destroyed and leaving you severely injured.


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Mar 8, 2014
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I don't believe in those urban legends of strength. Your body can only do so much, it's basic physics. No matter how much "adrenaline" or my mind wants me to do something. My muscles, ligaments and cartilage can only handle so much pressure before being destroyed and leaving you severely injured.

I've seen some guys lift stuff even in extreme anger that I was a amazed at! I do believe some of these stories are true! I also believe that person felt it after the "high" wore off though! Probably sore or even injured for a long time afterwards. Most cars really don't weigh what people imagine they do either. I've seen two average guys pick up the back of a smaller car just playing around. I had a friend in a bet dead lift a V8 small block out of an engine compartment. He was bent over the radiator support. It had no top end and he was a bugger guy, but no monster or weight lifting champion! He struggled and got it, won his pack of smokes for the night!:laughing7:


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I watched in utter amazement my friends old brother do something in the early 70's. Kevin and I were about 14 both. Randy (21-22) was trying to install a beefed up V-8 motor back into his AMX. We were standing around watching him. He was having trouble getting the motor to sit on the mounts right with the lift. Finally he got pissed, lowered the motor down, and disconnected the lowering chains from the life. He then got up into the engine compartment, straddled the wheel wells, grabbed up the chains and picked the motor up and placed it where he wanted it.... WE WERE ABSOLUTELY AMAZED. Randy was about 5-9, 220 and strong as an ox. His arms were as big as my thighs then.

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