Ice Cold Gold - Animal Planet

I dont see a season 2 no one is going to jus pick up a rock and get rich. Where are the dredges, rock crushers and sluices? Disappointing. Makes me want to make a tv show pitch. Me and my crew would make some very interesting tv. If anyone has a similar idea pm me. Tv pitches are not difficult

I was thinking the same thing. Seems like endless wandering by what? 2 hard rock mining glamor cowboys, a driller, an "expert" excavator, a prospector, a guide, and a geologist who couldn't find dirt on a shovel and. . . . STILL. . . no joy.

I just like Americo and his constant *****

you want to see some hardcore desert mining. get a video cam and follow me around for the next 3 months.

How convenient that they make a big ruby discovery 100 miles away just as their time is up. Seems they should have gone for the rubies from day one. Rubies are awesome, but finding gem quality isn't that easy. I have raw rubies, but they aren't worth much because they can't be cut and polished.

How convenient that they make a big ruby discovery 100 miles away just as their time is up. Seems they should have gone for the rubies from day one. Rubies are awesome, but finding gem quality isn't that easy. I have raw rubies, but they aren't worth much because they can't be cut and polished.

although I'm just going on hunch, & I doubt anyone from the show would be allowed
to admit it, since they have to sign contracts.
I wouldn't be surprised if the shows do not air in order they are filmed in.

reason I say this ever notice on Swamp People. When after the Biggest Gator of the episode,
they always get it just in time before the end of the day.
& I'll bet it was the first one pulled at the beginning of the season,
but kept for later by the editors for drama.
I also wouldn't be surprised if all the talk of them not being able to catch it,
and naming it godzilla or whatever, was decided on
after the fact they got it, and dropped it off at the buyer.
maybe even at the end of the season in case they catch a bigger one later.

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Greenland is run by the Iniut as 90% of the population is indigenous. They ain't a gonna let a bunch a miners go trapsing,blasting and tearing up their fragile HOLY LAND for a few shing rocks. Economic viability raises it's ugly head and tribal traditions sinc e time began....John

Was happy to see the outcome of last nights final episode even though the gold prospects were a bust, at least there was something to keep from going home empty handed along with a valuable reason for returning to Greenland next season.

Wish everyone involved a safe and prosperous next season. :icon_thumleft:

Was happy to see the outcome of last nights final episode even though the gold prospects were a bust, at least there was something to keep from going home empty handed along with a valuable reason for returning to Greenland next season.

Wish everyone involved a safe and prosperous next season. :icon_thumleft:

although I stand by my belief that Rubies are a waste of time,
& they'll be lucky if one of the stones they brought back is truly Gem quality,
it is good to see there may be another season to watch.

I only wish they would have sent anyone instead of americo.
for some reason, I am just not impressed by him.
maybe it's his cheerleader attitude :dontknow:

Its obvious to me that the person/s who set up the expedition to Greenland, didn't plan it very well. I don't know why OR how the crew was set up the way it was. It doesn't make much sense to me.
They have a geologist. . . Ok, that makes sense. They have a driller. . . Why? He isn't needed unless they planned to "DRILL"..... An "expert excavator". . . again, why? He isnt needed until or unless they need to dig or excavate. They have a prospector. . . that makes sense...... Then they have a safety coordinator. . . why do they need someone to baby-sit grown men? Safety is just common sense. Finally, they have 2 hard rock miners. . . that is a given, but they seemed pretty useless to me. Considering they don't act like it.

I would have just sent a geologist with more mobile or fast moving recon team to scout where they are allowed to prospect in Greenland. Their operation wasn't very well thought out. Most of the time would have been spent on splitting everyone up in sets of 2 and have them all take camping equipment and supplies with them. Covering as much ground without having to return to base. It's a waste of precious time to have to walk back to basecamp just to say you didn't find anything.

It would have only been a 6 week recon trip and only just that. They should have had ATVs or more faster ways of utilizing their time. I don't think the whole thing was planned too well. I would have researched, researched, and researched Greenland more. I think I could have done a better job of the implementation of my crew, supplies, and time constraints.
They spent all their time there just to bring back a vial of useless rubies, a few specks of gold, and little hope of a successful return back. There are vast resources on that island, and now that it has been broadcasted on TV. There will be a flood of new prospectors there and it will start looking like Nome, Alaska. I may be right or I might be wrong.

Their operation wasn't very well thought out. Most of the time would have been spent on splitting everyone up in sets of 2 and have them all take camping equipment and supplies with them. Covering as much ground without having to return to base. It's a waste of precious time to have to walk back to basecamp just to say you didn't find anything.

exactly :thumbsup:since Jack said it wouldn't have been possible to have a Chopper handy on a full time basis,
I also thought what a waste of time.
they should at least have just moved forward, from a edge location,
instead of Back to a central location.

Even their first day they decided to save money & make the crew Walk to their camp site,
even though they were willing to Airlift their supplies in. at a higher cost.

I wonder if those in charge were so skeptical of any finds, they scrimped on purpose.

MadJack ? did we loose you ? :( I hope our Tuesday morning quarterbacking,
of your adventure hasn't offended 8-)

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I admit I hoped for a decent show..But alas it seems so far from real life...Me I suspect that this show was probaly years in the making..Maybe not the camera footage but the time and research..I have my doubts...It is of my opinion that whether or not they already knew a valuable deposit was their or becouse they already did prior footwork or they just got lucky I doubt seriously that any of them had anything to lose!!!I am not aware of their backgrounds but I am very aware of the working man..And I can tell you how disapointed I was to be Represented by 2 men claiming to be prospectors though the whole time I was wondering what the hell they were doining... Unfortunatly I think these shows only do one thing and that is give hope to the new AMERICAN DREAM...Stupidity, Drama and false representation equal money, fame and success !! Got love America..Me I will stick to Astrobouncer, Reed Luken Hurthawk and some others for my gold adventures as I find them way more truthfull in their adventures!!! And I actually learn something...All I learned from Ice Cold Gold and Gold Rush And Bamazon is that any person can wake up one day and just become whatever they want with no experiance!! As long as the discovery channel say's your a prospector or whatever it must be true!! But who can blame them if I had money to burn I guess one day I would wake up a prospector the next a drunk and after that an astronaut!!

I admit I hoped for a decent show..But alas it seems so far from real life...Me I suspect that this show was probaly years in the making..Maybe not the camera footage but the time and research..I have my doubts...It is of my opinion that whether or not they already knew a valuable deposit was their or becouse they already did prior footwork or they just got lucky I doubt seriously that any of them had anything to lose!!!I am not aware of their backgrounds but I am very aware of the working man..And I can tell you how disapointed I was to be Represented by 2 men claiming to be prospectors though the whole time I was wondering what the hell they were doining... Unfortunatly I think these shows only do one thing and that is give hope to the new AMERICAN DREAM...Stupidity, Drama and false representation equal money, fame and success !! Got love America..Me I will stick to Astrobouncer, Reed Luken Hurthawk and some others for my gold adventures as I find them way more truthfull in their adventures!!! And I actually learn something...All I learned from Ice Cold Gold and Gold Rush And Bamazon is that any person can wake up one day and just become whatever they want with no experiance!! As long as the discovery channel say's your a prospector or whatever it must be true!! But who can blame them if I had money to burn I guess one day I would wake up a prospector the next a drunk and after that an astronaut!!

Ya Know by a couple of the Comments,
I don't remember from who or what was said,

I felt like it was like a Geocaching affair. :laughing7:

that either someone gave them Directions or coordinates,
And it was just a matter of pinpointing them.

also by the comments, They appeared to have been Hired by a corporation
or created one themseves, to locate
the stuff

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Jeff, I'm still here.
ATV's would have been useless.

Thank you GoodGuy for your support!

As far as the show, it is reality TV edited by non prospectors. I find it funny most here are of the same frame of mind I was, before going to Greenland. Many questions and curiosities. Remember this though, 50+ days cannot be fully covered in less than 6 one hour shows!

Still, I hope everyone enjoyed the show.

Definitely enjoyed it :icon_thumright:

I enjoyed the show, but understand what you mean about the editors. IT seemed to be mostly shots of guys walking or talking, and very little prospecting. I also had the feeling that the crew was assembled by the TV production company, for the very reasons stated earlier. Why did there need to be a driller and excavator?

I really wish they would have made this about the real prospecting trip that it was instead the "race to find gold"! Prospecting is about lots of walking, lots of explorations, test pans, and analysis.

Jeff, I'm still here.
ATV's would have been useless.

Thank you GoodGuy for your support!

As far as the show, it is reality TV edited by non prospectors. I find it funny most here are of the same frame of mind I was, before going to Greenland. Many questions and curiosities. Remember this though, 50+ days cannot be fully covered in less than 6 one hour shows!

Still, I hope everyone enjoyed the show.


I enjoyed the show very much and as a scouting expedition to unfamiliar territory with inclement weather I suppose it came off as well as could be expected and with no casualties. :icon_thumright:

It's easy to criticize from the comfort of home and with the advantage of the hindsight provided by watching the outcome of every decision made in the field.

I'm sure you would do things differently next time but the unknowns are what makes an adventure that much more exhilarating. I never talk much about my adventures, most wouldn't believe them anyway, but the memories are treasures all their own even if the treasure being sought is never found.

Happy Trails my Friend,

I enjoyed the show, but understand what you mean about the editors. IT seemed to be mostly shots of guys walking or talking, and very little prospecting. I also had the feeling that the crew was assembled by the TV production company, for the very reasons stated earlier. Why did there need to be a driller and excavator?

I really wish they would have made this about the real prospecting trip that it was instead the "race to find gold"! Prospecting is about lots of walking, lots of explorations, test pans, and analysis.

Here is a reality show based on a Race for Gold that is in the works, A quarter million dollar prize to the winning team........ The Race For Gold


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