How many believe the moon landing was...

Treasure_Hunter said:
So we are sheep, despicably and apathetic because we KNOW the landing happened.

Do I believe every single word the Politicians tell us, no. Do I believe every thing they say is a lie, NO! Not a single person has come out and proven the landing was fake.... If it was fake the Russians would have poured millions of dollars in to spying and bribes to prove it, to discredit us in the early 70's. You think if they can steal some of our most guarded military secrets, they couldn't steal proof the landing were fake, or bribe someone who was there, or are they in the conspiracy too?

If you are so sure everything the government does is a lie, why do you continue to pay income tax? You want to believe it was faked, then believe it. There will always be a small percentage of people who see a conspiracy in everything the government does. Conspiracy theories are seldom supported by any conclusive evidence.

Your post with the tone and name calling has now taken this thread down a path i'm not going down.

If the Russians could have done what you said, why didn't they? I know, you say it's because it was all real. But, if they could have done all that, why couldn't they have discredited the "real" moon landing? Why didn't they try?
Because they, along with the rest of the world, myself included, were tricked into believing it. As has already been said, they tracked everything. The time was right. It had been built up for more than ten years, and the expectation was that America was gonna land on the moon and be the first to do it. Give some thought to the way everything played out.

As far as name calling, what do you call "conspiracy theorist" and all the other things that are said about those who dare to not except everything they're told?
But that's the way political correctness works. If you're not in "the club" you're made to feel 2nd class. With this kind of set up, you can make people believe anything.

Kentucky Kache said:
Treasure_Hunter said:
After Columbus discovered the New World, (don't thing the Indians knew they were lost), there were still those who refuse to believe it happened, and continued to believe the world was flat.

Proud to be an American, proud that America had the knowledge, skill, technology, and bravery to land a man on the moon and return.

These statements tell everything I've been saying. Proud Americans who will believe nothing but what their sacred government tells them, and those who don't are labeled. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Do you think the earth is flat too, KK?

I want to believe it was real, I really do but the older I get, the more questions I have. When I was in school I never even doubted it. I guess when you get older and realize how much there was at stake(had to beat the russians or else), and know how our government treats us about pretty much everything you get skeptical. How in 1969(just before the decade was about to run out, no less) were we able to do such a precise thing as land on the moon, and safely return the astronauts? How in 1969 was the President and NASA able to talk to the astronauts like they were in the same room with no delay? And here we are in 2009 a full 40 years later and if you watch Fox or CNN and they do an interview in Iraq or even on the other side of the United States there is like a 2 or 3 second delay in the conversation?? Come on, a pocket calculator has more computing power than what was in that space craft. I don't mean to sound like a crazy person, I have a good education and because of that I don't blindly believe everything I am told. I hope I am wrong but I have alot of other questions too. Why did we just stop going to the moon. And dont think that this gov. with all its resources couldn't find a select group of people with the right kinda "wiring" to be the types who would want to be Pioneers and live for that infamy even if it wasn't real, as long as everyone on earth thought it was real. Keep them living comfortably for the rest of their lives, everything they need and their names remembered forever. Oh yes I'm sure they could find enough of those types. It would only take a select few to know the truth. Even the Astronauts themselves could have been drugged or something to believe that they really were on the moon. I don't believe the Lee Harvey Oswald thing either. "Threats " had been made against the president and you put him in a convertible???? Also don't believe it to be a coincidence that when a president is in office that is an oil tycoon that fuel prices almost triple, VP with major interest in a company that gets all the war contracts too. Too much stuff to believe blindly, think about it.

BuckleBoy said:
Kentucky Kache said:
Treasure_Hunter said:
After Columbus discovered the New World, (don't thing the Indians knew they were lost), there were still those who refuse to believe it happened, and continued to believe the world was flat.

Proud to be an American, proud that America had the knowledge, skill, technology, and bravery to land a man on the moon and return.

These statements tell everything I've been saying. Proud Americans who will believe nothing but what their sacred government tells them, and those who don't are labeled. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Do you think the earth is flat too, KK?

This is exactly what I've been saying. Thanks for the visual aid.
This tactic has worked well. In fact it has worked well enough to bring things to where they are today, with almost everybody in the world believing something that never happened. It works well, but not with everyone.

BB, Moon landing and shape of the earth are not related. But, I do understand your attempt.

Captain Loosechange said:
I want to believe it was real, I really do but the older I get, the more questions I have. When I was in school I never even doubted it. I guess when you get older and realize how much there was at stake(had to beat the russians or else), and know how our government treats us about pretty much everything you get skeptical. How in 1969(just before the decade was about to run out, no less) were we able to do such a precise thing as land on the moon, and safely return the astronauts? How in 1969 was the President and NASA able to talk to the astronauts like they were in the same room with no delay? And here we are in 2009 a full 40 years later and if you watch Fox or CNN and they do an interview in Iraq or even on the other side of the United States there is like a 2 or 3 second delay in the conversation?? Come on, a pocket calculator has more computing power than what was in that space craft. I don't mean to sound like a crazy person, I have a good education and because of that I don't blindly believe everything I am told. I hope I am wrong but I have alot of other questions too. Why did we just stop going to the moon. And dont think that this gov. with all its resources couldn't find a select group of people with the right kinda "wiring" to be the types who would want to be Pioneers and live for that infamy even if it wasn't real, as long as everyone on earth thought it was real. Keep them living comfortably for the rest of their lives, everything they need and their names remembered forever. Oh yes I'm sure they could find enough of those types. It would only take a select few to know the truth. Even the Astronauts themselves could have been drugged or something to believe that they really were on the moon. I don't believe the Lee Harvey Oswald thing either. "Threats " had been made against the president and you put him in a convertible???? Also don't believe it to be a coincidence that when a president is in office that is an oil tycoon that fuel prices almost triple, VP with major interest in a company that gets all the war contracts too. Too much stuff to believe blindly, think about it.

Thank you.

Most of us have an education. But that doesn't mean we should let ourselves be blinded. Education HAS to believe in the moon landing, because scientist say its true. What's true is the theory, not the fact. Yes, it is theoretically possible to land on the moon. In fact, I believe we did...just not with people on board. So, if we believe it because of its theoretical possibility, then why are we who don't believe it the ones who are called theorists?

Called conspiracy theorists because of the belief there was a conspiracyto fake the landing when in fact we walked on the moon.

Do you think Buzz Aldrin punch the man because he was trying to keep covered a conspiracy, or because he called him a liar for saying he walked on the moon, he risked his life to walk on the moon.

Treasure_Hunter said:
Called conspiracy theorists because of the belief there was a conspiracyto fake the landing when in fact we walked on the moon.

Do you think Buzz Aldrin punch the man because he was trying to keep covered a conspiracy, or because he called him a liar for saying he walked on the moon, he risked his life to walk on the moon.

According to what I hear about Buzz, he did that because he is a person that few , if any, can get along with...a bit of a conceited chap. ;D But whatever the reason, I think he should have been jailed, the same as anyone else.
Really, punching a guy is not proof of landing on the moon.

"Called conspiracy theorists because of the belief there was a conspiracyto fake the landing when in fact we walked on the moon."

Yes, that is why we're called that, but where is your proof?

Kentucky Kache said:
Treasure_Hunter said:
Called conspiracy theorists because of the belief there was a conspiracyto fake the landing when in fact we walked on the moon.

Do you think Buzz Aldrin punch the man because he was trying to keep covered a conspiracy, or because he called him a liar for saying he walked on the moon, he risked his life to walk on the moon.

According to what I hear about Buzz, he did that because he is a person that few , if any, can get along with...a bit of a conceited chap. ;D But whatever the reason, I think he should have been jailed, the same as anyone else.
Really, punching a guy is not proof of landing on the moon.

"Called conspiracy theorists because of the belief there was a conspiracy to fake the landing when in fact we walked on the moon."

Yes, that is why we're called that, but where is you proof?

Our proof is in the many videos taken, the men who returned and the equipment we left behind on the moon. Where is your proof they didn't, other then your theory?

Judge disagreed with you, when he tried to sue Buzz, the judge threw case out of court and told the man he had it coming.

You have a right to believe what you wish, and if you choose to not believe man walked on the moon, then your part of the 10-12% or so who do not believe it happen, it is your right.

Here is to Neil Armstrong and all who followed him to the moon..... :icon_thumright:

Treasure_Hunter said:
Kentucky Kache said:
Treasure_Hunter said:
Called conspiracy theorists because of the belief there was a conspiracyto fake the landing when in fact we walked on the moon.

Do you think Buzz Aldrin punch the man because he was trying to keep covered a conspiracy, or because he called him a liar for saying he walked on the moon, he risked his life to walk on the moon.

According to what I hear about Buzz, he did that because he is a person that few , if any, can get along with...a bit of a conceited chap. ;D But whatever the reason, I think he should have been jailed, the same as anyone else.
Really, punching a guy is not proof of landing on the moon.

"Called conspiracy theorists because of the belief there was a conspiracy to fake the landing when in fact we walked on the moon."

Yes, that is why we're called that, but where is you proof?

Our proof is in the many videos taken, the men who returned and the equipment we left behind on the moon. Where is your proof they didn't, other then your theory?

Judge disagreed with you, when he tried to sue Buzz, the judge threw case out of court and told the man he had it coming.

You have a right to believe what you wish, and if you choose to not believe man walked on the moon, then your part of the 10-12% or so who do not believe it happen, it is your right.

Here is to Neil Armstrong and all who followed him to the moon..... :icon_thumright:

Neither of us have irrefutable proof for what we believe. That has already been covered. Don't you think it's possible that we could have sent an unmanned craft to the moon? Videos prove nothing, but, to me at least, they show more damage than validity for what you believe. Still, that's your choice. It doesn't matter how many believe or nor, I'm interested in the truth, no matter how unpopular.

I'm not surprised that the judge sided with the Buzz. Just more American pride getting in the way of justice and truth, IMO.

How in 1969 do you land on the moon with a craft, but have to take parachutes back to earth?? Makes you wonder ????? Another question, How did we have the technology to go to the moon in 1969, but don't have the technology to do it today?

Does anyone think that we would send human lives to the moon or another planet without first sending something there unmanned? I mean, that would be a little irresponsible, wouldn't it? We didn't do that with mars. If YOU were in charge, wouldn't you want to prove that it could be done before putting people's lives on the line? I call to your memory the craft that Armstrong couldn't control and had to jettison out of. And that was JUST before he piloted it to the moon. Would YOU have sent him?

Kentucky Kache,

Our proof is there, and there is lots of it for all the world to see, I have not seen anything, not a single bit of proof at all to disprove it.

This is your thread, I am done with it..........................Have a good day.

jraven said:
How in 1969 do you land on the moon with a craft, but have to take parachutes back to earth?? Makes you wonder ????? Another question, How did we have the technology to go to the moon in 1969, but don't have the technology to do it today?

I think it has to do with atmosphere. The science had to be correct, or else other scientists would know. Why stop? That's a good question. I say it's because we couldn't keep up the deception. It had already worked, so why mess with it.

Treasure_Hunter said:
Kentucky Kache,

Our proof is there, and there is lots of it for all the world to see, I have not seen anything, not a single bit of proof at all to disprove it.

This is your thread, I am done with it..........................Have a good day.

No need to get upset. You are welcome to continue posting. I'm just trying to get my point across, same as you. You DO have proof, and so do I, but nothing is irrefutable.

This is your thread, too.

jraven said:
How in 1969 do you land on the moon with a craft, but have to take parachutes back to earth?? Makes you wonder ????? Another question, How did we have the technology to go to the moon in 1969, but don't have the technology to do it today?

Answer to first question: Differences in gravity.
Answer to second question: We have the technology, we also have OSHA and the EPA. :thumbsup:

Treasure_Hunter said:
Kentucky Kache said:
Treasure_Hunter said:
Called conspiracy theorists because of the belief there was a conspiracyto fake the landing when in fact we walked on the moon.

Do you think Buzz Aldrin punch the man because he was trying to keep covered a conspiracy, or because he called him a liar for saying he walked on the moon, he risked his life to walk on the moon.

According to what I hear about Buzz, he did that because he is a person that few , if any, can get along with...a bit of a conceited chap. ;D But whatever the reason, I think he should have been jailed, the same as anyone else.
Really, punching a guy is not proof of landing on the moon.

"Called conspiracy theorists because of the belief there was a conspiracy to fake the landing when in fact we walked on the moon."

Yes, that is why we're called that, but where is you proof?

Our proof is in the many videos taken, the men who returned and the equipment we left behind on the moon. Where is your proof they didn't, other then your theory?

Judge disagreed with you, when he tried to sue Buzz, the judge threw case out of court and told the man he had it coming.

You have a right to believe what you wish, and if you choose to not believe man walked on the moon, then your part of the 10-12% or so who do not believe it happen, it is your right.

Here is to Neil Armstrong and all who followed him to the moon..... :icon_thumright:
I've seen "videos" of Bigfoot too, but don't believe that is real either. Videos don't prove squat. Again 1969 talk to moon from Earth-No delay 2009 Talk from New York to L.A. on live tv-2-3 or more second delay...... 'Splain that one to "us 10-12%"

Don't know, I wasn't there so I can't say yeah or nay, as is the case with every one on this forum.

No one has given me a reason to not to believe. I do know that I watched it on TV as a kid, even went outside and looked at the moon to see if I could see the astronauts and I watched Walter Cronkite as he covered the story live.

If I say I don't believe, then I'll be calling him a liar and I don't think he was. I have more respect for him than I do for just about anybody living.

Anyone that was on the moon at that given time should speak now.

Captain Loosechange said:
Treasure_Hunter said:
Kentucky Kache said:
Treasure_Hunter said:
Called conspiracy theorists because of the belief there was a conspiracyto fake the landing when in fact we walked on the moon.

Do you think Buzz Aldrin punch the man because he was trying to keep covered a conspiracy, or because he called him a liar for saying he walked on the moon, he risked his life to walk on the moon.

According to what I hear about Buzz, he did that because he is a person that few , if any, can get along with...a bit of a conceited chap. ;D But whatever the reason, I think he should have been jailed, the same as anyone else.
Really, punching a guy is not proof of landing on the moon.

"Called conspiracy theorists because of the belief there was a conspiracy to fake the landing when in fact we walked on the moon."

Yes, that is why we're called that, but where is you proof?

Our proof is in the many videos taken, the men who returned and the equipment we left behind on the moon. Where is your proof they didn't, other then your theory?

Judge disagreed with you, when he tried to sue Buzz, the judge threw case out of court and told the man he had it coming.

You have a right to believe what you wish, and if you choose to not believe man walked on the moon, then your part of the 10-12% or so who do not believe it happen, it is your right.

Here is to Neil Armstrong and all who followed him to the moon..... :icon_thumright:
I've seen "videos" of Bigfoot too, but don't believe that is real either. Videos don't prove squat. Again 1969 talk to moon from Earth-No delay 2009 Talk from New York to L.A. on live tv-2-3 or more second delay...... 'Splain that one to "us 10-12%"

Its called LOS- line of sight. Talking around the world has a delay because you have to beam a signal to a relay satellite and possibly a couple more before the reply has to come back the same route, doubling the amount of "hops".

Transmission to and from the moon were instantaneous because it was a direct shot, only at certain times though. There were periods when no communication was possible, and periods when satellite relays had to be used, and those same pesky pauses applied.

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