How to make a dump bank work?


Sr. Member
Oct 11, 2005
How do you big time CRH'ers manage to dump all that coin and not get in trouble with the banks?

I am having a lot of trouble with my dump bank. Of course I am one of the heaviest users of their coin machines, but it available to anyone with an account free of charge...

Apparently that doesn't apply to anyone who actually uses those machines more than one time a month.

How can you guys manage to do 20 boxes or more every week and not run afoul of the coin counter Nazi's?

Please seriously, I need some help here.

Thanks in advance.

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How many branches does your dump bank have? Mine has 7 sos I spread it around a little, still wind up doing 5 or 6K a week at the closest branches though. I been doing this since before they realized I shouldn't be so now I'm a permanent fixture, still trying to get one of them bank shirts from the managers with no luck- say I'm there so much I may as well work there then I can have a shirt haha. Some branches are nicer than others, some managers complain about ME taking all their $100's- my reply is after 2.5 years you should know to order enough. HH Mark

look out. they are getting ready to kick you out of the coin machine. that is what happenend to me. try and get them to give you the bags that the coin machine uses and you just fill them up with 1K each and bring them in that way. if they agree that should get you by for awhile. that was the set up i had and it had been working for almost a year now. they are giving me grief about it now. they are trying to get rid of me. been giving me all kind of excuses like the bags cost 65.00 a case and i go through a case in a month. brinks charges them per bag and mine are costing them too much....yada yada dump bank would love to get rid of me and make me go away.
i have said it before and i will say it again.....unless you have a bank that will play ball the game is over. good luck to you

You just gotta be ready for whatever comes and expect it too, when they fire warning shots I just go elsewhere; it appears to me if you (and I do) have a bank with at least 50 Branches within 100 miles of me, I'll just make it a point of visiting a diff one each time dump, maybe will hit them all in a years time ;D , how mad can they get!

Also have 2 Bank(s) accounts that are almost inactive that use solely for emergency backup dumps.

I spread my dumps around, and I found a couple that seem to enjoy it, although I'm not a monster hunter. The most I've dumped at one time was $3,000 in halves and $300 in nickels at a single branch. They seemed a little irked, so I try not to dump much there. Good luck.

I guess I'm very very lucky. My CU opened a branch near my house and it has a self service coin counter. It uses a big bin to hold the coin. I was the first customer the day they opened and after going thought all of the rigamarole of being the first customer, I promptly dumped 30,000 cents in the machine. The next day I filled that bin (a bin holds between 57-59K coins depending on denomination). They switched out the bin and told me they were going to order an extra bin so I wouldn't leave them without any empty bins ::) Once the armored car service figured out how often I fill up the bins and placed the branch on a weekly pickup and delivery schedule, it has worked quite well.

Prior to that branch opening, my dump CU had a machine that utilized bags. I also bought from this branch and would of course occasionally get a partial bag of my cent and dime bags back, but not to often. This branch would also run my coin for me. All I did was bring in the bags and leave them with the vault teller. They would have someone run the coin during the day during slack times. This branch still handles my overflow when I have too many coins for the bins on hand to handle.

Find a bank with a coin machine that does not use the bags. The tellers get irked when they have to come and service the machines. I have two banks that use coin machines with big bins that hold several thousand dollars worth of coins. The tellers can pretty much ignore the machines and don't get upset with people like me that dump a couple thousand in halves a week.
I find that the branches that are very busy are better dump banks. The tellers expect the machines are going to get used a lot. A couple weeks ago, I actually had to wait in a line to get to the coin machine. The person ahead of me filled the machine. Talking to the teller as she serviced the machine, she told me sometimes they have to empty it more than once a day. She seemed to think this much usage was normal. Staying under the radar is the way to go.

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