Jim Bowies "Cave Of Silver"

Re: Jim Bowie's "Cave Of Silver"

Mr. Marc, you might consider joining the Texas Historical Society (if there is one) or whatever organization that is related to history to seek access to the property. Whatever organization that you become a member of will probably issue you a card or a letter of intent to research history in Texas. Thanks, RuffandTuff.

Re: Jim Bowie's "Cave Of Silver"

Marc said:

I wrote to the owner a few weeks ago, without too many details, and haven't heard back. :(

It is hard to believe 30 years of work can boil down to a yes or no from a stranger!


Marc, thanks for sharing your story here with us.This is the single BIGGEST obstacle to all of us. It is the difference between night & day. We get permission signed and it's happy days ahead!! Get turned down, like here(it sounds like to me), and it is a long gloomy night ahead to contemplate all the moments of dreaming of making the recovery all shattered with a single response from a land owner, "No."!!! Treasure hunters of the past just went & did it regardless what the owner said. Usually, they never asked. I know first hand your frustration, though none of my targets are so grandiose as yours. I'm just a working stiff with bills up the kazzoo, federal & state gubermints garnishing over $1200/mo for the forseeable future. So, Marc, do count your blessings, eh? Good Luck w/signature permission. Sincerely, steven.

Re: Jim Bowie's "Cave Of Silver"

I DO count my blessings!

I break it down into two columns...

Blessings / Curses

I still want PERMISSION to open it the cave!

My Dad used used to have an embroidered piece of art on the wall that said...

"Here is a Test. If you think your mission on earth is finished: If you are alive - it isn't."

That pretty much sums it up for me!

I will go down with this ship! (a great Dido song) :p.


Re: Jim Bowie's "Cave Of Silver"

There is another way to project a deeper image. get a hold of a paralegal and have them write up something that does not give away too much info and yet will allow your " landowner " to give his permission. Sometimes when things " appear " to be more legit when written by someone neutral. Just make sure you cover all your bases. I would then send it certified mail with a signature required. Give him a couple of weeks and then try to contact him again. It would show that you have integrity, honesty, and a willing to cut him in. Remember " a piece of pie is better than no pie at all ". Spending that long and coming up short has got to drive one CRAZY!!!! Especially due to just a simple yes. I also agree that a face to face is always better. When you see how someone reacts, you can always adjust the next question or statement... Hey here's a thought maybe he already knows something ?? Have there other THr's that have hit him up already ?? Get into his head a little more... and use what info he gives you and don't give up... but also don't become a nuisance... that's a fine line...
Hope this helps a little.. keep me posted.

Re: Jim Bowie's "Cave Of Silver"

So you want to talk about caves.
I will give you something to think about.
When I was in Oregon I discovered a cave with ancient cave drawing in it.
I actually went there for my son Graduation from College. In th4e mean time I ran across a Resort that was for sale in the Mountains. The Resort was the Flying M Ranch. This is when I discovered this cave. After research I discovered this cave was the home of the Medcine Man and there was a Gold vain very close to the cave. I recovered pottery, some was broken and some was complete. I turned the complete pottery over to the local tribe and they told me what it was. They have been looking for this cave for a few hundred years and finally gave up.
I thought that I had a deal with a few backers from Chicargo but when it got down to putting the money up they did not have the required amount.
So much for BACKERS.
I even went so far as to get Corporate Sponsors that were willing to lease some Log Structure I planned to build for $100,000 a year for no less than 5 years. Oh the Flying M Ranch has a small landing strip.
You can check it out on the INTERNET.
Have you ever seen a one legged man walking the mountain trails looking for something ;D ;D ???. I out walked my son.
Peg leg

Re: Jim Bowie's "Cave Of Silver"

Hi Marc, so if one was to approach said landowner and offered their services for lets say work related activities around the landowners land then one could freely do what one wants and no one can ask why would one be on landowners land?
therefore one could find said cave and find a way to transfer ones goodies away.

Re: Jim Bowie's "Cave Of Silver"

Tell the owners you are a nature photographer and would like to take pictures of plants and wildlife for your portfolio. That you need to camp out a least a week to set up motion camera's to catch the wildlife in their natural habitat. Also let them know that you will give them copies of all of the pictures. So maybe you better brush up on your photography skills before going. If all else failed that is what I would try. I would be a starving photographer. Good Luck Mary ann

Re: Jim Bowie's "Cave Of Silver"

I understand how you feel. I have a similar situation going no more than a 100 miles south west of you. The problem I have is there are multiple owners of different properties and people have started trespassing on the properties to the extent they have added no less than 10 new posted signs around the entrances to this gated neighborhood. Needless to say this has left the property owners with a really bad taste for treasure hunters. Most of these people are not treasure hunters, but their actions have reflected on us. I do believe this to be a large cache of coins.
I used to MD about 35 years ago and treasure hunt in North & East Texas and I have just started again. We were denied access to a property near Denton that we really believed Sam Bass had hidden his loot. I never would have realized their was something buried right under my nose.
I wish you luck in your endeavor and hope to see that you have succeeded on the forum in the not to distant future. This is my first post, but not my last. I can feel the empathy for your endeavor.

Briefcase Bob

Re: Jim Bowie's "Cave Of Silver"

Marc said:
I learned about this legendary treasure when I was just 13... in 1975. It is one of the main reasons I created TreasureNet.

I believe it is a storeroom of treasure... silver and some gold stashed in a cave in 1639 by indians who revolted against oppressive Spaniards who forced them to work in silver mines in central Mexico.

I believe I found the entrance to the cave this past January... Unfortunately, I have been unable to gain access to the site from the landowner and am so frustrated, I am tempted to post the exact coordinates here at TreasureNet....

Would that be encouraging illegal activity?


Anyone have 5 mil I can borrow so I can buy the land? (just kidding - sort of - )




Is the cave right next to their house? Assuming that they've got lives, they can't be there all the time. If you stay near in a tent near the cave for a few days, I'm sure that they'll go away for a few hours. I'd be willing to risk it. As a matter of fact, I may check it out. Caves always have more than one entrance, right? :)

Re: Jim Bowie's "Cave Of Silver"

I recently learned that the site I suspect the cave is on, is BEING DEVELOPED!

I am in the South of France, and can do NOTHING about it.

(that sounds wonderful I know, but I am here under difficult circumstances! - My - non-wealthy, French girlfriend was deported in 2005, so I deported myself!) >:(


Who wants to go take a look?

1. You MUST read my personal story.

2. You must be able to get to San Antonio.

3. You MUST agree to take pictures and report back.

Who is up to it?

I will post coordinates, publicly REAL soon... unless someone has some other idea! Send me a PM if you think I should keep things quiet!

VERY frustrated,

Re: Jim Bowie's "Cave Of Silver"

I wouldn't go public. I'm sure you'll find someone in the area willing to do the leg work.

Re: Jim Bowie's "Cave Of Silver"

Thanks, I will be patient... but time is NOT on my side. :(

Re: Jim Bowie's "Cave Of Silver"

I sent you an PM with info. I am in San Antonio and there's a lot of places being developed due to tremendous growth. I am also an employee of one of the largest independent school districts in the state with ongoing permission to hunt anywhere on property owned, leased, or under development which gives me approx. 400 square miles to look. I wish I could take advantage of that more than I do but three kids........you know? Anyway, whatever I can do to assist, let me know. If it's within my power to do, I'll surely take the steps needed.
Take care,

Re: Jim Bowie's "Cave Of Silver"

Marc said:
Thanks, I will be patient... but time is NOT on my side. :(

San An is a little bit of a drive for me.. I live in La Porte south of Houston..
Anyways, if you want access to his land.
(If he is a farm owner, or something of the likes)
Get a shotgun, hunting orange vest and hat, some camo, shells, and etc.
Get a hunting license and check the regulations on that area, and season.
Ask him if you could check his property out for any quail/dove.
95% of the time my dads friend hasn't been turned down.
Most people with a lot of acreage are pretty nice.


Re: Jim Bowie's "Cave Of Silver"

I've got two pair of NVG's! Email me and let's go!

ps - wouldn't be the first time I had to resort to this

Re: Jim Bowie's "Cave Of Silver"


When it comes to Texas (as you have learned the hard way), never give out ANY INFORMATION that you are not prepared to part with on a permanent basis!

Having said that, please don't give up! One of these days you just could find the answers you are looking for when you do return to Texas. You have been asking the best way to approach the land owner...maybe you have just hit on the answer. Tell the land owner what happened to you when you divuldged the information you had to the bureaucrats. Most land owners know about taxes and the tax man and how they love to take...take..take. I'd be willing to bet that the current land owner just might be sympathic to your cause, if for no other reason than to help one of the "little guys" (in this case....you) stand up to the system.

I don't have an answer for you on how you would proceed to be deemed the "owner" of anything you should find given the current laws in the State of Texas when it comes to antiquities.

Good luck and keep us posted....and if you ever do need any help, I don't live that far from San Antonio and sometimes do have a little free time on my hands.

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