Idiot on motorcycle almost dies

Close, very close! :censored:

I was going around 60, those guys at least twice that, crazy.

I saw the 2nd idiot flying up behind me then noticed the guy in front was going in that lane I thought holy ****, that guy is about to go flying.
I was young and dumb once but never did I drive as nutty as that, especially on a bike.

I looked at the vid 4 time's, and didn't see what you were talking about. Just seemed like an everyday rush hour in Chicago:dontknow::laughing7:. Looked like multiple idiots to me. Wonder how a car that drive's itself would react to that. Probably blame it on the car if there was an accident. Never had a set of marbles to do something like that. :censored:!

Those guys are idiots!! I used to roadrace (asphalt track) motorcycles back in the 80's. THAT is where you drive like that. NOT on the street. That's why they're known as 'murder cycles'.
It's Not about IF you go down, it's a matter of WHEN you go down. They're going to die if they continue doing that C**p.

I thought about whos fault it would be.

Technically the car was cutting the bike off, but flying up at 120 mph adds a new element to the equation.

I think legally and actually it would have been the bikes fault.

In 1973, I was riding north on Phoenix, Arizona's, Black Canyon Freeway at 3am, on my buddy's new Kawasaki 500 road racer. It was the fastest production 500 in the world at that time. When we got up to 90mph everything felt smooth and tight. As I crossed the 105mph mark, I started to feel a vibration in the handlebars. Before I could let go of the throttle the front tire began going into a "death wobble," and I laid it down hard, barely getting my left leg up on top of the bike. Hand of God, I rode it for a good 70-yards before I came off with just minor road rash. My buddy, who was riding behind me on my Honda 750, was devastated, but told me he probably didn't have enough air in the front tire. Neither one of us could believe how lucky I got. :skullflag:


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I wouldn't have felt bad if the guy went flying - The way I see it, he is endangering my life as well as his with reckless driving like that.

I'm sold on dash cams, this one I had new in the box for over a year before I finally got around to installing it. Takes some doing for me as I don't just plug things in to the lighter, I take the time to hard wire them [I have a GPS unit and radar detector already wired in]. So the dash cam made 3 units hardwired into my dash.
So the battery was shot after all that time sitting, still records with power but loses all memory once power is cut. Records in 1 minute clips, I wanted to jack that up to 5 at least, plus date/time was useless. So last night I popped it open and found the battery pack, looked it up online and they are only available in China.
So I tossed it and ordered another, should be here by Tuesday I already feel naked without it.

Old thread, but I almost crushed a motorcycle the other day. I was towing a utility trailer, pulled up to the light waiting for traffic to clear so I could turn right. Idiot on motorcycle pulls along side of me in the bicycle lane, if my wife had not said oh s***, I would have had a new trailer.

So easy to get nailed on a bike, which is the main reason I don't ride anymore.

He had it under control.....:laughing7:
Ya, I was there once too. I use to buzz my friends and fold their car or truck mirrors back with may hand while passing them in the berm. Thank god I never hurt anyone or got hurt. :laughing7: Now that I'm older I know that I'm not immortal and have no desire to ride one. That thrill of speed is like a disease. You can say...I won't do this or that.......Until you get back on one and that thrill all comes back. I just pulled one out of storage a couple months ago and sold it on craigslist with out even riding it. I knew I couldn't trust "reason" in me.....if I got on the thing again. :laughing7:

Wolf - Just remember, driving with Ozzy can be very dangerous also :laughing7:

I used to do wheelies on the freeway at 80+ mph just to make kids laugh and smile, I am aghast at the things I used to do.
A bit older and much wiser now, I lived to tell the tales but alot of guys don't. Even guys that are very careful on bikes have a strong chance of getting in a serious/fatal accident.

I used to do wheelies on the freeway at 80+ mph just to make kids laugh and smile, I am aghast at the things I used to do.
A bit older and much wiser now, I lived to tell the tales but alot of guys don't. Even guys that are very careful on bikes have a strong chance of getting in a serious/fatal accident.

Yep....I was a complete idiot on or in anything with a motor...My brother was careful and a lot smarter.....He died at 20 from a freak 4 wheeler accident. Him and another guy got their back wheels tangled up while kind of racing a straight line in a field along a wood line. after they got tangled his other tire caught a tree throwing him off. They really weren't going all that fast either.

So, even the most cautious? Things can still happen. But...speed and doing idiot stuff does greatly increase the chances. I was just very lucky.

Hey Xraywolf!! That's why the call them organ donors!! Anyway, GOOD LUCK and GOOD HUNTING!! VERDE!!

that is insane. All of those guys should lose their license for at least six months. I live in a small town with a population of less than 5000, I ride a cruiser, and believe me it's dangerous enough just going the speed limit even around here.

I first got on a bike in 1971. I went down 3 times that day because I didn't know what I was doing. Bought a new bike in 85. I made up my mind that I didn't buy that bike to die on it. I've ridden all over the United States and Canada. Not too many long rides left for me to do except maybe up into Alaska. You won't last too long if you chose to ride like an idiot.

Hey wolf thanks for the video. What kind of dash cam, How much ? and where did you get it ?

Thanks in Advance

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