I personally tried the At Pro today....

Coinstriking Michigan

Bronze Member
Feb 9, 2011
Gladstone, MI
Detector(s) used
Whites 5900 Di Pro Sl and Whites Eagle Spectrum Fisher Coinstrike Fisher F70 Whites M6 Garrett 1500 Tesoro Cibola
Whites XLT Minelab Quattro Minelab Xterra 50 Fisher Id Edge
Tekentics Omega 8000 Whi
Primary Interest:
And I must say I am less than impressed. Easily the worst pinpoint I've ever seen on a detector. Small screen that is tough to make out especially in the sun. When I would get a good signal it would show like 6-8 inches then when I would hit the pp button it would be 2 inches deep. Hit hard on rusty bottle caps too. I thought about getting one before but I'm sure glad I didn't. I hope my brother has better luck with it than I did considering he just got it. I'm sure it's a good detector for some people but it was terrible for me. Just my two cents. I'll happily go grab my Coinstrike.:thumbsup:

Yeah, I was NOT happy with it either. It even FELT "flimsy"

NOT worth the hype.

I'll stick with my MXT or DFX.

The stock coil is too big for it I think, and the arm cup isn't deep enough. It feels really unbalanced. The hand grip is at an uncomfortable angle for me too.

The stock coil is too big for it I think, and the arm cup isn't deep enough. It feels really unbalanced.

yeah, that would pretty much describe why it felt "flimsy" to me. It just kinda wobbled if you moved from side to side.

The AT Pro is awesome once you put the time into learning it. The iron audio features, and pro mode are fantastic. It's really good at picking out targets amongst trash--after you get the gist of it. I know my opinion won't sway you, but I just wanted to add some positive info on this detector.

A few weeks ago I dug up an 1891 Victoria silver dime, it was 8-10 inches deep, and near iron junk. It also pinpointed the coin perfectly, even at that depth.

The AT Pro is awesome once you put the time into learning it. The iron audio features, and pro mode are fantastic. It's really good at picking out targets amongst trash--after you get the gist of it. I know my opinion won't sway you, but I just wanted to add some positive info on this detector.

A few weeks ago I dug up an 1891 Victoria silver dime, it was 8-10 inches deep, and near iron junk. It also pinpointed the coin perfectly, even at that depth.

Well I only used it just today, I'm sure I could get more familiar with it and do a little better. It was just loud and noisy in both modes even when the sensitivity was backed off. One other thing I didn't like was the typical Garrett delayed response. You are well over the target before it will sound off.

I havent used the at pro but i know the ace 350 gives alot of false hits and yes it loves rusty bottle caps .....but it will find silver if its there to be found

What I would really like to see are a few of the main metal detectors all going head to head in the field on the same finds. i.e. an AT Pro, Etrac, Safari and a few designees from White's, Tesaro etc. Have these machines all go out detecting the same area, used by experienced detectorists that have many hours on their respective machines. When one person makes a find, call everyone else over, each detect over it, see what the results come up as and if they can ID it pre-digging. Then dig it and see if the machines were accurately portraying what was in the ground. This could settle the debate as to which of these machines are worth using. And would also be a valuable tool for the individual looking at a new MD but not sure what brand/model to go with.

The atpro is a big honking crapper. I love it. The pro detunes beautifully in pp mode on mid range targets say 6". I always git my targets in one plug, always. I dont use no stinking probe, so I dig accurately anyway, to avoid damage to sod, and the pro can pp on a dime. The thing is amazing in the iron and cinders, but it is not the deepest critter out there. But it will find big can slaw at 10", I experienced this in a park that had soil added thru the years. In my untouched fifties circus grounds I pulled about a dozen wheats and four silver dimes at 6 inches + no prob, but this site is relatively free of trash, not many nails or crowns, it was never used past 1955 or so. Pro has rock solid pp if you can figure out detune. The big dd is surprisingly good at pp, it put away any of my worries about pp with big dd, this being my first machine with dd coil. Shall we talk about how it can pick a non ferrous target in a slurry of iron and cinders?. Not really, that subject is more appropriate for experienced pro users that actually learned it. Every machine sucks, and every machine is good. Nobody can critique a machine after one outing.

I have an AT Pro as a backup to my ETrac... one of the 'many' backups I have & had including an Xterra 705, F2, T2, and a few others.
I have also used a lot of detectors with other people out hunting.
The 'feel' of it is a lot like 90% of the detectors out there but Fisher, Garrett, White's, Teknetics, Bounty Hunter, Tesoro, Minelab. They all went 'lightweight' on their entry-to-midlevel detectors and fight for the ounces besides the pounds. Kind of like a lot of other electronics today...
Does the AT Pro feel like my ETrac or a V3i a friend of mine has and I have used?..... absolutely not!
The good thing about these really light (plastic-ee... if that's even a word?) is that you can swing them for a long time and if you have shoulder/arm issues, they are for God-send for metal detecting.
I use the AT Pro here and there and it takes some time to get used to, just like most detectors. it's fun in standard mode, but better in Pro-Mode. Pro-Mode is absolutely impressive, unique, and fun to use with the rolling tones.
I think the DD coil it comes with is perfect for a stock coil. It gets some great depth and never go by anyone's depth meter... just like you can't go 100% by a machine's TDI numbers.
The pinpointing is NOT spot-on. I have pinpointed with the AT Pro, then went over with my ETrac (which is spot-on) and found it off a little, or maybe the AT Pro is just not as 'simple' as the ETrac to pinpoint(?)
For the $$$, you get a deep detector, waterproof (yeah... I tested mine... and it kinda makes you say 'I hope this thing doesn't fry'...but keeps running), iron audio, Pro-Mode, very fast recovery speed(sounds like a slot machine on silver), a just-under the AT Gold frequency that lets you pick up gold very easily, and Garrett really backs up their detectors PLUS THEIR GEAR well! (my headphones adapter cord I bought didn't work right, I emailed them, Garrett shipped me a new one 11 hours later with a return label, and trusted I would send the old one back so they could see why it failed). It was an accessory and NOT even the detector they backed up, no questions asked, and fast!
Everyone has their favorite brand, detector, swing speed, sounds, weight, feel, audio and visuals of their ultimate detector, but the AT Pro fits a niche, and I think it does it well. Just my opinion...
I am not brand loyal... I am performance loyal... and unless I have a sponsorship, I tell it the way I see it...


When pp-ing a target, if you run three cycles of detune on the pro, you can make a six inch deep dime or cent sound like the area of about a two inch diameter circle or smaller, and it will be very low volume but very apparent, even at the max level of detune. You know a coin is there, right at the center of the coil. But this is the same situation with most machines. I am more impressed with pp ability of my cz20, that thing purrs on ten inch targets dead on. But the pro is no slouch in this department.

I've had the MXT for as long as it's been around, And said I'd never buy a Garretts. Well I've had the ATPro for about 3 months now and I swap between the two pretty often in the same hunts, The Pro IS a VERY good detector! As is the MXT, In very trashy ground It will out do the MXT everytime. Togather they make An Awesome team and I personally could'nt ask for any better combo...JMHO.....HH

this is what my ace 350 sounds like when im in a trashy park

Im just wondering if Cat woman & Mr.Clean had a conversation before reviewing this detector? Hmmmm both from Michigan & both whining when about 98 % of all At Pro users love it ...Ok question is whats that tell Yah?

Would anyone else care to chime in here about the Garrett delayed response?

Would anyone else care to chime in here about the Garrett delayed response?
Yes, I have seen delayed response with the atpro in this situation: sweeping new coins (zinc and copper cent and clad dime and nickel) placed on top of clean pavement, 12" apart, slow to medium swing speed, standard mode (coins), sense high, it just happened the other day I was showing a buddy the machine and this is what happened, it was horrible and I am not sure if the thing actually is working ok I been using the cz lately. Anyway I set it up in pro mode and got it purring for junk site, old farm house, settings pro mode, coin mode, notch out 75 down, iron scrim at 35, sense at 5, he pulls a 2" gilt brass compact in one minute but there were no coin in it and he hates the atpro still, he prefers my 84 Garrett Freedom, but a guy I work with is borrowing that one. This weekend I will do some more experimenting, I will get all my ducks in a row on this delay response and give a more detail report I promise. I will also be posting my cz20 vs atpro finds post asap, I just need to free up the time and I wish the new site would publish pics big like old TN.

I havent noticed a delay with my 350 but then again i swing super slow and have my gain down under the stock setting in trashy sites...pulled a 1903 indian out from under my minelab buddy today on ground he covered.....but he swings fast and has the coil like 6 inches above the ground

I find the response of pro mode to be lightening fast. I also find the at pro to be a very 'tight' machine. Fast, accurate, and lightweight.

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I don't like delayed response in my Quattro, never used garret but don't want too, unless it's the probe. I know coinstrike Mich. was a little disappointed with his Quattro too. At least it can be ran in high trash and recover some sweep speed. I like Tesoro tigershark and Deleon. Would like to have a tejon and a sand shark. Not really impressed with bells and whistles when you can get a lifetime warranty, and just dig without worrying it could or couldn't be. 90% of the time I know what I am digging up, dig the pull tab anyway and don't want to waste time with a slow sweep to increase it to 95%.

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