Human remains?


Full Member
May 29, 2014
southern Indiana
Detector(s) used
white 4900/d
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
This is maybe a pretty lame question but I have to ask. With so many treasure hunters out and about these days I find it a bit strange that you don't hear of someone finding human remains while MDing.I personally know of 11 guns that have been found but none of them with a detector. My neighbor found one in a quarry pond. My brother found one leaning against a tree,had been there so long the tree was growing around it. A classmate's "logging" family felled a tree and had cut through an old mushet. One uncle found 3 pistols,4 rifles 3 cases of wine and $5000 in confederate money inside a wall of a tear down. And another uncle found an old stevens crackshot inside a wall of a house he bought. I would think someone is finding things that are still with a body.Anybody hear of this happening?


Lame no morbid yes. If human remains are found I think it's law they must be reported and lord help ya if they find out you took stuff I'd imagine. I suppose it could happen fairly readily though lots of unmarked and degraded shallow graves I'd imagine from the old days. Glad I haven't ran across any well maybe one but I didn't go digging around in it just had a feeling ;)

It happens some talk about it when it happens to them others don't.

Actually, I wasn't even thinking about shallow graves. I was more thinking how many people have just fell where they died and was never found. You would think if something like this happens it would be all over the news but I can't remember ever hearing of it. And I'd think bones would last a long time.With the 2 guns I know of that were found with a tree growing around them makes me thing that the owner didn't live to recover his weapon.I don't know,I just find it strange that's all.


Found some ............declared to Police 2 jaws and 1 femur....since then i have been nicknamed "Ripper" in my club


This is maybe a pretty lame question but I have to ask. With so many treasure hunters out and about these days I find it a bit strange that you don't hear of someone finding human remains while MDing.I personally know of 11 guns that have been found but none of them with a detector. My neighbor found one in a quarry pond. My brother found one leaning against a tree,had been there so long the tree was growing around it. A classmate's "logging" family felled a tree and had cut through an old mushet. One uncle found 3 pistols,4 rifles 3 cases of wine and $5000 in confederate money inside a wall of a tear down. And another uncle found an old stevens crackshot inside a wall of a house he bought. I would think someone is finding things that are still with a body.Anybody hear of this happening?


What is LAME Wade, is that you haven't invited Juice up to treasure hunt with you. :laughing7:

I know a guy that found a child's skull on his property. He called the authorities and some testing was done. It had been there for a very long time and had likely died from serious head trauma as there was an obvious impact area. I've hunted a couple of old areas where the natives wiped out settlements in the late 1600s and also early 1700s. I've found some bones but nothing that I would definitively call human. Could easily be animal as it's very common to find lots of animal bones on these colonial sites

I inherited an 1876 rifle that was found in Redwood City, Calif. back when the area was still a Redwood forest. The gun was found along with the bones of a bear and the bones of a man. That's all I ever knew of the story, it came from an Uncle who got the gun when he lived in Burlingame, CA in the 1940's. The gun had a bulge in the barrel, so it kind of looked to me like the muzzle had been pressed against the bear when the trigger was pulled. When I was a kid WWII was going on, and the army had fortified the coast, and one of the foxholes or gun emplacements was in the middle of an Indian mound/midden. They dug up a grave or two, and bones were laying around. I remember one skull, very small, like a child, full of dirt, and totally broken up, held together by the soil inside. We were playing army in the fox hole, so didn't pay much attention beyond that. It was to broken up to pack off, and looking back on it knowing what I do now, it probably happened at the time of death. Like perhaps the person fell off the cliff and landed on their head. Anyhow, we told mom about it, and she had a fit, made us go back up and bury it. That midden was between the county road, which at that time was an old railroad bed, and the ocean. The county widened the road, and none of that midden is left now.

You're funny juice! Ha! You know, Lame,As in a dumb thing to ask!
With so many detectors out there I would think you would hear more stories like Boats had to tell.Dig a good signal and find a pocket spill,still in the pocket! I'm sure many people died out and about and they were never discovered.


A buddy up in Canada found a buried jar, A cut-off pony tail was in it. He put it back in the ground and left. Some ritual or something :dontknow:

A buddy up in Canada found a buried jar, A cut-off pony tail was in it. He put it back in the ground and left. Some ritual or something :dontknow:

I think in this case it might be advisable to report something like this. With todays technology in DNA etc. this could very well be evidence in a missing persons case or even a murder investigation. It would weigh heavy on my mind knowing I did not do what I could to help someone come to closure in a missing child case or something like that.


A bit off topic but there's a guy I know here in Maine who recovered a hand gun and cell phone from a river while detecting. He turned them in and it was discovered that the gun was used in a triple murder of some teenagers. They were shot inside a car and the car was torched. All over a couple hundred bucks in a drug deal. Anyway this evidence was the final nail in a life sentence for two men

I have yet to find any remains and I think if I did I would just walk away and not tell anyone about it. I have dealt with the police enough to know not to trust them. I will leave it for someone else to report.

I inherited an 1876 rifle that was found in Redwood City, Calif. back when the area was still a Redwood forest. The gun was found along with the bones of a bear and the bones of a man. That's all I ever knew of the story, it came from an Uncle who got the gun when he lived in Burlingame, CA in the 1940's. The gun had a bulge in the barrel, so it kind of looked to me like the muzzle had been pressed against the bear when the trigger was pulled. When I was a kid WWII was going on, and the army had fortified the coast, and one of the foxholes or gun emplacements was in the middle of an Indian mound/midden. They dug up a grave or two, and bones were laying around. I remember one skull, very small, like a child, full of dirt, and totally broken up, held together by the soil inside. We were playing army in the fox hole, so didn't pay much attention beyond that. It was to broken up to pack off, and looking back on it knowing what I do now, it probably happened at the time of death. Like perhaps the person fell off the cliff and landed on their head. Anyhow, we told mom about it, and she had a fit, made us go back up and bury it. That midden was between the county road, which at that time was an old railroad bed, and the ocean. The county widened the road, and none of that midden is left now.

That is such an interesting story with that gun. I once read a story about a guy shooting a grizzly bear several times as it charged. It managed to kill the man then died. Can you imagine having the barrel of your gun against the hide of an angry bear? Scary stuff

I have yet to find any remains and I think if I did I would just walk away and not tell anyone about it. I have dealt with the police enough to know not to trust them. I will leave it for someone else to report.

Sadly I agree with you to an extent. But for me the desire to help a grieving family or solve a crime or mystery far outweighs the lack of desire to deal with law enforcement....but I certainly can understand where your coming from

Sadly I agree with you to an extent. But for me the desire to help a grieving family or solve a crime or mystery far outweighs the lack of desire to deal with law enforcement....but I certainly can understand where your coming from

When I was younger, maybe 10-12 years ago I was friends with a guy who had moved here from Colorado. While out drinking one night he told me he killed a stripper he was partying with. At the time I kinda didn't believe him, but a little part of me did because he was really kind of crazy. Fast forward a few years and there are federal investigators in our town looking for this guy and asking questions.

A mutual friend of mine and the guy knew he had admitted something to me so he pointed them in my direction. I ended up having to talk to them and the district attorney of whatever county the guy was from in Colorado. Turns out all the details I knew were the pretty close or exact to the ones pertaining to the murder case. When I was talking to them I was really uncomfortable with the way the line of questioning was going. Sure I was innocent and have never been further west than Minnesota, but I developed a case of amnesia after a while and that was the end of my involvement.

Sadly I have found remains whilst detecting :angel5: Notified the police but they were not interested...poor pigeon nobody cared.:laughing7:


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When I was younger, maybe 10-12 years ago I was friends with a guy who had moved here from Colorado. While out drinking one night he told me he killed a stripper he was partying with. At the time I kinda didn't believe him, but a little part of me did because he was really kind of crazy. Fast forward a few years and there are federal investigators in our town looking for this guy and asking questions.

A mutual friend of mine and the guy knew he had admitted something to me so he pointed them in my direction. I ended up having to talk to them and the district attorney of whatever county the guy was from in Colorado. Turns out all the details I knew were the pretty close or exact to the ones pertaining to the murder case. When I was talking to them I was really uncomfortable with the way the line of questioning was going. Sure I was innocent and have never been further west than Minnesota, but I developed a case of amnesia after a while and that was the end of my involvement.

Yes it's sad that often times the people who can actually help them in their work get treated like the criminals they are trying to find.
Wow that's a crazy story and situation man. Sorry you had to get that dropped in your lap

Deep in the Vulture mine in AZ, there are a number or bodies. The mine owners left columns of rock to hold up the roof of the mine. There was gold in those columns. Some guys got the bright idea to high grade/ take the gold out, and the whole thing collapsed on them. The company didn't even try to dig them out. They are still down there with the gold in their pockets.

Just an FYI:
Most bodies close enough to the surface would be eroded away by nature in a relatively short time (in wetter areas with much growth, desert areas are different). Either mice, etc., eating the calcium or bacteria getting rid of the rest. It is a natural process for nature to reclaim the resources a body is made from. That is natures job. The heavy bones that are left would not be recognizable to most people. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.
I found a pile of melted coins and some rivets from a pair of jeans in the back of my property. I dug around a little and if there was more to it than a burned pair of jeans and its contents I couldn't find anything.

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