Is there really NO beach area near Miami to detect?

... I have been told different by J. Lloyd park rangers?

Pat-tekker, I can't comment specifically, but here's a general comment: So too in CA (to use an example) have various md'rs *occasionally* been confronted by park rangers on our state beaches, saying various supposed rules. Eg.: "You can't do that". And a few of those md'rs shook in their boots, taking the warnings to heart thinking "this is the rules for CA" (hey, can't argue with a "duly-appointed state ranger", now can you?) And on a few of those occasions, others of us who got wind of this flap, went to try to "clarify" it (since it's general knowledge you can detect state-of-CA beaches till you're blue in the face).

Bottom line is, there is nothing *specific*, yet there are various catch-all grey area wordings which could apply. Ie.: cultural heritage, lost & found laws, harvest-&-collect laws, etc.... And the end result of those various altercations (perhaps not un-like your own), is that they are forgotten and ignored. You can still detect to your heart's content, and no one ever sought clarification, or whatever.

Perhaps this is what's happened to you: You just ran into a singular ranger having a bad day ? An over-zealous archie-minded type who's since-been re-assigned elsewhere, so you can just disregard now ?

State owned lands are generally off limits...
I say "generally" because MOST do not allow metal detecting...
BUT... some do...
And the only way to know this is to approach a park ranger ONLY and ask if they allow it or not...

Why "approach a park ranger and ask" ? If there really were a rule saying "no metal detecting", why can't the md'r look up for himself in park codes/rules to find out ?

There need not be express allowance afterall (eg.: "metal detecting allowed here" sign). Silence on the subject = not dis-allowed.

The trouble with going to ask various pencil pusher rangers, is you could bump into the "no one cared till you asked" psychology. Where some genius thinks long and hard about your "pressing question" and decides it might harm the sandcrabs, or that you might find an indian bone, blah blah

Especially if others are md'ing there with no problems or issues, then the best tactic is to let it remain that way :)

Stay out of Florida. Metal detectors are not allowed on our beaches. If you get caught, you will be shot on sight.

Yes, stay out of CA too. So don't none of y'all get any ideas about coming here to hunt our beaches. I can probably find an archie to say this is law. And even to quote some scary sounding dire legal things to back themselves up ! So stay out of CA ! :laughing7:

Thanks for all the info I was just interloping as I am headed to Lauderdale area for 2-3 months to kick back in the warm before gold mining season hits here for me in Nevada. I plan to MD, fly R.C. Planes and do some Soaring up North some.

I bet I beat you to the beach! :laughing7: I'mma gonna suck up all de gold b4 u get thr! :laughing7:

Seriously, at least $10, lol. I'm headed out the door and on my way there, right now!
I got mixer in the trunk...... :tongue3:
I'm trying to beat rush hour traffic, lemme know what time you get here. I'll report later.8-)

oh, and safe travels you, too

WHERE WERE YOU!? :laughing7:
I made it there by 4:00, did I win, did I win? :laughing7:
There was good food, good music, nice drinks, and wonderful ppl's..... :notworthy:
Hope ya'll have safe travels and enjoy your time here. :cat:

Yes not true, Sometimes private hotel owners will give you a hard time on "their" beach but for the most part they between low and high tide mark is totally legit. If anything we do a great service to the beaches by removing trash that the beach cleaners spread out and compact further under the sand causing serious dangers to peoples feet. Anytime I have been confronted by a private hotel I just show them all the trash I have cleaned off of "Their" beach. They usually don't bother me anymore. I have never had an incident where I was told to leave. But there are tons of miami beach hunters

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