How many 1970-D halves have made it into circulation?


Silver Member
Feb 1, 2010
Found my 3rd 1970-D yesterday in a CWR. Got me thinking, of the 2,150,000 coins minted how many do you think have entered circulation?

Also hunted $40 worth of pennies ($5 each from 8 branches) and found exactly 0 Wheaties which is statistically amazing.

Last odd note, 80% of my lifetime halves volume comes from MWR. But of the 5 1970’s i’ve Found (3 D’s, 2 S’s), none have come from a MWR (2 CWR, 2 bags, 1 teller tray).


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Isn't the 70-d like looking for a particular grain of sand on a beach? Almost non-existent, but yet they are out there as NIFC.

For what it’s worth I find 1970-D’s, 1970-S’s, Barbers, modern 90% proofs, AG commemoratives and foreign silver all at roughly the same frequency (1 per ~$150K each).

I would also also guess that there have been ~150-200,000 1970-D’s released into circulation.

I started half hunting rather late in the game, maybe around the mid-1990s or so.

Used to work in a casino and would bring home $100 in halves now and then. Went thru thousands of $$$. Never found a 1970.

Then around 2002 the casino went coinless. The cage manager knew I was a collector and asked me if I wanted to buy the remaining 6 boxes before they were sent back to the bank. I did, and finally found my first and only 70-D.

Dealers love to crack open mint sets so I'd imagine there's prob a fair number of them out there.

I have been coin roll hunting since early 1998 and have been buying 2 boxes per week with not too many weeks missed getting boxes for all these years. Out of all those boxes and thousands of rolls of customer turned in rolls I have found exactly 1 1970 D half. I would say they are rare and hard to find.

Is the 1970S a more common find?
I have found one of those. Also in that box was a 1964 proof and a 1966 sms.

Those, a 1992 silver proof and a 1976s 40%er are the extent of my silver proof finds, at the rate of 2 boxes per week the past 3 years, and 1 per week for 5 years prior to that.

My dumb a** found a 1970 D or S, I don't remember which, which I sold to a local coin shop when I didn't know better.

I, too, found a 70-d yesterday!
I pulled it from one of two boxes of halves I ordered. (It happened to be the only silver in the two boxes, and was an ender too.)
I was in Reno for the weekend to watch the BSU/Nevada football game, and called a bank in the area the previous week and ordered some coins to look through on my trip. On my way home from the game, I went through Carson City to check out the old Carson City Mint (now the NV State Museum).
I picked up my boxes less than three miles from the Mint. I was hoping to pull a CC half instead - thought that would make an amazing story- by I guess a 70-d was still okay.
It was my 5th 70-d. I believe 2 were from CWRs and 3 from boxes. I think there are quite a few out there - a lot of folks don’t realize they’re silver & don’t snatch them.
By the way, if you are ever near Reno/Carson City/Tahoe, go check out the Mint! Pretty amazing Mecca for collectors.

For what it’s worth I find 1970-D’s, 1970-S’s, Barbers, modern 90% proofs, AG commemoratives and foreign silver all at roughly the same frequency (1 per ~$150K each).

I would also also guess that there have been ~150-200,000 1970-D’s released into circulation.

Yeh, found lots of other goodies including 3 barber's, about 15 modern proofs including a 2014 p anniversary coin. 4 or so old silver commens including 1936 long island tercentennary. Foreign silvee like the 1937 dominican half, and 2 silver medals... not coins.

So really I found lots, just no 1970 coins. Statistically I should have found some

I am not saying that they are common but is it possible that since they are only 40% they just end up in the melt bag without being date searched. For some reason I check every 90% date but the 40% just get stacked. When the 70-D/S pop up it is normally because the edge is so sharp that it causes me to look at the date. Before TN banned trading for non members I think I was getting 3 90% for a 70-D.


I’ve found 19 of 70-D. Most of them were from boxes. They are not rare like Barber.

At least 12 of em hard to find but still around.

I found a half dozen or so - I remember the first one - came from a tellers tray. Some from boxes also, one box had both the 70-d and 70-s. Definitely rare finds, every $150k searching might be a good estimate.


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