Jesse James Lived in Texas - Brown County, Texas

Texas Jay

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Feb 11, 2006
Brownwood, Texas
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This newly-revealed Letter to the Editor from Jesse W. James is dedicated to all the naysayers on this site. :laughing9: Zoom the newspaper to get a readable version.;words=Shepherd+George

~Texas Jay


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Jay, you might want to compare your newspaper letter with known letters from JJ and see how different the literary styles are. I guess some people just love grasping at straws. I'll give you an A for effort though.


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Jan 8, 2010
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Maybe I am missing your point? Maybe my lack of experience is catching up with me? Or maybe you really consider
Dec. 12th, 1879 "newly revealed"? This newspaper article in no way resembles the well documented and proven writing style of Jesse James. This letter looks more like something quickly thrown together to sell papers.

....Unless it is something Jesse had to write very quickly in order to finish digging his huge hole in a Kansas field to hide the millions in gold he wanted to donate to a lost cause... Kids of the Golden Cirlce.

I dont mean to offend you or even discourage your investigation into the KGC or any other treasure story. But I for one would rather you post FACTS or atleast put a disclaimer in your posts. Come one Jay!


Nov 6, 2010
As Jay can attest I found this letter a few months ago but posted it recently. To those doubters of it's authenticity I have to say show me some proof that Jesse didn't write this letter as it has never been proven that he did in fact write one single letter to the press. Most now believe that John Newman Edwards either wrote or helped write atleast a few of Jesse's letters. Sure Jesse wrote a few himself but like most of Jesse James life there is few proofs only rumors and unanswered questions. On perusing all his letters it is easily identifiable that a few are actually written by a different hand, that is a that a person cannot write letters that differently most people stick to a certain way of writing there whole life. I am writing a book on Jesse James and I can prove that atleast two letters said to be written by Jesse James were in actuality written by Frank or helped written by Frank. I come to this conclusion based off of almost exact writing similarities to Franks later known letters and two quotes from the Jesse letters that are word for word what Frank said in an interview 20 years later! I am sending these letters to experts to compare to Franks and see what they think. As for the letter notice how Jesse refers to William Pinkerton as "Pink's" just as he is known to have done in the mid 1870's letter dated from Comanche, Texas that was first attributed to him in the early 1880's I believe. I may be wrong but I think Buell could have been the first to publish it? The phraseology and wording in that letter is exactly the same as the Comanche letter leading any reasonable person to conclude they are from the same individual. Again I think several men wrote letters to the press under the guise of Jesse's name to curb the media bias etc. You also have to take into account that some of the letters in the press were probably "fixed up" a little bit for publication, we cant rule that out. That being said I do not believe that this letter indicates Jesse James was living in Brownwood, Texas. He was just messing with the authorities by giving a fake place of residence. I also do not believe at all that he was J. Frank Dalton or Henry Ford. I do not entertain that for one minute. I do think he was James L. Courtney owever.


Nov 6, 2010
SWR one of the books will about Jesse's connections to Confederate groups and similar topics and the other will be supporting James Courtney as Jesse James.

I dont want to put to much evidence forth on account of people claiming it as there own. However I will illustrate a few points. First off Jesse James own cousin Jason James wrote an autobiography and later a revised version of the same title wherein he states that he was not only a member of The James Gang but following the war was actually a member of the KKK, The White Camelia, and the Bulldozers I believe. These are all Confederate organizations started during or after the war. In his book he goes farther and claims as a member of some of these organizations he not only intimidated Republican voters but also stole ballot boxes in order to rig elections supporting a democratic candidate. I am trying to get a copy but have been so far unsuccesful though a detailed analysis of what is in it as well as other supporting sources regarding Jason like newspapers etc. are available online.
Another connection is that of Confederate General Basil Duke, who along with future James Gang Member Arthur McCoy and others founded The Minutemen a seccesionist group in St. Louis. During the War Duke fought under John Hunt Morgan and both he and Morgan are actually documented to have gotten aid and troops from the KGC during battles etc. Arthur McCoy mysteriously dissapeared in 1874 with 3 different accounts of his death in the papers all questionable and in fact his wife did not indicate she was a widow until the 1880 census.
I will also show Jo Shelby's connections to all of this as well. Do you find it interesting that Jesse Edward James who I dont believe is the son of Jesse James was actually a member of the KKK and was arrested in 1926 for KKK involvement? To compound facts one of his best friends Harvey C. (Harry) Hoffman was a self admitted former Grand Klegel of the KKK in Missouri he said this himself in newspaper interviews. Hoffman was very good friends with both Cole Younger and Frank James and learned many things from them, authors today often cite what Hoffman told of these things. Hoffman played Cole Younger along with "Jesse Jr." in that horrible movie in the 1930's. To add icing on the cake Hoffman actually lived next to Mr. Howard the man who was passed off as Jesse James in 1882 and was a playmate of Little Jesse or "Tim" as he we was called then.

That is just a few points and I have handfuls more, dozens and dozens actually and some are even way better connected than this but I don't want to give out too much information like I said. Ralph Ganis has already done an extroirdinary job with showing the KGC connections to the James Gang. I am going to utilize newspaper stories, census records, family stories, and so on. My main tool is going to be photographic evidence however...some of those photos tell quite a tale.

So you see SWR I am going about this in a scholarly manner. Of course only facts and reliable sources will be used to support my story! I wouldn't go about it in any other manner. There are things about all of this that neither you nor anyone one else knows, and my book is going to piss off a lot of people who don't want these things told. I am familiar with reading some of the posts on this website that you don't believe in anything KGC related and I have to tell you that you are lying to yourself. It was a very real organization after the war...very real. On what scale I cant speculate and don't plan to but the fact is former confederate soldiers joined up with people like the KGC and so on after the war and some did rob and intimidate Northerners of there money and votes.
I doubt they were trying to start another Civil War after reconstruction ended or thereabouts but in the beginning they probably were but like I said I cant speculate with these things. What I think is that they were only trying to get Democrats and Copperheads basically just all of those people sympathetic with the Southerners elected to office so they could have a voice. Reconstruction was terrible way worse than people realize today so whether The KGC was actually under the name of The KGC and Jesse James was involved we can only speculate but I can tell you this much and that is that Jesse was robbing most of the time for a reason but often times they would just go on raids by themselves and keep all the money, I guess it was about 50-50. I can also tell you that many of Jesse's associates were connected to confederate groups. So yes it will show Jes' connection to the KGC... Does this answer your questions lol?

Walker Colt

Full Member
Oct 19, 2009
huntd said:
Ralph Ganis has already done an extroirdinary job with showing the KGC connections to the James Gang.

Ganis says the James Gang are giving KGC signs of recognition in the barrell factory picture. All three degrees of the KGC were infiltrated by Union spys and others and the signs of recognition are well known. None of the men in that picture are giving any known sign of the KGC. When a author can't get the basic facts of the KGC right it makes me weary of believing any of his research. And for the record Jesse was to young to have become a member during the war according to the Rules and Regs of the KGC found on Bickley when he was captured. Now did the KGC exist in any meaningful way after the war? I doubt it but that investigation is on going, I keep an open mind.


Nov 6, 2010
That was a characteristic response SWR I expected about as much. I never said Jesse James was a KGC member just that he had connections to related groups and gave examples of them. I've been researching this for a long time so don't act like you know what I have found because you dont. I dont subscribe to any of that Dalton/Howk bull because they were both frauds. I research facts not hearasy.

As to Walker Colt, I also do not agree with Ralph Ganis theories on the handsigns. As a researcher I have to ask, could those handsigns be used by a related group? That is the question. hat I was referring to when I mentioned Ralph is his research into the families not the handsigns so your point is moot. Also where did I say that Jesse was in the KGC or even during the war? I never did so that point is moot aswell, the fact is his friends, associates, and family members were involved with some of these groups. You says you keep an open mind, so Ill tell you I have found dozens of newspapers indicating the KGC existed with thousands of members after 1865.

SWR you B.S. about treasure is not cool either. When did I mention treasure? I do not believe there are depositories. Maybe there are some small caches and weapons still around sure, but there was never huge depositories atleast I have seen no evidence for it, and higly doubt it. So spare me yalls bull because im a researcher not some conspiracy theorist.


Nov 6, 2010
If the KGC didn't exist after 1865 then explain this in 1867? Also note that General Jo Shelby had connection to Maximillion and he with thousands of his men refused to surrender and started a colony down there with aid from Maximillion. Jo Shelby let members of the James Gang stay at his home on numerous occasions as late as 1881 as indicated by Dick Liddle and others testimony in the trial of Frank James. This is a fact, Shelby admitted this. H.H. Crittenden the son of the govenor who killed "Mr. Howard" was a friend and pall-bearer at Jo Shelby's funeral. There are many other connections...thats all I'll say right now.

-The Charleston daily news. (Charleston, S.C.) 1865-1873, August 01, 1867:

"It is said that the Knights of The Golden Circle are organizing under a new name, and hereafter may be known as the "Order of Maximillion." They bind themselves together by most solemn oaths, and intend to leave this country shortly for Mexico, to avenge the death of that Prince.";words=Knights+Circle+Golden


Nov 6, 2010
SWR my name is Dallas Hunt heres a link to a post I made on Greg Ellisons delphi forum, read the first few posts that have attached pictures for comparisons. This photo is now in the new issue of Wild West Magazine.

Heres my post:

Heres the Wild West link:

Heres a link about the new eBay photo found by Greg Ellison that is what the bulk of the article in Wild West is about:

Heres the press release for it:


Nov 6, 2010
You obviously didnt read the links. Those photos prove he was Jesse James. They are there and are with it. :thumbsup: It appears in the new issue of Wild West Magazine.

Walker Colt

Full Member
Oct 19, 2009
huntd said:
As to Walker Colt, I also do not agree with Ralph Ganis theories on the handsigns. As a researcher I have to ask, could those handsigns be used by a related group? That is the question. hat I was referring to when I mentioned Ralph is his research into the families not the handsigns so your point is moot. Also where did I say that Jesse was in the KGC or even during the war? I never did so that point is moot aswell, the fact is his friends, associates, and family members were involved with some of these groups. You says you keep an open mind, so Ill tell you I have found dozens of newspapers indicating the KGC existed with thousands of members after 1865.

My point was that if he can't get the obvious facts right it makes me weary of all his research. I don't know of any related groups to the KGC who wanted to conquer mexico and the carribean islands to form a slave empire with the exception of the Lone Star. And for the record I didn't say they didn't exist, I said not in a meaningful way. With Bickley captured and most of the leadership and castles melting into the confederate army and being defeated its hard for me to believe they continued and did anything substantial.


Nov 6, 2010
Walker you have a valid point but I think the rest or most of his research is valid. I have looked into the Lonestars to very interesting group. I just really don't think slavery etc. was there main focus after the war or even on there radar any more. It was more about being represented in The Senate, congress etc. they needed a voice and they didnt have it until the early 1880's. Reconstruction was so corrupt and unconstitutional it is unbelievable. In Missouri where the James boys grew up was hit hard, why not band together under confederate groups and rob the northerners that had taken so much? I am 100% positive that groups like the KGC existed for years after the war, and conquering cuba and Mexico definetely wasnt there focus. They did some substantial things after the war but alot was small patatoes as you think to.


Nov 6, 2010
SWR I will answer your question. The eBay photo is proven to be Jesse James by the owner of a Jesse James Photo Collection, Greg Ellison who found it. It is also proven to be Jesse James by Betty Duke, her son Dan Duke, there whole family, and her cousin Eldon Courtney and Eldon's wife Rhetta Courtney. Lee Starnes researched Jesse James for over 30 years and recieved this particular photo from Arch Nicholson sometime in the mid 1900's. Arch Nicholson was Jesse and Frank James nephew. Arch identified on the back that the small dark haired women in the middle row was Mrs. Jesse James. Incedentally it matches the known photo of James Courtneys wife Mary Ellen Barron. This photo's authenticity is not questioned Reuben Samuel and Zerelda Samuel clearly appear in the photo. Others in the photo have been identified by Don Jackson who is the great-grandson of J.Z. Jackson as members of his family. J.Z. Jackson was one of James Courtneys best friends and a neighbor for years. In 1926 Don's father was sick with appendicitis and was sent to recover after surgery at his grandfathers farm in Blevins, Texas. He was there for a few months. While there he was introduced to James Courtney and told that he was a famous outlaw, but he said he was not told who as it was a masonic secret or so they said. Dons dad told him this story and he asks everyone to try to question his integrity as he is a deputy Sheriff in Texas( I dont remember which county I just know its along the Pecos) he was a game warden for 20 years and he is also Master Mason. Why would a man in positions like that lie? You can ask him all of this on Gregs forum. He identified his great-grandfather J.Z. Jackson as the mustached man in one corner of the photo. Similarly me and Greg Ellison Identified based off of photographs that J.Z's brother Solomon or Sol and Jim Jackson are also in the photo. Don agreed.There are other identifications available in the links if you scroll through them. On the 1921 Quantrell Reunion I found that photo in a Quantrell Reunion book by Don Hale and it is obviously James Courtney what was he doing there? He claimed that he was a yankee, and his jacket he is wearing in the photo I found exactly matches known jackets James Courtney is seen wearing in other photos. Wild West saw both of these photos and summarily put them in there new issue, so theres your credibility right there! I and others have received death threats for researching James Courtney. Why? If James Courtney was not Jesse James then why are we being harassed and threatened? I can e-mail you all of these e-mails if you wish just let me know. Call me whatever you want, but I can guarentee you that he will be proven to be Jesse James through DNA testing. So if you just want to keep badgering me thats fine, because I wont waste my time on you. I know James courtney was Jesse James there are things that will never come out. It's just a matter of time before the detractors find this forum and star harassing me again for telling the truth. Its like clockwork :(


Sep 25, 2010
Jay and Dallas have a history of citing unreliable (to put it mildly) sources as "proof" of crackpot conspiracy theories. They also have a penchant for ignoring or denying well-documented evidence that destroys their pet conspiracies.

In the case of James L. Courtney/Jesse James, Dallas provides a link to a group photograph taken while Caroline Quantrill was visiting Jesse's mother and stepfather in October, 1888, which Betty Duke claims to be a photo of Frank James' and Annie Ralston's wedding in 1874-75 in Blevins, Texas (while all evidence points to their having been married in or around Omaha, Nebraska). She also "identifies" Jesse as being in that photo.

I guess if someone wants something badly enough, no straw is too fragile at which to grasp.


Nov 6, 2010
Wrong again SWR :) I'm not some conspiracy theorist! Heresmore proof you can suck on---This eBay photo actually appeared on postcard in the 1960's and it identified Zerelda Samuels and Jesse and Frank James as being in the photo!

Here's the link:

Arch Nicholson, who was DOCUMENTED and PROVEN through any and all James family records to be Jesse and Franks nephew (son of their half-sister). This has never been questioned. He sent and identified that the photo was reversed and that Jesse was the mustached man sitting he also indicated on the back that Mrs. Jesse James was in the photo and comparing hat women to James Courtneys wife shows it to be the same women. :icon_thumright:

Arch Nicholsons identification on the back of the photograph:

Identification typewritten on the front of the photograph by Lees Starnes from info provided by Arch Nicholson:

The postcard front version of the photograph:

The back of the original postcard, with Frank and Jesse James and Zerelda Samuels identified. Please note that the identification is reversed from what it actually is and the eBay version of the photograph is actually thecorrect non reversed version of the photograph...thus making the identification if Frank and Jesse correct!
Here it is:

Here is a link to the photo in it's correct position not reversed:

Here is a link to a screenshot of the photo when it was on eBay. It shows all the identification Arch gave Lee Starnes. The eBay seller signed a notorized affidavite indicating that the photo was from Lee Starnes collection which she acquired in an auction, apparently Lee sister sold all of it:

As to the Quantrell Reunion photo I found with James Courtney in it... Here's the link again. It appears in the new issue of Wild West so... tough deal with it :)

You choose to ignore that I have been harassed and sent death threats! Why would I if Courtney wasn't Jesse James? Explain that to me. Give me your email I will send them to you!


Nov 6, 2010
Speak of the devil.... I said it's just a matter of time before detractors show up in order to harass and try to shut me up...and guess who shows up? Ol' Capt. Greg a detractor who wont even use his real name :laughing9: it's sad they show up everywhere and they are not even shy about there motives they just want to shut people up! James Courtney will be proven to be Jesse James through DNA I can guarantee all of yall that :icon_thumright:

I know things that yall don't.... And why people if Janes Courtney is not Jesse James have I been sent harassing emails, death threats, and photoshopped pictures of my face on pornography? Why do they go to the trouble, then? Think about that.... If anyone wants them just give me your email. I ain't no fraud you bet your life im not.


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After studying the photo more I have come to the conclusion that the photo was made much later than the 1875 date claimed. Zerelda would have been around 50 years old in 1875 but in the photo she appears much older. This couldn't have been Frank's wedding photo.

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