
Bronze Member
Sep 3, 2007
Detector(s) used
White's Prizm III and Ace 250
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting


  • IMG_1237.JPG
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Re: It's BAT DOG!

Yup, that is quite a picture. Cute. LOL. He looks like he is being playful. Fun fun


Re: It's BAT DOG!

:icon_thumright: lol good pic

Re: It's BAT DOG!

karenray08 said:
Yup, that is quite a picture. Cute. LOL. He looks like he is being playful. Fun fun

He was "talking" to my daughter when she snapped this shot. He loves the trampoline--he likes to lay on his back and moan about how good it feels :laughing7:. We don't have any "normal" dogs around here!
Thanks Ray!
Tank69 said:
:icon_thumright: lol good pic
Thanks Tank69--we just had to share that picture with everyone! It was just comical to us.
kind regards, sandcreek

Re: It's BAT DOG!

Those Weimaraners are goofy, I like them.

As a teen, one of my best pals was a friends Weimaraner named Scooby.
The dog was constantly pulling weird antics that cracked everyone up.
Back then, alot of folks used to let their dogs wander the neighborhood, no one cared.
Scooby liked to wander, so did I, so he bonded to me as an adopted dog almost.

I found out girls really liked him, thought he was unusual and all ,,, So I took to the habit of taking him walking for hours, and hitting up on the girls that were attracted to him.
Had alot of luck like that, I really owe Scooby a debt.
Never used a leash once, he always trotted right behind me. If we came to a busy street, he would sit right down and wouldn't move until I did.
Caused a sensation taking him into a busy Italian restaurant one time, he saw someone he knew in there, in fact it was the owners brother, and he bounded right on over to him, regardless of who was in his way.
The pizza started to fly, and old Scooby was there getting his share.

This guy was really harmless, fun and goofy, but one thing he was absolutely deadly serious about - Cats.
He would not let a contact with a cat go until the cat either escaped, or was dead. He would sit for hours waiting for his chance to get his fangs into them.
People, other dogs, he was fine with - But killing cats was a major passion for him.
Happened while we were walking once, he saw a cat trying to hide from him on a porch. He went into hunting mode like a robot. I couldn't drag him away so I left and went home to eat, about 2 miles away.
I thought he would follow me as usual, but he stayed right there.
Had my mom drive me over there an hour later, he was still sitting there waiting for the cat to make a move, the cat waiting for Scoob to make a move, and of course the cat was afraid to move even a whisker.
I forced the situation by running at the cat, I could almost hear Scooby saying "Dammit you're messing everything up!!" He realized what I was doing and quickly followed me up the porch, hoping against hope that the panicked feline would head his way, but it was not to be. Once the cat saw Scoob making his move up the porch, it leaped down to the front lawn and quickly hopped a fence into the backyard, then up a tree. So the cat got away, and Scoob, knowing that this hunt was over, followed me into my moms car, we dropped him off in front of his house like any other friend, I said "See ya Scoob", and he trotted into his backyard to see what was happening at home.

It went like that for a couple of years, me and this dog got pretty famous locally ,, And the people who owned him, good friends of mine, thought it was great.
After high school we kind of drifted apart, and I lost touch with Scoob - Glad I wasn't around when he died, that would have ripped me up probably worse that if it was a person.

Re: It's BAT DOG!

Thanks for the story about Scooby, Xraywolf! Isn't it funny how smart Weims are? And a little goofy, too :D!! You said Scooby didn't like cats---I think this breed of dog just doesn't like any kind of smaller animals. Blazer won't let a cat, racoon, possum or anything else in our yard. He's very territorial, but he's good with my kids.
kind regards,

Re: It's BAT DOG!

No prob, glad at least 1 person read it.
I have never wrote or told anyone about my pal old Scoob ,,, Really had all that on hold in my mind for 20 years, the pic of your dog brought it back.

I got a 110 lb German Shep not all that fond of critters, he has killed squirrels and pigeons in the backyard ,,, But he is forced to tolerate a cat living in the house. I wouldn't do that to him if it was my choice, as obviously it goes against his instincts not to chase and kill it on sight.

Re: It's BAT DOG!

Xraywolf, A great story. Sounds like he was a real buddy. You must have had a lot of good times with him.
I think every boy should have a dog. I had one too when I was growing up and we used to cover a lot of ground
together. I grew up in the woods with no near neighbors and he was my only companion for a few years,when I
wasn't in school so I know how much a dog can to mean to a young fellow. I really enjoyed reading about your
experiences. It brought back some good old memories.


Re: It's BAT DOG!

Sandcreek, I saw this picture at work, and I've been smiling ever since. Not only does his personality come through in the picture, the perspective of looking straight down at him, catching the "moment" is great. Good job J.

Xraywolf, I enjoyed your story! Pets just fill a spot in our lives, don't they?


Re: It's BAT DOG!

naturegirl said:
Sandcreek, I saw this picture at work, and I've been smiling ever since. Not only does his personality come through in the picture, the perspective of looking straight down at him, catching the "moment" is great. Good job J.

Xraywolf, I enjoyed your story! Pets just fill a spot in our lives, don't they?

Thanks naturegirl--if you couldn't already tell, Josie loves her dogs! We searched for months trying to find someone in our area that raised Weims. We finally found a woman in Claremore that had a litter of pups. I'm glad we live out in the country where the kids can have dogs, horses and our miniature donkey ;D.

Re: It's BAT DOG!

hey Sand..... I had to share a child hood memory I had forgotten until I showed your pic to my mother, when I was 6-7 I was given a Weimaraner pup as a gift black an white speckled, great dog for a young boy we grew up to gether as I am told , where I went she went ,hunted the woods together ate an slept together all of it , mom thinks she was about 4-5 years old she got into a fight with a black bear out side the house , I remember the bear fight but not much about the dog cause I was young , but I do remember that dog put a serious woopin on that bear tho , man what a racked those to made ,she was a bit tore up but she stood her ground until it left the yard an I remember my mom carrying her in an laying her on the kitchen table an sewing all her wounds , after a few weeks she was good as new ........My mom told me this story last night , just thought I'd share it with you she lived to be almost 9 an passed away in her sleep.......God luvs a good dog

Re: It's BAT DOG!

Sand; that photo would win a photo contest for sure!!
Tank; great story .

Re: It's BAT DOG!

You should try to take a pic just like that, except with its mouth closed.
If you do, post it, I'll make a funny morph gif out of it.

Re: It's BAT DOG!

Tank69 said:
hey Sand..... I had to share a child hood memory I had forgotten until I showed your pic to my mother, when I was 6-7 I was given a Weimaraner pup as a gift black an white speckled, great dog for a young boy we grew up to gether as I am told , where I went she went ,hunted the woods together ate an slept together all of it , mom thinks she was about 4-5 years old she got into a fight with a black bear out side the house , I remember the bear fight but not much about the dog cause I was young , but I do remember that dog put a serious woopin on that bear tho , man what a racked those to made ,she was a bit tore up but she stood her ground until it left the yard an I remember my mom carrying her in an laying her on the kitchen table an sewing all her wounds , after a few weeks she was good as new ........My mom told me this story last night , just thought I'd share it with you she lived to be almost 9 an passed away in her sleep.......God luvs a good dog
Good story Tank69! These kind of dogs are tough! That would have been something to see, though, that dog of yours taking on a bear :o!! Glad she lived a good long life!!!
extractor said:
Sand; that photo would win a photo contest for sure!!
Tank; great story .
Thank extractor!!
Xraywolf said:
You should try to take a pic just like that, except with its mouth closed.
If you do, post it, I'll make a funny morph gif out of it.
If we can get him to close his mouth, we'll try to get a shot, Xraywolf. He is usually "talking" when he's in that position ;D and always has his mouth wide-open!!
kind regards, sandcreek

Re: It's BAT DOG!

Had a little fun with your dog, hope you don't mind


Re: It's BAT DOG!

That's too funny, Xraywolf :laughing9: :laughing7:. He really looks silly in that one! How do you make the picture move like that??
Here's a not so silly pic of him..........


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Re: It's BAT DOG!

1st you need to have at least 2 pics, a similar pose.
Mouth closed, mouth open would have been great, but maybe hard to do on a moments notice.
Or, you can create your own differences with a photo app program, like I did.
You can also use dissimilar objects, like a dog & cat or monkey & human ,,, As long as their head angles and eye position are basically the same.
Pretty goofy in this case, and I just threw these together in minutes ,,, But if you take your time, the results can be impressive.

Next, you need a morphing app, which blends the 2 pics and creates a gif from them, making them appear to be animated.
People used to do this frame by frame for the same basic results, with these morph programs things that used to take hours or days even can be done in minutes.
I use Fantamorph
But if you google around, there are others out there, probably some basic free versions.


Re: It's BAT DOG!

lol ok the first one was very cool this ones almost a lil scary lol

Re: It's BAT DOG!


Re: It's BAT DOG!

It looks like that one thing that talks funny in those Star Wars movies, sorta. I believe I predicted this kid would be a photographer we would all remember, and here someone says her pics would win a contest. I love it when I'm right. Cool pics, y'all!

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