I have a dowsing question for some of the more experienced dowsers.


Jr. Member
Nov 27, 2016
Detector(s) used
Garrett Master Hunter Deep Seeking VLF Metal Detector, L-rod, Pendulum
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Was dowsing a missing persons case for a mother of a young woman the results were that she was murdered and that came up correct but when they found her body it was about 2 miles from where I had gotten the original target ID. They found her in a river and the river I had gotten in my results was actually the next one over from where she was actually found and every time I dowsed it it would take me right back to that same spot but that is not where she was found and I was using google earth too if that makes any difference. Any advice on this so I can be more accurate in the future? I know that this is a treasure forum and all but she was her mothers treasure.

I've heard some things about dowsing for deceased persons. If you are not comfortable around such, it's not going to be easy to dowse the location. Then there's other stuff like the police will immediately put you at the top of their "person of interest" list. I ain't no psychotherapist, but seems to me it might require some counselling. Other possibility there might be another victim where you got a hit. Then you would be on their "serial killer" list.

If you want my two hundred dollar's worth (inflation) stay away from that psychic stuff. You are just begging for some evil spirit or entity to come into your soul. Of as I say, keep an exorcist on your speed dial.
I know I always come off sounding less than positive. If this is your thing, go for it. And if you get one right, I suspect people will come running to pay you to find their lost one.

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Thank you for your input singal_line I have no problem with the deceased in fact I used to volunteer at a mortuary. I was a little worried that they might put me on some kind of list but I didn't let that get to me and even let the person I was dowsing for know where I was at just in case there were any questions. There might be another dead person there I guess we will never know it could have even been a dead animal considering some of the other ridiculous finds that I've indicated on while looking for valuables. The psychic stuff doesn't scare me and those who are scared by such things have either watched too many Hollywood movies or don't know how to spiritually protect themselves. It interests me I can tell you that, at least the reward money does...but I don't want to do it if I'm not going to be dead on (get it) the target because it's not worth the emotional toll of having to deal with the bereaved and then gaining nothing monetarily in return for my efforts. Also I've considered that in such cases I may be working agains't the wills of others for example the will of the murderer for nobody to ever find the body or the will of another dowser who is working the case that wants to be the one who actually finds her. I don't know for sure and these are just things I was considering as factors because if somebody does not want to be found then good luck finding them telemetrically.

I ain't 'fraid of no ghosts! Gives me the creeps just thinking about it.

I miss when they actually used to scare me to be honest it was a lot of fun at least to tell people about the experiences anyway. I lived by a graveyard when I was younger and one night a ghost came in and physically attacked me sucker punched me right in the side of the head and then held me down so I couldn't get up. And then of course there was the little girl screaming in our hallway with the TV going on and off and the lights doing the same ah those were the good times (cue Addams family theme and snap fingers). It's real easy to keep ghosts out of your home all you have to do is imagine the inside of your home being filled with the brightest light imaginable and the negative entities cannot penetrate this light because the vibration is too high on the spectrum. One can also go to each room and state that "All disembodied spirits are to leave" with intent and this will clear out any astral monsters or disembodied human spirits be they malevolent human spirits or benign human spirits because everyone likes to have their privacy be it in the 3rd or the 4th dimensions.

Reply to post # 1

There is a serious danger in finding lost people in that you may end up charged with there murder.
Keeping this short--When Edgar Cayce tried to help the police in Chicago and told them details about a murder--
The Chicago police were very happy to listen--Two police officers came to his house with a warrant for his arrest!!

Now just because you dowsed a different location--does not mean you were wrong--did you go physically visit the location?
If that was where she was murdered--and later the body moved--it would be normal to get the first location as the energy / violence
would be most intense at the first location.

Did you check the location for a person being murdered? Maybe you tuned into the wrong person. Possibly the spirit of a murdered
person wanted their body found and since your doing a search they caused you to tune into their energy.

Most dowsers make mistakes occasionally--learn from your mistake and move on.

Know I will warn you--your traveling down a very sad path--for if you get good--really good--you will be getting calls in the day
and the middle of the night--parents will want you to find their missing children--because there are many " NOT VERY NICE PEOPLE"

Now I am just learning to dowse--
When my wallet was stolen--I dowsed the location--on the side of the highway in Virginia--I found about six papers that were inside my wallet on the side of the road,
I never found the wallet or the money inside it. The police mailed me my drivers license--it was found in a trash can and turned into them

When I tried dowsing the location of my MERCHANT SEAMAN DOCUMENT I struck out--I was unable to find it.

Was dowsing a missing persons case for a mother of a young woman the results were that she was murdered and that came up correct but when they found her body it was about 2 miles from where I had gotten the original target ID. They found her in a river and the river I had gotten in my results was actually the next one over from where she was actually found and every time I dowsed it it would take me right back to that same spot but that is not where she was found and I was using google earth too if that makes any difference. Any advice on this so I can be more accurate in the future? I know that this is a treasure forum and all but she was her mothers treasure.

I do not know if this will help you or not. But sometimes Google Earth is way off. I Googled my home location before I moved and it was off at least one quarter of mile, clear across two fields over one hundred yards each, across a branch and another field of over one hundred yards and then across a creek and another hundred yards above that. I think Google Earth is way off sometimes. But Good Luck to you.

Reply to post # 1

There is a serious danger in finding lost people in that you may end up charged with there murder.
Keeping this short--When Edgar Cayce tried to help the police in Chicago and told them details about a murder--
The Chicago police were very happy to listen--Two police officers came to his house with a warrant for his arrest!!

Now just because you dowsed a different location--does not mean you were wrong--did you go physically visit the location?
If that was where she was murdered--and later the body moved--it would be normal to get the first location as the energy / violence
would be most intense at the first location.

Did you check the location for a person being murdered? Maybe you tuned into the wrong person. Possibly the spirit of a murdered
person wanted their body found and since your doing a search they caused you to tune into their energy.

Most dowsers make mistakes occasionally--learn from your mistake and move on.

Know I will warn you--your traveling down a very sad path--for if you get good--really good--you will be getting calls in the day
and the middle of the night--parents will want you to find their missing children--because there are many " NOT VERY NICE PEOPLE"

Now I am just learning to dowse--
When my wallet was stolen--I dowsed the location--on the side of the highway in Virginia--I found about six papers that were inside my wallet on the side of the road,
I never found the wallet or the money inside it. The police mailed me my drivers license--it was found in a trash can and turned into them

When I tried dowsing the location of my MERCHANT SEAMAN DOCUMENT I struck out--I was unable to find it.

I hear you I am not planning on making a career out of it or anything I just wanted to try my hand at it the case I worked on I was right that she was in a river but it was about 2 miles off and that is not good for the confidence I can tell you that especially considering that I use the program. Her mother praised me though because I was in the correct general area and was right about her being in a river.

I do not know if this will help you or not. But sometimes Google Earth is way off. I Googled my home location before I moved and it was off at least one quarter of mile, clear across two fields over one hundred yards each, across a branch and another field of over one hundred yards and then across a creek and another hundred yards above that. I think Google Earth is way off sometimes. But Good Luck to you.

Yes thank you that's why I mentioned it because I have heard some things about it that were not good although I didn't use google earth the program I just used google maps the one that you don't have to download. Either way I'll probably stick to Geoplaner from now on I love Geoplaner.

Take your maps & notes and contact the cop shop. Explain that you're a dowser and interested in helping the mother. Let them know ahead of time, and you're willing to turn over anything you come up with and will back out & contact them if anything is found. I'm wondering now if you're hitting on where the body was originally or possibly another crime scene?

Was dowsing a missing persons case for a mother of a young woman the results were that she was murdered and that came up correct but when they found her body it was about 2 miles from where I had gotten the original target ID. They found her in a river and the river I had gotten in my results was actually the next one over from where she was actually found and every time I dowsed it it would take me right back to that same spot but that is not where she was found and I was using google earth too if that makes any difference. Any advice on this so I can be more accurate in the future? I know that this is a treasure forum and all but she was her mothers treasure.
I find that using a chart with numerous questions is a way to relax a lot more mentally. Trying to figure out questions in your head only clutters up the space you are occupying.
Also, keeping a daily diary is a good method of insurance against false claims of the coppers. Anyway, these days, if you have a cell phone, it will track where you have been on particular days.
I think the most important thing is being calm, centred, and balanced, and having a preparation protocol to get you into 'that working place', so to speak.
Regarding the woman in the river, I would have asked, 'How many times has the body been moved after the event?'
If more than once, 'Where was the body originally deposited?'
Having all of the necessary question "written" down, makes the process far more negotiable.
BTW I'm at: [email protected]

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Do those two rivers connect further upstream? If so the body could have washed down stream from the location of Origin where the body was thrown into the river. Depending on the Distance from the place of Origin to where the body was found could give you a location that would be in a different branch of another river? Ever what the Declination is in your particular area and the distance traveled will tell you where the body actually is located. In my area the Declination is 9 degrees West. This would place the body in another location further West than where the body was actually found. You can also reverse this and use the location you dowsed and the location where the body was found and using the Declination for your area, you can find out the place of Origin or where the body was thrown into the river upstream. This may also give you the murder AREA.

A few months back I dowsed the FBI's top ten most wanted list and came up with many convincing locations which I then called in and reported hoping to get the reward money. It was an enormous mistake. I was in Thailand at the time. A week later I flew back to the states and was shadowed all the way from Bangkok. I noticed a guy paying way too much attention to me. Trying to keep up with me through the airport. Finally I was sitting in first class on my flight from Seoul to LA and the same guy happened to be sitting in the seat right next to me. His first words were "What are you the FBI?" in a joking manner. His elementary attempt at brushing off any suspicion in case I had noticed him. I just played dumb. He was very insistent on striking up a conversation and getting to know all about me. It was so obvious. Just make sure you have a really good alibi if you get involved with something like that.
Let me help you. I am a professional, and I was tested in the mid 90's for my ability. SRI tested me, and said I was one of the best. If someone thinks of an object, person (living or deceased), and they think of where the subject is, they put that object or person in that specific place. For example, many times I have gone to an area where someone THOUGHT there was a target and nothing was found. Always. they said I thought that it was right there.

A few months back I dowsed the FBI's top ten most wanted list and came up with many convincing locations which I then called in and reported hoping to get the reward money. It was an enormous mistake. I was in Thailand at the time. A week later I flew back to the states and was shadowed all the way from Bangkok. I noticed a guy paying way too much attention to me. Trying to keep up with me through the airport. Finally I was sitting in first class on my flight from Seoul to LA and the same guy happened to be sitting in the seat right next to me. His first words were "What are you the FBI?" in a joking manner. His elementary attempt at brushing off any suspicion in case I had noticed him. I just played dumb. He was very insistent on striking up a conversation and getting to know all about me. It was so obvious. Just make sure you have a really good alibi if you get involved with something like that.
You actually thought the FBI would give you money for "dousing" their most wanted list?

I've heard some things about dowsing for deceased persons. If you are not comfortable around such, it's not going to be easy to dowse the location. Then there's other stuff like the police will immediately put you at the top of their "person of interest" list. I ain't no psychotherapist, but seems to me it might require some counselling. Other possibility there might be another victim where you got a hit. Then you would be on their "serial killer" list.

If you want my two hundred dollar's worth (inflation) stay away from that psychic stuff. You are just begging for some evil spirit or entity to come into your soul. Of as I say, keep an exorcist on your speed dial.
I know I always come off sounding less than positive. If this is your thing, go for it. And if you get one right, I suspect people will come running to pay you to find their lost one.
You might be hitting on possibly a first location and the body was moved to where it was found.

You might be hitting on possibly a first location and the body was moved to where it was found.
As Signal Line said, some things are best not messing with. You'll likely end up on the first call list for every missing / murdered person case within a couple hundred miles.

Was dowsing a missing persons case for a mother of a young woman the results were that she was murdered and that came up correct but when they found her body it was about 2 miles from where I had gotten the original target ID. They found her in a river and the river I had gotten in my results was actually the next one over from where she was actually found and every time I dowsed it it would take me right back to that same spot but that is not where she was found and I was using google earth too if that makes any difference. Any advice on this so I can be more accurate in the future? I know that this is a treasure forum and all but she was her mothers treasure.
So...water... water seems to be the wires or links that dowsing works by for many. Even when map dowsing I always re dowse at the location. I ve worked on missing person cases to find they are moving around ,hence,mostly still alive. I ve also worked on cases where I know deffo where the body is but police have NO will to get involved. York Police Claudia Lawrence.
This may sound sick but I treat every case non seriously . I stay away from the Sherlock Holmes crap and most external info. It's very common for dowsers to find a spot where place names,buildings etc pop out. Usually this is not the spot ,it usually happens when you don't believe your first result. In response you get another layer of info. E.g. once dowsed for freinds missing child and got location a few miles from her house. I d looked there but found nothing so quickly ignored my result. Next spot was 12 mile's away . That spot contained EVERY physical building/ geography and street/ place names to the first spot She was found in the first spot a year later.
For me a weird thing is that everyone suspects the worse...as in murder. Over time it turns out that in very good at cases that are beleived to be murder but turn out to be manslaughter ....like when Claudia's friend gave her some GBL . We know who you are,and heaven does too!
You have to protect yourselves,from the relatives,police and perps. I ve worked on a few cases where the family,police and perps feed you lies. Independence and professional distance protects you. When dowsing it's usually you and the stick...BUT physical sensations tell you a lot. I ve picked up the stick on a few cases only to feel my throat being crushed. One time I couldn't swallow for three days. The physical is dowsed too,not just locations. Every two years I go through about thirty missing people and give out map refferences. I stay away from Salt Lake City ,some evil energies there. Time isn't what we think it is.
Six years ago I was cycling from Southampton UK to Antwerp Belgium. I was kipping in bushes and piss poor. One night I goes to bed and dreams s full colour live dream ,it was Jacksonville's river. I saw two guys kill a guy in his pyjamas!
On waking I thought. " Freud would have a field day with my brain!" It was completely unrelated to me . A year later I go through thirty more missing people. Just past half way I realise that this case is the dream! Freaky,even more freaky is this guy was killed with his consent ( freemason,so not murder) he broke his club rules and knew the punishment. Even freakier.....this all happened on another side of the world...four years before I was born! Spent two weeks trying to convince myself I was mad,but could not. That's how it happened.
If you do this sort of dowsing then be carefull. You can easily manifest the physical of the missing person. Don't let many people know you dowse ,one thing that rattles Psychopaths is their superstitious side......because they know you can ...See....them ,in Dreamland as well.
In short ,re dowse at the place and give yourself half an hour to electrically adjust to the new environment before dowsing.
Rivers ......number of times I've been camping next to rivers and had weird dreams. Rivers are like an energy network. You can use them to connect to most things. It's water ,water is the medium.
Sometimes you don't get a location. And many times you don't have the confidence to beleive in your indicated location as the mind kicks in straight away with all the reason,rational to be a negative. That's your psychic censor/ conditioning . Desperate police and relatives can hang you high when you seem to know some very private things..and....assume you must of been involved.......How else could you know? Murderers!
Try to stay away from relatives of missing ,using a sample from the missing person,like a comb, shoe etc really does fine tune things but big BUT.. this may be dangerous as you will manifest the physical feelings of the missing person.
I worked in one case where I was getting really close to the who what where why......without even trying.....in the local community a whispering campaign started.....that I was a weirdo peado killer who pretended to be a dowser just to enjoy the families distress is a sicko way, I was a single dad at the time with a two year old daughter........The father of the missing girl was the shitspreader . Like a few cases I know exactly what went on and the police were backing me up as the father had been introducing fake evidence to throw the police off the trail.
I ve mostly stopped dowsing in recent years.
Being normal.
Just finished washing the dishes when Mrs says " I think you should try looking for this girl ,just in the news" ....I said ok ,so ,ten minutes later in the kitchen I pick up the stick for compass directions and count distances ,as a rough guide. Immediately I get s chemical sensation in my throat,like when you clean the pan with bleach,then get dizzy. The Mrs asks me twenty minutes later about it. I say I don't know but there's chemicals in her throat that stopped her breathing ,and it's something to do with an old friend,ex boyfriend called Whitehead or whiteskull. I tell her that they went in holiday years ago and it was really bad,something really bad happend in that holiday.
I tell the Mrs what the person is wrapped up in ,which part of a house and tell her that she will be moved in a few days . A few days later I get another location.so convinced am I that I go there five times with underwater camera ,259 miles round trip......nothing.
In the ensuing press campaign it comes out that her freind,old boyfriend called Whitbone went in holiday to the USA but he was refused entry at customs for criminal offences,she holidayed on.
He's a drug dealer/ fixer in York. I ve chased him in a few dreams.......it would be very embarrassing for married detectives and others if the truth came out,the missing woman being a party girl.
A girl goes missing in Hull UK.
I check the map and get Spurn head , a thin strip of Land out in the sea . I , wrongly,assume it's not the spot ,even though I saw a picture in my head if the car park. A few days later I map dowse six points on the map. I go up there and visit each point which turn out to be a franchise of petrol station shops in the area I assumed it had something to do with it but had ran out of time so went in the local police station and just explained.....this girl missing,something to do with the garage chain.
At home200 miles away next day I watch the news....guy arrested,he's the breakdown recovery truck for the franchise,body found in car park on Spurn Head.......not because of me I believe... It's so hard to trust yourself and believe in your impressions.
Use maps,Google earth ,your own scribble maps ,pendelems whatever ,and don't kick yourself up the arse because you were wrong or a little out on locations
Masons will hate you ,they don't like the plebs having knowledge ,although their knowledge is mostly demonical.
Saying all the above.......I have deliberately tried to chase and kill people in dreams . On the island of Kefalonia is a German who wears beige suits and s straw hat who has been killing on the island for years. I only came to know about by going there on holiday . It filled my dreams while on holiday. I d chase this guy in Dreamland and he knew I d rip his throat out,it seems he never expected anyone would know. If he walked past me in awake world I would definitely know and execute him on the spot.
Peace and love.

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