Interesting study

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Again,, Republican,, What does it matter to you?
"5) Liberalism encourages arrogance: Liberals tend to believe they're brilliant, compassionate, moral, enlightened, perceptive, and courageous, not because of anything they've actually done, but just because they're liberal. When you completely divorce a person's self image from his behavior, it produces terrible results -- like liberals who hurl abuse at conservative women while believing that they're feminists or selfish left-wingers who've never given a dime to charity, but believe themselves to be much more compassionate than people who tithe 10% of their income.

Now, on some level, liberals know this is all a big sham. But, even that can be problematic because unstable high self-esteem actually causes more bad behavior and violent behavior than low self-esteem. As Roy Baumeister noted in Evil: Inside Human Violence and Cruelty,"

So are you saying that this describes the founding fathers of this country - yikes!!

Yea huffy post NOW that's something to believe in. You mean there are conservatives in Canada?

What's your thoughts onfire ? Racists tend to have low intelligence?

Can't think of anything yet can you? Good luck. You will think of some zinger next week. Maybe we can leave this thread open till then?

"The sequence goes something like this. Someone tells you that you are not very competent at something. If you are a shame-prone person, you start to experience that sinking feeling that the other person may be right and this is not the only thing that you are bad at, and maybe you are just a worthless loser in general. You start to feel panic, anxiety, and misery, and your heart beats faster. To break free of those feelings, you reject the premise. You are not incompetent in the way the other person said. The other person had no right to say that to you, and he's completely wrong. Your feelings are now directed outward at him, instead of yourself, and the effects of your faster heartbeat and general arousal transfer into intense anger at the person who has so unfairly insulted you. You want to hit him."

Oh thanks for opening up this line Stocky! Here are some more gems that fit you to a tee!

1) Liberalism creates a feedback loop. It is usually impossible for a non-liberal to change a liberal's mind about political issues because liberalism works like so: only liberals are credible sources of information. How do you know someone's liberal? He espouses liberal doctrine. So, no matter how plausible what you say may be, it will be ignored if you're not a liberal and if you are a liberal, of course, you probably agree with liberal views. This sort of close-mindedness makes liberals nearly impervious to any information that might undermine their beliefs.

Can't think of anything yet can you? Good luck. You will think of some zinger next week. Maybe we can leave this thread open till then?

"The sequence goes something like this. Someone tells you that you are not very competent at something. If you are a shame-prone person, you start to experience that sinking feeling that the other person may be right and this is not the only thing that you are bad at, and maybe you are just a worthless loser in general. You start to feel panic, anxiety, and misery, and your heart beats faster. To break free of those feelings, you reject the premise. You are not incompetent in the way the other person said. The other person had no right to say that to you, and he's completely wrong. Your feelings are now directed outward at him, instead of yourself, and the effects of your faster heartbeat and general arousal transfer into intense anger at the person who has so unfairly insulted you. You want to hit him."

Dave I find it interesting that you believe any discussion is a contest between people? Can't you discuss any issues without turning it into something personal or are you not able to do that?

Oh thanks for opening up this line Stocky! Here are some more gems that fit you to a tee!

1) Liberalism creates a feedback loop. It is usually impossible for a non-liberal to change a liberal's mind about political issues because liberalism works like so: only liberals are credible sources of information. How do you know someone's liberal? He espouses liberal doctrine. So, no matter how plausible what you say may be, it will be ignored if you're not a liberal and if you are a liberal, of course, you probably agree with liberal views. This sort of close-mindedness makes liberals nearly impervious to any information that might undermine their beliefs.

So are you John Hawkins?

Let me see.. you do not enter into honest debate, you are always trying to entrap someone so that it feeds your inferiority complex. When you are wrong you ridicule someone,, if you were to be right I feel you would also ridicule them.

I am sorry were you asking that question of me? Or was it self reflective? Hint.. don't say it out loud when you do that.

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Let me see.. you do not enter into honest debate, you are always trying to entrap someone so that it feeds your inferiority complex. When you are wrong you ridicule someone,, if you were to be right I feel you would also ridicule them.

I am sorry were you asking that question of me? Or was it self reflective? Hint.. don't not say it out loud when you do that.

Sure, I love to see any examples of the above. I'm sorry if you feel like you've been made to look bad but there is never a valid reason in a discussion to get personal. Generally just a sign that someone does not have the ability to discuss the topic at hand.

Stockpicker, I have noticed that you yourself like to turn every conversation into a contest. Fine by me but you should at least be aware of it.

Sure, I love to see any examples of the above. I'm sorry if you feel like you've been made to look bad but there is never a valid reason in a discussion to get personal. Generally just a sign that someone does not have the ability to discuss the topic at hand.

Yada Yada,, I have seen you post this same thing over and over and over and over,, Right after you have attacked someone or tried to set them up to sate your ego. I am sorry I made you look bad, but you should learn how to make a valid point.

I grow weary.

Stockpicker, I have noticed that you yourself like to turn every conversation into a contest. Fine by me but you should at least be aware of it.

Not at all. I just like to debate issues and never bring things to a personal level. You think the world would be a better place if no one had alternative opinion on things?

Yada Yada,, I have seen you post this same thing over and over and over and over,, Right after you have attacked someone or tried to set them up to sate your ego. I am sorry I made you look bad, but you should learn how to make a valid point.

I grow weary.

Even my little kids know the "I know you are but what am I" argument is juvenile.

:BangHead: Children, Sheesh.

Ok since Stocky opened it up, I find this article fascinating! Actually it is another by the same fellow. I hope everyone knows by now. Not sure Stocky ever revealed his Leninist author.

"2) Liberals sources of information are ever present. Conservatives are regularly exposed to the liberal viewpoint whether they want to be or not. That's not necessarily so for liberals. Imagine the average day for liberals. They get up and read their local newspaper. It has a liberal viewpoint. They take their kids to school, where the teachers are liberal. Then they go to work, listen to NPR which has a liberal viewpoint on the way home, and then turn on the nightly news which also skews leftward. From there, they turn on TV and watch shows created by liberals that lean to the left, if they have any political viewpoint at all. Unless liberals actively seek out conservative viewpoints, which is unlikely, the only conservative arguments they're probably going to hear are going to be through the heavily distorted, poorly translated, deeply skeptical lens of other liberals. "

:BangHead: Children, Sheesh.

Ok since Stocky opened it up, I find this article fascinating! Actually it is another by the same fellow. I hope everyone knows by now. Not sure Stocky ever revealed his Leninist author.

"2) Liberals sources of information are ever present. Conservatives are regularly exposed to the liberal viewpoint whether they want to be or not. That's not necessarily so for liberals. Imagine the average day for liberals. They get up and read their local newspaper. It has a liberal viewpoint. They take their kids to school, where the teachers are liberal. Then they go to work, listen to NPR which has a liberal viewpoint on the way home, and then turn on the nightly news which also skews leftward. From there, they turn on TV and watch shows created by liberals that lean to the left, if they have any political viewpoint at all. Unless liberals actively seek out conservative viewpoints, which is unlikely, the only conservative arguments they're probably going to hear are going to be through the heavily distorted, poorly translated, deeply skeptical lens of other liberals. "

Given that I've made a fortune in the stock market calling me a communist/Marxist/Leninist is probably a tough accusation to make stick.

And again, is the pints of these threads to discuss the people making the posts or the issues themselves. Can you discuss the topic or just people posting?

Time to post another that does not make fun of conservatives,, Love this dude!
3) Liberals emphasize feeling superior, not superior results. Liberalism is all about appearances, not outcomes. What matters to liberals is how a program makes them FEEL about themselves, not whether it works or not. Thus a program like Headstart, which sounds good because it's designed to help children read, makes liberals feel good about themselves, even though the program doesn't work and wastes billions. A ban on DDT makes liberals feel good about themselves because they're "protecting the environment" even though millions of people have died as a result. For liberals, it's not what a program does in the real world; it's about whether they feel better about themselves for supporting it.

I guess you are just proving the point of the study?

I bet you cannot get enough of this guy either! It just seems so appropriate!
"4) Liberals are big believers in moral relativism. This spins them round and round because if the only thing that's wrong is saying that there's an absolute moral code, then you lose your ability to tell cause from effect, good from bad, and right from wrong. Taking being non-judgmental to the level that liberals do leaves them paralyzed, pondering "why they hate us" because they feel incapable of saying, “That's wrong," and doing something about it. If you're against firm standards and condemning immoral behavior, then your moral compass won’t work and you’ll also be for immorality, as well as societal and cultural decay by default."

What does any of this have to do with the topic of the thread?

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