I am new, hoping for some solid advice on where/how to start MDing...


Hero Member
May 28, 2011
I am new, hoping for some solid advice on where/how to start MD'ing...

Hey everyone, I am 28 yrs old married, father of one two yr. old little boy. (I wanna get him involved in some good hobbies young, the keep him out of trouble type). I have never even tried MD'ing, but I know I will love it. Ever since I started picking up junk silver coins several months ago, that led to numismatic , which led to coin roll hunting, which led me here to T-Net. It seems the more I learn about coins, the more I want to get my hands on them. There are absolutely amazing stories here on this blog about "finds" that all you MD'ers are bringing back to life. I have the "itch" its growing, and becoming impossible to ignore. I know myself enough to know that Im a perfectionist, and I am worried I will become very frustrated at first with all the little details (from the blips n bleeps, to all the buttons knobs and settings, to the false signals, etc...). Im afraid that without the right help, I might be to stubborn and impatient to get myself through the learning curve. I am also pretty analytical, so the process of trying to even figure where to start on buying a MD'er is enough to make my head pop. Here is the point, I want to buy a MD'er as soon as I know which one is for me (how to figure that out?). I live in Utah, I am willing to detect anywhere I think I might find something cool. (I already have several spots in mind). I am looking for any and all coins (preferably old, silver is always nice)..but clad will do. I also love all of the artifacts and things relating to history. It probably goes without saying but I want GOLD and jewelry too. lol. I get the impression that the specific machine can make all the difference in the world as to what you will find. I also get the impression that a good machine can be quite pricey... I am willing to spend the money for the right machine. Since I dont know how expensive the very "top of the line" machines are, lets say I have a budget of $1,000 or so (is that enough for a "quality" machine?).. I dont necessarily have to spend that much, but I am willing to pay for quality. Can anyone give me advice on how and where to start??? I want to get started right away, I cant ignore it any longer. I can see myself digging targets by the end of week...

Thanks in advance, sorry I made that so wordy, I tend to over-complicate everything. (which is why im here)


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Re: I am new, hoping for some solid advice on where/how to start MD'ing...

:hello: Hi there, welcome to the fever, great ain't it?! :laughing9: This is a fantastic guy to go to, we will soon be buying me a detector, and I cannot wait! I cannot use Chug's cause it is too heavy for me, and I use a cane when I walk, and Mike is who we will go through, he is great!!!! Red

Woodland Detectors, he has his own page, and since your charter, it will be easy to find! :hello:

Re: I am new, hoping for some solid advice on where/how to start MD'ing...

Welcome to this great hobby. Yes I agree on contacting Mike of Woodland Detectors. You can talk to him personally anytime and he is always there to answer your questions and help you out. You will never go wrong with what ever he recommends.

Re: I am new, hoping for some solid advice on where/how to start MD'ing...

I'm new to the hobby myself, so I don't feel too comfortable giving too much advice. I'll just say I really like my Delta 4000. I've been detecting about two months and it has almost paid for itself with three gold rings.

If you are the analytical type as you say, you should catch on fairly quickly and get to know your machine (whichever one you may end up choosing) in no time.

Good luck and happy hunting!

Re: I am new, hoping for some solid advice on where/how to start MD'ing...

I also agree contact Mike from Woodland Detectors he is a great guy to work with.......Matt

Re: I am new, hoping for some solid advice on where/how to start MD'ing...

Welcome to the hobby and it gets worse from here but lots of fun too. Try to visit a dealer even if you have to drive a ways so you can handle some different detectors from the various manufacturer. What I like you might not and you have to feel comfortable with the detector you use. Don't worry, you will soon be wanting another detector just because you might want to try something new.

You don't need a $1000. dollar detector to do well. You can do very well with about any detector which you can ground balance for max depth, but you can also do very well with ones that have a preset GB. You should definitely get a sniper coil so you can get only one target under the coil at one time. Many of the Tesoro detectors are excellent and have that Lifetime Warranty.

Re: I am new, hoping for some solid advice on where/how to start MD'ing...

True Sandman, don't count out the $200 range detectors. Several in that range that are very impressive. Fisher F2 is a great one with many package deals.

Re: I am new, hoping for some solid advice on where/how to start MD'ing...

Thanks for all the responses and advice everyone, it is amazing how this "future hobby" has bitten me hard and not let go. I have never even done it yet, and yet I cant seem to think about much else. As far as the $1000 detector, I am glad to learn that I dont have to start out all crazy like that. I just figured since I know myself enough to know that usually I am way happier and spend less in the long run if I just start out with the top of the line equipment out of the gate.

Would some of you say that it might be better for a newbie to start out with a less expensive machine oppossed to top of the line? for learning the fundamentals?

Also, after my "little bit" of research last night, I am thinking that I might be most intersted in the Garrett AT PRO, or the Minelab Etrac(not sure what model yet).

Any thoughts on which could be better for a newbie? minelab etrac, or garret at pro? I think I might start a new thread so those of you who already helped me out can read it again...

Thanks everyone.


Re: I am new, hoping for some solid advice on where/how to start MD'ing...

OK Chris, There are two schools of thought on starting out. If you think you will stay in the hobby you could go with the detector with all the features but spend more time learning it and you might get discouraged and quit. Or you could start out with a mid level machine and learn the fundamentals and then advance to a detector with all the hair when you feel up to it. Some guys enjoy learning new detectors, I am one of these. Others just wanna have fun finding stuff and could care less about the color graphs, funny icons which lie to you anyway. There is nothing wrong with the mid level detectors, they just lack the options of the $$$$ ones. You need to find out which one you are. From your posts I suspect you are one of the ones that isn't intimidated by menus so you would be happy with all the options. You can always sell it later if you feel you want a lighter and easier detector to use.

I have a AT Pro and am sad to say I am not confident with it. Mine has gone back to Garrett and others report they are still leaking. The bugs are not out of this model yet and I won't recommend it. The Etrac is nice but heavy and has a learning curve. I liked my DFX with the 4X6 coil but wasn't using it because of bad knees and I mainly water hunt all the time. Another thing, you will have to decide if you Gotta have a ID screen or not.

Recomend you subscribe to Western & Eastern Treasures for your fix between times to hunt. :read2:

You may PM me anytime.

Re: I am new, hoping for some solid advice on where/how to start MD'ing...

I started out with a Garrett ACE 250, around $250. I have found much more than that in the last several years as well a bunch of silver and a few gold rings. Love my Garrett ProPointer as well. The Ace 250 is lightweight and easy to learn and use. If you ever want to get a bigger, fancier one, the ACE would be great for a wife or child. It might seem too simple to start with, but it is great because you haven't dropped a huge amount from the get-go. Good luck!

Re: I am new, hoping for some solid advice on where/how to start MD'ing...

Hey there Chris,

It sounds like you've made up your mind and I can say without reservation that if you're that committed already, you'd be best to buy a Mid-Level machine at minimum (or as high as your budget allows). TODAY was a PERFECT example of what I'm talking about...

Today I took out a NEWB, who had just recently bought a Garrett EUROACE. It's quite a Good machine and goes nice and deep, but... it just isn't in the same class as a machine like the ATPRO, TEKNETICS 8000 and FISHER Models. Anyway, I was there explaining to this new detectorist (oddly, a woman) how to use her new EuroAce, how to Sweep, Dig Plugs, Recover items with her Pin-Pointer, leave the area as she found it, etc, etc.. Anyway, things were going very well and she was getting used to the 'limited digital and Sound' options but was slowly learning how to tell the difference between the Trash Targets, the Pennies, etc... Now since she was having an issue with her 'Sweeping' (pulling up at the ends and a little too high), I turned on my ATPRO (no Headphones at first..) and had her follow me and also watch me from the front to get an idea of what a 'proper sweep' should look like. It wasn't 15 or 20 minutes after my detector was turned on before this woman saw the 'difference' between 'Her Detector' and 'My Detector' and by the end of our tutorial/session, she had made up her mind to trade in her Brand New Detector! I felt BAD! I tried to explain to her that there was nothing wrong with HER detector and that she was going to find a LOT of Cool things with it including 95% of everything any other detector would find (due to where we reside). In any event, even though she was NEW to the HOBBY and had VERY LIMITED experience, even she could EASILY tell the advantages of a detector with a few more options that keep you from a LOT of unnecessary (debatable) digging! Even though the 'Water Feature' was completely unimportant to her (she has a healthy 'respect' of water), the Digital Indicator, Extended Segment ID and Pro Mode Audio (Proportional Audio / Tone Roll Audio), along with the Iron Audio (I LOVE the IRON AUDIO!) was a HUGE eye opener for her and as I stated earlier, she quickly realized the IMMENSE difference between the ATPRO and the EuroAce. We never even spoke about the incredible 'shielding' (likely due to separate compartments within the Control Box) that helps under Power Lines, the 15 KHZ range (for Gold detection), Auto/Manual ground balance, or the INSANE battery life!

Unlike 'SANDMAN', my experience with the ATPRO has been FANTASTIC and my finds speak for themselves. There is NO QUESTION that the ATPRO is absolutely the 'BEST BANG' for your Buck when it comes to Mid-Level to Upper Level detectors. My detector Buddies use the V3i, DeusXP, Etrac, Teknetics 8000 and I 'out-hunt' them more often than not... Now add in the fact that I can hunt 'in and UNDER' the water and under/around power lines it's a no brainer. Now to be fair, there are a number of people who have had some issues with this Detector, but they are far fewer now and I can say with confidence that the 'new units' work even better than the one I own (a friends new ATPRO). They new ones also include the newest Cam-lock System and Arm Rest and Cuff which is a Big improvement.
Some 'SPECIAL DEALS' on certain Forums can get you a NEW ATPRO for $500.00 Bucks! That price / performance cannot be beat by ANY other Manufacturer... (at least not at this time) and rest assured that if anything 'does' go wrong, Garrett will take care of you with their great service.

Now although I AM BIASED due to the fact that I Own, Use and Find a ton of GREAT things with my ATPRO, there are still MANY great detectors that fall into that $1000.00 range. I would SERIOUSLY consider the ATPRO (of course :hello2:), the Teknetics T2 and the 'awesome' Fisher F75!

That's it for me... Good Luck with your detector purchase! (whichever it may be). :thumbsup:

Re: I am new, hoping for some solid advice on where/how to start MD'ing...

Here's your solution. Get a top of the line used detector. One that you can operate turn on an go till you get use to it, then dive in the custom settinge if you want to. Also make sure it is an all round detector not a specialized one. There are many out there you can get for $4 or $5 hundred.
The Whites XLT is a legend in its own time and they are still sold new. I have used one for 10 years. There are plenty of other good ones out there also. You won't be happy if you get a cheap starter new one that limites your ability. You will be constantly looking for improvements for it. like a larger coil or some wizard mod. Frank

Re: I am new, hoping for some solid advice on where/how to start MD'ing...

baylorhall said:
I started out with a Garrett ACE 250, around $250. I have found much more than that in the last several years as well a bunch of silver and a few gold rings. Love my Garrett ProPointer as well. The Ace 250 is lightweight and easy to learn and use. If you ever want to get a bigger, fancier one, the ACE would be great for a wife or child. It might seem too simple to start with, but it is great because you haven't dropped a huge amount from the get-go. Good luck!
agree 100 %...Its a good little tool & mine has been paid for several times over......However the main thing you will learn with this awsome hobby is (I'm sure most will agree) is Location & research!

Re: I am new, hoping for some solid advice on where/how to start MD'ing...

Yes, as Kayden says, location is everything... hopefully, the research will point to the location! As you gain some experience, you will KNOW the best location. TTC

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