Ive just found a millon dollars(what should I do)

strike it rich

Hero Member
Jun 19, 2007
Detector(s) used
Treasure baron with Goldtrax
Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2007 16:03:47 +0100
> To: [email protected]
> From: [email protected]
> Date: Thur. 15th November, 2007 13:31:12 +0000
> Corso Ercole I d'Este 44,
> Ferrara 44100 - Italy.
> Foundation's Officer,
> Fondazion Di Vittorio, ITALY
> http://www.fondazionedivittorio.it
> The Foundazion di Vittorio, would like to notify you
> that you have been chosen by the board of trustees
> as one of the final recipients of a cash
> Grant/Donation for your personal, educational, and
> business development.
> The Fondazione Di Vittorio, established 1977 by the
> Multi-Million groups and now supported by the
> Economic Community for West African States (ECOWAS),
> and the European Union (EU) was conceived with the
> objective of human growth, educational,
> and community development.
> To celebrate the 30th anniversary program, The
> Vittorio Foundation in conjunction with the ECOWAS
> and EU is giving out a yearly donation of US
> $100,000,000.00 (One Hundred Million United States
> Dollars) to 100 lucky recipients.
> Based on the random selection exercise of internet
> websites and millions of supermarket cash invoices
> worldwide, you were selected among the lucky
> recipients to receive the award sum of
> US$1,000,000.00 (One Million United States Dollars)
> as charity donations/aid from the Vittorio
> Foundation, ECOWAS, and the EU in accordance with
> the enabling act of Parliament.
> You are required to fill the form below and email it
> to our Executive Secretary below for qualification,
> documentation and processing of your claims. After
> contacting our office with the requested data, you
> will be given your identification pin number, which
> you will use in collecting the funds. Please endeavor
> to quote your Qualification numbers
> (N-222-6747,E-900-56) in all discussions.
> FULL NAMES:__________________________________
> ADDRESS: ____________________________________
> CITY:_________________________
> STATE:_______________________ZIP: ___________
> COUNTRY_______________________
> SEX:______________
> AGE:__________________
> MARITAL STATUS:_________________
> OCCUPATION:________________________
> E-MAIL ADDRESS:_______________________
> TELEPHONE NUMBER:_____________________
> Executive Secretary - Claudio Giovanni
> Email: [email protected]
> All information is strictly confidential and will
> only be used for the purpose to which it is been
> requested.
> Please note that these donations/Grants are
> strictly administered by the foundation under
> delegated powers from the (ECOWAS), and (EU).
> This means that your qualification number will be
> raffled to know the organisation (ECOWAS or EU)
> that will handle your payment.
> Finally, all funds should be claimed by their
> respective beneficiaries, no later than 14 days
> after notification.
> Failure to do so will mean cancellation of that
> beneficiary and its donation will then be reserved
> for next year's recipients.
> On behalf of the Board of this foundation, kindly
> accept our warmest congratulations.
> Regards.
> Mr. Sparo Malcom
> (Foundation officer)
> Phone :+44-702-406-6047
> +44-702-406-5627

Fill the blanks and I will reply with the best one lol

FULL NAMES: Nickel McDimer
> ADDRESS: I preffer to be called "Sir"
> CITY: Europe
> STATE: Excited about my windfall
>ZIP: Sorry, I'm blushing (just returned from the restroom)
> COUNTRY: United States of Mexico
> SEX: Send me a photo before I answer this one please, I know nothing about you
> AGE: God and I went to school together
> MARITAL STATUS: All Arab Shieks have many wives, so put me down for "Single and looking"
> OCCUPATION: Finalist on American Idol
> E-MAIL ADDRESS: [email protected]

Please bypass the PIN number, and send cash right away. You see I have another business transaction (this was my LUCKY week) currently in the works in Nigera and am presently strapped for cash. I also owe the Ms. Cleo Hotline a considerable debt.

Nickle McDimer

strike it rich said:
> FULL NAMES:_Sae Tang Que________________________________
> ADDRESS: 2222222222___Two Two Street_________________________________
> CITY:__of course I live in a city....where else would I live??______________________
> STATE:_of confusion_____________________ZIP: _18411842__________
> COUNTRY__Here_____________________
> SEX:___not on the first date__________
> AGE: I guess you are 30 years old________________
> MARITAL STATUS:_Another wife would be numbe r42__________
> OCCUPATION:_counting raindrops_____________________
> E-MAIL ADDRESS:[email protected]____________________
> TELEPHONE NUMBER:_911 ask for me by my nickname------ HELP!!____________________

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