Interesting pic of wild pig

The pigs in the Guam video are very young and can be found in family groups. Large boars are always alone because they are so mean no other pig can stand to be around them.

I've seen a lot of wild hogs but never had one attack me. They usually run. However, you might not know when you're provoking them. I'm more afraid of walkin up on a sow with a litter than the boars. I've heard the stories. My son and them hunt them on the South Canadian with AK's and would really welcome the hogs charging them. And they will eat you if they get you down. I once saw a car crash victim that was thrown into a hog pen and wasn't found til the next day. It was not pretty, but the coroner told us he believed the guy was dead before the hogs got ahold of him.

ivan salis said:
those are javelina / peccary -- small fast & mean lil devils --they are very differant than "once tame" now gone wild feral pigs * --the feral pigs get much bigger true but the small lil totally wld peccarys are mean as snot , fast as lightening and will eat anything --small pets are fair game for em --cats and yip yip dogs esp.

My grandmother grew up near Austin and told me stories about the javelinas.

Has anyone here heard one of these Razorbacks "poppin' their jaws"? I heard it sounds like a .22 rifle shot. Thankfully, I have never run up on one of these things in the woods. A friend of mine caught a piglet and raised it for slaughter once. That is the closest I ever got to one.

Big Cypress - I am amazed at the disappearance of the wild hogs in that area. What has contributed to this? :help:
As I recall they were all over the place back in the late seventies early eighties. We may have harvested one or two big pigs a year off of the thousand acre tract and didn't have to work at all to do so.

PS Sounds like you have a great job :icon_thumleft:

fladiverdown said:
Big Cypress - I am amazed at the disappearance of the wild hogs in that area. What has contributed to this? :help:
As I recall they were all over the place back in the late seventies early eighties. We may have harvested one or two big pigs a year off of the thousand acre tract and didn't have to work at all to do so.

PS Sounds like you have a great job :icon_thumleft:
We dont know what happened. The park rangers shoot them on sight in the Everglades but they are still legal game in the Big Cypress. North of the Snake Road area still has hogs. Dinner Island and OK Slough have plenty. There are a lot of rumors as to the disappearance in the BCNP.

My opinion is that the Texas cougars wiped them out. They integrated Texas cougars into the Florida Panther genepool. If you want to eradicate wild hogs, get some cougars.

We are also witnessing a sharp decline in the small mammal population. Road kills are a rare occurrence. Florida Panthers/Texas Cougars + Pythons + Coyotes = too many predators.

We are noticing an increase in Turkey nests and Diamondback Rattlesnakes with no hogs to eat them.


  • Python Big Cypress airboat country designated camp 2009.jpg
    Python Big Cypress airboat country designated camp 2009.jpg
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  • Python Big Cypress airboat country designated camp 2009.jpg
    Python Big Cypress airboat country designated camp 2009.jpg
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There are 4 hunter check stations in the 565,848 acre BCNP and the total hogs harvested, in the past 5 years, was probably less than 10, the far majority were large male boars. My theory is most panthers will not fool with a large boar. I am hoping some sows remain to repopulate the area. The 1 hog killed last year was unfortunately a sow. In my opinion the surviving pigs should be protected but nobody cares about a non-native species. Most hunters realize the situation and will not shoot them if they are lucky enough to see one. Im kinda sad to see them gone. Wild hogs are (were) 40 percent of the Florida Panthers diet and have always been a part of the deep swamp for as long as I could remember.

Pythons and Coyotes are to be killed on site.

Really interesting comments BCH, I can see your point, though you are the ONLY one I've heard say sad to them go, but I understand. I've wondered about the increase of wild hogs leading to the increase of cougars, I think that's happening here in Oklahoma. thought I haven't read anything official about it, but both animals ARE increasing.

naturegirl said:
Really interesting comments BCH, I can see your point, though you are the ONLY one I've heard say sad to them go, but I understand. I've wondered about the increase of wild hogs leading to the increase of cougars, I think that's happening here in Oklahoma. thought I haven't read anything official about it, but both animals ARE increasing.
Down in the Smokys them hogs are a real problem,the Park Rangers shoot em on site.They rooted up my front yard once,hit it twice in three nights,looked like a bulldozer went thru!

naturegirl said:
Really interesting comments BCH, I can see your point, though you are the ONLY one I've heard say sad to them go, but I understand. I've wondered about the increase of wild hogs leading to the increase of cougars, I think that's happening here in Oklahoma. thought I haven't read anything official about it, but both animals ARE increasing.
The hogs have been here since their ancestors escaped from Ponce DeLeon and De Soto. They were here before the first white settlers arrived. They have always been part of the South Florida swamp. Its kinda sad to see this direct Spanish bloodline go extinct. They are a tough breed and maybe they will survive. Its probably different in Oklahoma and Texas, where they may be a more recent arrival. :dontknow:

in some states they need to be wiped out and in some just need to be controlled but as far as unprovoked attacks bs they are mean and nasty and will attack anything they think they can eat love them bs probablly a hunt guide the hogs in missouri are just runaways i want a big one with mudd caked on his butt 6-8 inch dog wreckers about 500-700 lbs i want to use my 50 cal on one i have the 357 as a back up the 50 cal sorry is a kentucky hawkin 50 cal black powder with 325 grain power belt hollow points i know would take down a big hog i have taken deer at 150 yards iron sights droped dead where they stand and the javalinas i have hunted them in the arizona desert they are mean little bastards had one run up to the stand and attack the legs of the stand it sounded like some one was beating on it with drumsticks

olepossum said:
in some states they need to be wiped out and in some just need to be controlled but as far as unprovoked attacks bs they are mean and nasty and will attack anything they think they can eat love them bs probablly a hunt guide the hogs in missouri are just runaways i want a big one with mudd caked on his butt 6-8 inch dog wreckers about 500-700 lbs i want to use my 50 cal on one i have the 357 as a back up the 50 cal sorry is a kentucky hawkin 50 cal black powder with 325 grain power belt hollow points i know would take down a big hog i have taken deer at 150 yards iron sights droped dead where they stand and the javalinas i have hunted them in the arizona desert they are mean little --deleted--s had one run up to the stand and attack the legs of the stand it sounded like some one was beating on it with drumsticks
Another misinformed, hog hunter the way, that was the longest sentence Ive ever read in my life.

lookindown said:
i want to use my 50 cal on one i have the 357 as a back up
They are fun to hunt but doesnt that kinda defeat the purpose of a primitive hunt? In florida you cannot carry a modern weapon during muzzleloading or archery season.

hombre_de_plata_flaco said:
ivan salis said:
those are javelina / peccary -- small fast & mean lil devils --they are very differant than "once tame" now gone wild feral pigs * --the feral pigs get much bigger true but the small lil totally wld peccarys are mean as snot , fast as lightening and will eat anything --small pets are fair game for em --cats and yip yip dogs esp.

My grandmother grew up near Austin and told me stories about the javelinas.

Has anyone here heard one of these Razorbacks "poppin' their jaws"? I heard it sounds like a .22 rifle shot. Thankfully, I have never run up on one of these things in the woods. A friend of mine caught a piglet and raised it for slaughter once. That is the closest I ever got to one.
the first pic i posted he was snapping his jaw when i took that pic.not as loud but gets the point across.that was as close as i would to him.second pic the pig had his back legs broke so i could run faster than him.i called the park people to come get him.

lookindown said:
olepossum said:
in some states they need to be wiped out and in some just need to be controlled but as far as unprovoked attacks bs they are mean and nasty and will attack anything they think they can eat love them bs probablly a hunt guide the hogs in missouri are just runaways i want a big one with mudd caked on his butt 6-8 inch dog wreckers about 500-700 lbs i want to use my 50 cal on one i have the 357 as a back up the 50 cal sorry is a kentucky hawkin 50 cal black powder with 325 grain power belt hollow points i know would take down a big hog i have taken deer at 150 yards iron sights droped dead where they stand and the javalinas i have hunted them in the arizona desert they are mean little --deleted--s had one run up to the stand and attack the legs of the stand it sounded like some one was beating on it with drumsticks
Another misinformed, hog hunter the way, that was the longest sentence Ive ever read in my life.
what part are you talking about misinformed?he says a few things.are you sure your sentence is 100 perect correct?

by the way it wasnt a sentence it was a ramble. i am years and miles from a wanna be hunter i am 42 and have been hunting since i was big enough to handle a rifle, which my first was a 30/30 at 6 .i have hunted all over the us, the hunting i dont like is fenced in hunts where they can get in or out of . you must be a hunt guide telling people to wear bells, it will scare the meat eating predator away bs it tells them here comes supper .so unless you want to go hunting with me and do it stalk and walk dont call me a wanna be i barely use a stand or feed plots or game cameras i do it all by eyes ears and nose and experience .i never go after game with out research of the animal and the place i will be hunting, so i dont become or try my best not to become a statistic.

thats true about the weapons law. i will bring my double barrel hawkin trapper 50 cal pistol i can fire one or both barrels, never done both but if i was being charged i would use both. i have not been to fla for hogs but i have been in missouri oklahoma and arkansas hunting them. i have just always wanted to hunt the big ones if fla ,and i like the pics you took they are awsome. i was in a stand in arizona when i was 12 after javalinas ,they pop so loud it sounded like he was in the stand with me . i was 7 feet of the ground it was a very scarey sound.

olepossum said:
thats true about the weapons law. i will bring my double barrel hawkin trapper 50 cal pistol i can fire one or both barrels, never done both but if i was being charged i would use both. i have not been to fla for hogs but i have been in missouri oklahoma and arkansas hunting them. i have just always wanted to hunt the big ones if fla ,and i like the pics you took they are awsome. i was in a stand in arizona when i was 12 after javalinas ,they pop so loud it sounded like he was in the stand with me . i was 7 feet of the ground it was a very scarey sound.
Hogs can be shot year round with anything you want on private property but they are considered game species on the wildlife management areas. You could carry a cap and ball pistol.

They pop their jaws here too when injured or cornered. I think they are sharpening their tusks. They fit together like scissors.

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