Is there something there?

Dr. Syn

Sr. Member
Feb 15, 2011
Lakeland, Florida
Little lead in. My grand pap always told me "there's money in the farm, look by the old house". Quirky, but grand pap was just a "poor old dirt farmer." Funny, never raised much in the way of livestock, didn't plant much, yet had one of the nicest homes in the area, always had new cars and several antique autos.
And I later found out was associated with a bunch of folks who at one time wore/wear white hoods and robes.

Anyhow, I bought the farm after he passed, he made sure I got it. Found out that the crafty old bugger still owned the mineral rights. Coal and natural gas has proven to be a big money maker on it. But I still question his little bit about "money in the farm" and where his came from.

Doing a little family tree research, I found this property has been in the family since the 1700's, in fact the neighboring city is named after one of my family. Found an old aerial photo of the area, and low and behold there once was an "old house"!!!

Not the one I remember, that's the new one. The old house from what I can find dated back to the early 1800's before it was raised in the early 1940's when the new house was built.

I wonder, there is still a big old stone spring right by where the old house was?

Anyone care to take a look at the aerial shot (circled area is the farm) and see if they can spot anything?

Second shot is same with buildings and such marked.


p.s. yeah I believe in dowsing, my late uncle did it all the time, finding water for well diggers. He was a bit of a wild child, maybe why he wasn't told to look for something other then water.


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Hi Dr. Syn,
Can you post a closer up view using a more recent photo?

Maybe try a google earth photo and get a closer shot?

Not sure how to post a GE photo, how bout a link to the area on GE? You can then zoom in to what will work for you. Old house was close to where road T732 and Benny Road meet. If you were to draw a line 45 degrees to the right of that intersection you will hit a small group of trees, that's the stone spring.

Google Map Maker

Not sure how to post a GE photo, how bout a link to the area on GE? You can then zoom in to what will work for you. Old house was close to where road T732 and Benny Road meet. If you were to draw a line 45 degrees to the right of that intersection you will hit a small group of trees, that's the stone spring. Google Map Maker
Can you PM me what city and state this is in?Thanks,jon

Hello DrSyn and deepsecrets,
Thanks for the info. My family had a farm in Windber, PA. I was there mid April to see my cousins...and went to Flight 93 memorial. In DrSyn's orignal posted pics dowsing revealed silver near the spring so i wanted a close up pic to continue with the dowse.

Jon, so you're a Rambler huh? Stone's throw from the Ridge.

Whatever help you can give would be greatly appreciated.

From my understanding, whatever is there has been so for a long long time, and silver does have a ring to part of it, in what I was told.

Funny I made my money with coal and natural gas on the farm, that section of property was strip mined, but as you can see in the newer photo, part of it (where the old house/spring are/were at) never got touched in nearly 20 years of contracts. I often wonder why as there is a huge seam of coal there. The first contract lasted 10 years, and not a darn thing was done. They kept paying the yearly fees but didn't turn a shovel. Next five years of contracts saw em push some dirt around, never deep enough to hit the seam. Last three they got to within 6 months of it expiring before starting to pull out coal. After that I told em no more. Just made no sense, 18 years of payments and what they took out wasn't worth 1 year's payment to me. Yeah I know, silly, but I got tired of the mess.

A note, there are "folks" who watch this place, so be careful if you want to wander onto it. If you do so and meet up with them, let em know you are a friend of the Scarecrow and it's OK, otherwise they aren't too friendly if you catch my drift.
I've met some of the "folks" who watch this place, some introduced to me by my grand pap. Others I've met on my walks and while hunting on the property. And some of them are down right ornery cusses, until they find out I'm the Scarecrow. Don't want to know about someone else stumbling into them.

Why the Scarecrow? When I was young I had dark brown hair with a birthmark of a zigzag blonde on one side. Was always kidded by grand pap of being a Scarecrow and that was just the straw sticking out. That's how he would introduce me when meeting his "folks".

Green circle for archaeological signal/site. White circle seems to be diamonds, possibly also paper cash. Red X coins with a strong silver response.

somerset_050439-2-Dr. Syn.jpg

Red_desert, pretty good hits!
Green circle is around the old house and spring. White is an old trash dump for the farm, nice place to hide something. Tough to find anything with a couple hundred years of trash dumped there.
Red X is one of the patches of woods with some "signs" I was shown.

Just thought of something about the trash dump. And it's kinda eerie. At the very front of the dump, just inside the woods is the frame of an old scarecrow.
It's been there as long as I can remember, and is still there, 50+ years. Maybe watching over something other then the field nearby? That's weird.

Red_desert, pretty good hits!
Green circle is around the old house and spring. White is an old trash dump for the farm, nice place to hide something. Tough to find anything with a couple hundred years of trash dumped there.
Red X is one of the patches of woods with some "signs" I was shown.

Just thought of something about the trash dump. And it's kinda eerie. At the very front of the dump, just inside the woods is the frame of an old scarecrow.
It's been there as long as I can remember, and is still there, 50+ years. Maybe watching over something other then the field nearby? That's weird.
All sounds so very interesting, let me know what you find out. Farmers in my area had a strange way of marking caches too, by tying a small rope in a tree with a corn cob pointed down, at end of rope directly over the cache.

When do you need the dowse done?

Jon, no hurry at all. What ever is there has been so for a long time, and it's not going anywhere.
Honestly I won't be up there again till late August to do any poking around.

Have a question though on dowsing. Is there a "rule" so to say for what type of rods you use for what you are looking for?
I know my uncle used twigs taken off of trees when looking for water. He'd walk onto a property, break off a Y shaped twig from a nearby tree, most often a Maple, hold the short ends in his hands and use the long end as the pointer. He could tell how deep and how much water by just the twig's reaction.

And I was always amazed at how that worked. I've seen those twigs go sideways and bend down at some ridiculous angles depending on where the water was and how much/how deep it was. Uncle would then tell the land owner, whether it was a go or no go, and if a go, he could tell them how deep to dig and what kinda quality/quantity they could get. All from a twig.

Jon, no hurry at all. What ever is there has been so for a long time, and it's not going anywhere.
Honestly I won't be up there again till late August to do any poking around.

Have a question though on dowsing. Is there a "rule" so to say for what type of rods you use for what you are looking for?
I know my uncle used twigs taken off of trees when looking for water. He'd walk onto a property, break off a Y shaped twig from a nearby tree, most often a Maple, hold the short ends in his hands and use the long end as the pointer. He could tell how deep and how much water by just the twig's reaction.

And I was always amazed at how that worked. I've seen those twigs go sideways and bend down at some ridiculous angles depending on where the water was and how much/how deep it was. Uncle would then tell the land owner, whether it was a go or no go, and if a go, he could tell them how deep to dig and what kinda quality/quantity they could get. All from a twig.

Hi Dr. Syn,
Very good questions. There really are no rules. Some instruments work more efficiently than another depending on the job and site conditions. An L-rod is better to search a 20 acre site vs. a pendulum IMHO, but if the wind is up, a Y rod is better. I use the L-rod mostly and the pendulum for quick checks over maps/photos or when in tight surroundings. Your Uncle used what worked for him. The water in the fresh cut branch provided the "bait" for the groundwater. I have used Y branches and single branches before with good results.
The issue is of flexibility over time. As the tree branches become dry you lose the flexure they had when freshly cut, therfore your grip on them changes and that in turn changes the sensitivity until you become used to the feel of the branches turning in your hands as it reacts to a target. A freshly cut Y branch will flex and dip very nicely with very little rotation in the handles but with a drier one you will start to feel the dip and the handles wanting to turn in your palms. As with L-rods, the Y rod needs to be balanced properly so you know when a dowsing reaction occurs. This takes lots of time and practice to get the mechanics down so that eventually you will be thinking about what the search revolves around instead of being concerned with "Am I holding the instrument correctly?" With lots of practice you will eventually be able to walk slowly in the field with the instruments correctly balanced...ready for a response to your query. Since dowsing is about picking up on an attraction, you would want the most sensitive reaction available with any given instrument. Both a fresh cut and a dry Y branch will work and neither is an incorrect choice, it's what you feel comfortable with. Having your dowsing reactions firmly established with each instrument is most important before going out on a real search. If that is not the case with you, I encourage you to practice until you are sure about what the instruments are indicating to you. If on the other hand you have your reactions firmly established then you are ready to head into the field.
Hope this helps,

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Jon is correct...I have made rods from many types and sizes of materials...Every thing will work but one material will seem to work better for you. I am a firm believer in baiting the rods or holding the bait in your hand. The rods will work a little different for each of us..Practice until you know what the rods are telling you..Art

Dowsing revealed....
Blue circled areas: An attraction to silver coins (cache)
Curved blue line: Individual silver coins next to road.
Blue rectangle/triangle/blue line area bounded by: Individual silver coins.
Thanks for posting your picture,

Thank you Jon, looks like a lot of spots. But two in particular, are the same spots Red Desert noted also, hmm.
Scarecrow field, and the old house/spring area. Both would make sense for a cache. Both in view of the two houses, to keep an eye on by the owners.

Thanks again.

I'm not sure if anyone else has said anything but, the thing that stands out to me is down hill I think from the barn. A square area with darker points in each corner. What is that some kind of garden or field? It's a perfect square or diamond it looks like to me. Anyway, that's what stands out in this photo for me. And, you might be surprised about what you might find out there in the garbage pile. Would be a good hidey hole, since most folks would turn up their nose about digging in the garbage. Also, any out houses on the property?

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