If you had an RV and could go anywhere to hunt...Where would you?


Hero Member
May 21, 2013
Middle Tennessee
Detector(s) used
Nokta/Macro Anfibio Multi / Nokta Fors Core /Ace 250 - w/ 9"x12" Coil /
Whites TRX Bullseye
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
So you have an RV that will go anywhere....what type of treasure hunting would you do and where would you go to do it? And...what would be your detector of choice for the job?
Would you take your best hunting buddy with you? He could help pay for gas...

All packed up and ready to go........

That is cool! :laughing7:

A flat might be challenging though!:laughing7:

Where would I want to go? Any remote,toughest area to get to! The harder to get to, the better!

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The first place I'd go is the auto dealership , get something vastly more affordable and way less attention getting than what I'm seeing there.
Once I got a more sensible vehicular set up , I'd plan road trips that allowed me to do a wide variety of treasure hunting , and prospecting ,
for gold and other gems too .

I actually have a 26ft travel trailer and use it often. (Mine sets a little closer to the ground ) Mostly during deer season. My two digin buddys and I have discussed doing this very thing but have yet to find a spot and time that suits everyone. It would be awesome to camp on a good CW site and dig relics all day after a big breakfast. Then stroll in to camp and drink beer while 1 inch thick T-bones cooked on the fire. (Buddys could pay for steaks and beer) Man, top that off with some buttons, bullets and maybe a buckle! !! That would be hard to beat.... Dam hard.

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Western Australia to nugget hunt (Minelab GPZ7000)...Roman Empire areas to coin hunt (Fisher F75)....east coast USA to relic hunt (Fisher F-19)

Although the last 2 are places interchangeable for coins and relics for my taste.

I would take my hunting buddy (wife) with me as it would not be the same without her.

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The RV in the picture is just a joke. I can't see buying gas for that thing. A regular RV is hard enough on the wallet.
My partner and I are planning on doing the RV thing though. We are both retired. First stop will be Tennessee to see my brother. His property was the site of a store that existed
as far back as 1812. There was also a livery stable at the back of the store with a blacksmith shop. Lots of iron in the ground, but the Nokta should be able to handle that problem.
From there, during the winter months we plan on heading to Arizona for nugget hunting. With so many places to go out there.....where to go first seems like a tough question. Perhaps we will join a club, to have someone else to do the adventure with.

The RV in the picture is just a joke. I can't see buying gas for that thing. A regular RV is hard enough on the wallet.
My partner and I are planning on doing the RV thing though. We are both retired. First stop will be Tennessee to see my brother. His property was the site of a store that existed
as far back as 1812. There was also a livery stable at the back of the store with a blacksmith shop. Lots of iron in the ground, but the Nokta should be able to handle that problem.
From there, during the winter months we plan on heading to Arizona for nugget hunting. With so many places to go out there.....where to go first seems like a tough question. Perhaps we will join a club, to have someone else to do the adventure with.

If I ever hit the lotto and knew I had enough back for my sons future? I'd travel the country checking everything out! I've seen a lot of the east coast and some of the west coast. It's all the stuff in the middle I missed! NM just sounds like a cool place to spend some time and explore too! Or Arizona! Heck! anywhere!

This is my 2nd 4 wheel drive RV.
It is only 22 1/2 feet long.
It has 305DIESEL hp, power everything, micro, 6 cu' ref, air bag sus, roof air, gen, and just about everything you can get in one this size.
It has been all over the USA several timer. I am a cache hunter and prospector. I use a Whites XLT & Surfmaster plus a Hays 2 Box.
It's been down dry washes and some mild jeep trails. I go in as far as I can with it and use it as a basecamp.
To an old guy like me, that queen bed at night and that fresh brewed coffee with eggs and sausage in the morning makes my day.
At night it is my secure bed down. I travel with blue, my pit bull. he watches at night and enjoys the sausage in the morning also. lol Frank

The last time I played the lottery I talked to the wife, we'd split it 50 - 50 and go do our own things. My 1st purchase would be a $250,000 dollar camper. I chiukled and said I'd be the only millionaire who is out digging pennies. No plans, just mosey down the road looking for permissions from coast to coast.

Check that, my 1st stop would be in New Jersey to hunt with Vino and Scrappy...:headbang:

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Wish I had a big, beautiful RV. Take my cat, a Gibson acoustic, a couple cases of Moose Drool ale and just cruise and sightsee. Want to see PCH 1 again. Drought or no drought, California is the prettiest state I've ever been in. Back to Yosemite, Big Sur, Monterrey, all of it. Example: day beach, dark coming, walking on mushy ground, small hill. Turned out to be a dead whale. Two days later in the Ventana Wilderness, we got off the trail and were lost 2 days in the biggest forest with the tallest trees I have ever seen. Sure impressed this Texas country boy. Oregon is cool too, so is Washington, but California has it all. Look, drove straight though from San Antonio to L.A. Gas Crisis of 1973 or so. Hard to get gas everywhere but Cal. No shortage there. Went down Santa Monica Blvd to see the Pacific. Month of Dec. Got to Santa Monica Pier and there was a girl in a bikini walking down the beach with a boa constrictor(I think) around her neck. Knew then that "We must be in California, man". Just love it all. " Wish I was in Tijuana, eating barbecued iguana".

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When I read the title to this thread, the first person I thought of was Frankn.....

And here I see he beat me to it!

If I had the free time and the money, an RV that could go anywhere would not even be on my list of things I needed.

Well, that's a good one. I think i would go to all the places I did not go in my place and then to the States. Some northern Quebec places for fur trade camps, New England destinations for relics also. Relic hunting is hard sometimes on the ego, so I would go to some beach hunting in Florida or California for a change. As for the detector, if I had the money, would carry a Deus, a Tesoro and a Garett AT Pro. Can't wait for retirement, hope the wife will follow.

I'd stay here in CA and go north then over to AZ to hunt some old time relics and hoped I had a restroom in that RV!

Well here is the RV. And it does have a bathroom Rusty.005.JPG But, hate to be negative, but where would you begin? I mean, if I went through a town, which we have many times, how would you find a place to detect?

Well here is the RV. And it does have a bathroom Rusty.View attachment 1209808 But, hate to be negative, but where would you begin? I mean, if I went through a town, which we have many times, how would you find a place to detect?

Research is always the key. Of course...some towns are ok with MD'ing in the parks, some are not. Having internet access (hotspot) in the RV is a good tool to work with when on the road. Depends on where you are, and what type of hunting you would want to do in that area.

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