In Illinois, trying to figure this one out. . .


Jr. Member
May 31, 2018
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting

I just don't know what to make of this. Is it just a funny rock? Has what may (or may not) be a notch on the fat side, and a thin side that doesn't look chipped out, although there's a chip or two in it. Fits the hand nice. What the heck?





OK. Thoughts?

Where did you find it? Field? Creek? Digging up a garden? I'm not very good with the native American artifacts but I believe it's natural. Hopefully others chime in and give a better assessment.

Yes probably an artifact appears to show facial imagery and a possible petroglyphs? In one pic. Don't be afraid to share all you have noted about the piece or let the dissenters cause you to doubt yourself. As the only one to hold it in your hands and see it through eyes and not a screen you are the best judge

I found this is a small creek bed. I can't make out any figures, but there seems to be some circular depressions.

It had taken me years to only start to believe what my eyes are seeing so it won't come all at once. Try dim lighting as these were probly made to view fireside. Also close one eye as lack of depth helps to see the forms. When the piece starts to shine back at you you will start to be able to see the artists intent. Keep looking for more far easier to find these than arrowheads where I am at. Any more questions I'll be happy to answer but kind of a rookie to this weirdo stuff as well

You need to clean it soak in soapy water the rinse off with the sink hose

I'm trying to help some people out. When you are so sure of something so obvious and everyone else denies it, starts to mess with your head. I know , case in point. You are not alone please post it all the weirder the better. It may not be artifacts or it may be what I believe, still cool either way.

It is a Geofact. I see the edge you are talking about though. It is possible that someone could have drove a few flakes off to test the material and discarded or the reduction could be from water tumble at some point.
One of those items that I always have to pick up and examine also. But it is a natural formed rock not sure on that edge if worked.
Any caves near by?
Welcome to the forum.

Tough one... It does look like the one edge was intentionally flaked (though not some amazing work) but it's not always easy determining that from a photo. With that said, it still could be natural. Don't listen to the face / petroglyphs comments.

Yes probably an artifact appears to show facial imagery and a possible petroglyphs? In one pic. Don't be afraid to share all you have noted about the piece or let the dissenters cause you to doubt yourself. As the only one to hold it in your hands and see it through eyes and not a screen you are the best judge

One of the things that is happening here, and you've demonstrated this fact in several of your comments, is that you think you know far more then you actually know. You're really not helping someone who is posting a rock by encouraging them to believe they have an artifact. That's the opposite of help, it's misleading someone. You are mistaken in your beliefs regarding rocks. Convinced of your own superior knowledge, onward into delusion you go. Just not a good look, and one we've seen on other occasions. You need to learn how to distinguish natural from man made. It's up to you....

Unfortunately Charl, no matter how many things we say they never seem to listen or even question if they are right or wrong. They always seem to go back to the argument that they have been hunting longer then you and know what they are talking about. All it's really doing is giving people false hope that what they have is truly an artifact.

Cleaned up, but it dried the same color. Interesting to find out about "geofacts," maybe that's what this is. It's just odd.




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