I wonder

B H Prospector

Hero Member
Feb 2, 2010
Black Hills, South Dakota
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
We all know how short sighted the greenies, libs, and other wackos are. They do what ever they can , usually dishonestly, to close forest roads and whole sections of forest, try to close mining, hunting, camping, fishing and some day all human contact with nature, (see agenda 21), but I wonder if they thouight of how all of their dishonesty and tricks will affect them? I doubt it as they are too stupid to look to the long term. I will give them a hint. Close the forest one road at a time, what do we need rangers and leo's or any forest service employees for. No forest roads to maintain no need for road equipment, no road equipment, no opperators or mechanics needed, no roads don't need campgrounds or attendants or gounds maintenance. No roads to patrol no need for the leo. No need for employees of any kind the whole forest service is unneccessary. The rest of the wackos will loose their meal tickets also because they will no longer have the forest service to sue and settle and steal our tax money. They are out of work also. The forest service is too stupid to know that by allying with the wackos they are cutting their own throats and will eventually make them no longer needed or relavent. Next time you run into an over zealous leo or other forest service personel. you may want to ask them if they like their jobs because they are helping to make it go away.

BH Prospector

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Wilderness Means Wild Animals Right There

Back again with food for thought - This picture was taken today in Eagle River Alaska which, just happens to be litteraly in sight of Anchorage Alaska mentioned in my earlier comment.

This smaller black bear had walked up the stairs to the deck on the back of this house and was looking for anything it could find to eat. While the wife scrambled to find her camera the husband went for his .300 Win Rifle just incase the bear came through the window and into the house with them.

This family lives in a neighborhood with large home lots and uphill from the house is the back door to "Out There" so it is like what had been discussed earlier, people living in an area where they are surrounded by wilderness and wild animals.


In this area you do not leave downstairs doors or windows or porch windows or the garage door open during the day or night. Before you go out an outside door you check first to make sure it is safe. Working in the yard you also look up every now and then. Oh, their yard also has moose going through it and grizzly bears have been seen within two blocks of this house. They just make themselves at home, to your place. They are like politicians, they do not care that it is not theirs...........................63bkpkr :hello: chow

Gold jumped 53 dollars so far today because those "in charge" decided that they aren't going to stop spending what they dont have. The cliff is coming and they are trying to get big enough to roll across to the other side. They just dont realize that there is no other side. All major societies in the past have collapsed for exactly the same reasons that we are experiencing and witnessing our govt doing.... I recommend that you keep the gold you have and find in the future, stock up on supplies and lead...... FEMA Region III is going to be doing the largest "drill" we have ever seen in just a few days. Including forced power outages....

where can read some info on this drill, thats concerning.

I am typing with one hand here due to surgery on my left arm so if my spelling goes to crap you'll have to forgive me, too many Percocet.

When you stop looking at these people wanting to "save the environment" and start looking at them as attack dogs for corporate America, their actions make sense. Why else would the Rockerfellers and the like take some of these people under their wings to teach them the ropes so to speak?

Even as technology moves forward, society itself is moving back in time. We are facing a new frontier, similar to those our forefathers faced in the late 18th century. Don't forget, The 2nd. Amendment is to be activated in the event of a political crises. It's much more than just the right to keep and bear arms, it's our responsibility to make sure the government is for all the people, not just the rich and powerful, and we are loosing it.

Even as technology moves forward, society itself is moving back in time. We are facing a new frontier, similar to those our forefathers faced in the late 18th century. Don't forget, The 2nd. Amendment is to be activated in the event of a political crises. It's much more than just the right to keep and bear arms, it's our responsibility to make sure the government is for all the people, not just the rich and powerful, and we are loosing it.

Well said.. Sad but true. :( :(

The government is closed now. Why do I feel like a cow in the herd standing in the stockyard.

The government is closed now. Why do I feel like a cow in the herd standing in the stockyard.

If they can get away with stretching this idiocracy long enough, say a couple months.... They can completely destroy this country and what's left of our economic system.....

If they can get away with stretching this idiocracy long enough, say a couple months.... They can completely destroy this country and what's left of our economic system.....

ROFLMAO.... If you can really call what we've had to put up with for say the last 10 years a SYSTEM. It's been a joke for a long time now. It seems that they do everything in their power to keep an honest man who only wants to be able to feed his family and maybe build up a little nest egg down. They skew the numbers for unemployment figures so it don't look so bad* and at the same time give tax breaks to companies that have farmed a lot of work out to other countries where they don't have to pay as much for labor. The people no longer have any say in how the country is run. That is all determined by the special interest groups and lobbies that actually run Washington D.C.

I see it like this. We the people have to set down rules for how OUR government is run. It is after all OUR government, not the special interest groups. All the lobbies need to be kicked out of Washington D.C and politics all together. With internet access of some kind pretty much available in every home in the country, Representatives and Congress "people" should be required to poll the people they represent and then vote the way the majority of them say. No excuses. Make the logs of all the polls public records and check them often. Any elected official that votes contrary to the will of the majority of the people are out of a job. PERIOD!!!

Consider this as well... How many people do you know that really are happy with how all this cr^p from BOTH SIDES of the aisle has been playing out? Democrats and Republicans are both at fault for this mess. Yet every time someone tries to start up a new party that just might cost either side to loose some seats, they band together to squish them like a bug! It doesn't matter that the people might be better served by this new party, the existing ones won't allow ANY of their power to be taken from them. It's time to take it all away from all of them! Recall every single one of them and ban them from holding further office for life! They've already proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that they can't get the job done so why should we allow them to stay. If someone isn't doing their job in the "REAL" world they get fired. Time to remind all the politicos that they also live in the real world, not just Washington D.C.!!

* Unemployment figures only show NEW applicants for that week. Not those that are still on it or those who have had their benefits run out and are still without work.

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Great point!! Again you bring such an intellectual debate to the subject - Thanks, you gave us all a great deal to think about. Please don't take this as sarcasm, i will sit up late nights pondering "wow".

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