Just Blocked Fisher Labs on Facebook... I dont need "downblouse" photos showing up!

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Skippy SH13

Bronze Member
Feb 18, 2015
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting
Just Blocked Fisher Labs on Facebook... I don't need "downblouse" photos showing up!

Unbelievable Fisher Labs... You blew this one.

Today, I was simply scrolling through my facebook posts, and about choked when a downblouse shot of a gal with a metal detector showed up on my timeline. It was revealing enough I probably would have gotten in trouble at work if a co-worker had walked by. I KNOW I would have been embarrassed if my wife had walked by.

I contacted FisherLabs and asked them to remove it. Their response? It was a user post, and they're going to allow it because it's not "Explicit." REALLY?

So... people have to be having SEX on your photo threads to remove them? That was it for me.

I posted my opinion on the matter, and promptly unfollowed, then blocked the site completely.

That F44 I was toying with as a replacement for my son's ACE350... nope.

Fine... If people want to post those photos, by all means, I FULLY support their right to do so. But that does NOT mean I have to support them. Nor does it mean I am obligated to continue supporting the company who thinks "family friendly" includes a look down a gals shirt.

AND...when we start suggesting, as a society, that people who have "negative" opinions shouldn't be allowed to speak... that's... well... that's BAD.

Rant over.


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And thank you, btw, to the T-Net mods who keep things clean and friendly around here. I DO appreciate the fact, I can open this site ANYWHERE and never have to be worried something will pop up that I don't want to see, or would be embarrassed having on my computer screen.

I concur with you Skippy in regards to the mods on Tnet. I can also understand your rant. There is the social media generation that is present online. What pics many of them post are beyond me... I was not as offended though and I am 57. My youngest is 28 and to me I've seen more flesh at wal smart. Heck I kinda feel sexy in my detecting attire. Army boots, jeans, and a hooded sweatshirt. If I do not like a post, I just hide it, if I get too many from one member I unfollow and block. One thing I will not do is activate facebook on my phone. It may be a smart device, but it's simply a commo device for me (phone and email). I rather talk than text.

I'll still swing my F75...

Thanks, Loco. Good thoughts, 100%. And that, everyone, is how to have a reasonable conversation. :)

I also was not "offended." I simply didn't want to see it, and felt it didn't belong on a family friendly site where people post their "finds."

There's a huge difference between believing something is immodest and shouldn't happen, and being 'offended,' by it. Given the choice, I will choose not to be subjected to it, though. I liked seeing the posts of the finds.. this one? That photo was absolutely NOT about the "find," in my opinion. The second she posted was worse. In fact, I'd be surprised if 9/10 people polled who remember the post, would even remember what she was holding as a "find!"

I was more disappointed in Fisher Labs completely refusal to take responsibility or action. Clearly, the post created enough "seriously?" drama that it was questionable, at the very least. Would have been simple to take it down, but they didn't do it at the risk of "offending" the original poster... But they were more than willing to leave it up "offending" people with a higher standard.

Interesting, considering the whole point of allowing encouraging shares was to share FINDs... not selfies. :)


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Sex sells crap and if it didn't you wouldn't see objectionable pics anywhere. We don't get all that down here cause we got them big ole women in San Antonio, eatin all them churros. We are a "gold mine" for weight watchers and Victoria is definitely a secret here. So says Sir Charles Barkley and he is right...

Unbelievable Fisher Labs... You blew this one.

Today, I was simply scrolling through my facebook posts, and about choked when a downblouse shot of a gal with a metal detector showed up on my timeline. It was revealing enough I probably would have gotten in trouble at work if a co-worker had walked by. I KNOW I would have been embarrassed if my wife had walked by.

I contacted FisherLabs and asked them to remove it. Their response? It was a user post, and they're going to allow it because it's not "Explicit." REALLY?

So... people have to be having SEX on your photo threads to remove them? That was it for me.

I posted my opinion on the matter, and promptly unfollowed, then blocked the site completely.

That F44 I was toying with as a replacement for my son's ACE350... nope.

Fine... If people want to post those photos, by all means, I FULLY support their right to do so. But that does NOT mean I have to support them. Nor does it mean I am obligated to continue supporting the company who thinks "family friendly" includes a look down a gals shirt.

AND...when we start suggesting, as a society, that people who have "negative" opinions shouldn't be allowed to speak... that's... well... that's BAD.

Rant over.


I have never been on facebook and never will but as I understand it, it's where people post everything about themselves, what they had for dinner, post pictures of dumb stuff.
Nothing is private there so you should either "Get over it" or "Get off it"
Your dear wife must lead a sheltered life if she hasn't seen a naked body before.
I'm not picking on you, but you must remember that this is a free Country.

I guess I get what your saying in a way.

Actually! No I don't see what the big deal is at all! I just went and looked. Do you mean the girl with a white top on the first page? If you do? That is nothing! I see more than that at work or in public!:laughing7: If that's the picture? No offense, but are you Joking?

Here's the link....If this will in anyway offend someone do not click the link below! There is nothing bad about it (opinion). If this is the picture the OP is referring to. And sry op if your referring to something else. :thumbsup: When I read the thread(hey I made a rhyme) I was thinking something, like I might get into trouble over for looking!:laughing7: That's just blouse, not down blouse!:laughing7:

I do completely agree about facebook being nonsense though! I never go there at all. I had to for this thread......Well? ....Because I wanted to see? You know? Just had to! :laughing7:

Joking aside..
I also agree with you on most of what you said. I guess I just didn't see a all that horrible picture when I went to the page. Not compared to anything else we see everyday. If I would have seen that while flipping through, it wouldn't have even caught my attention. Maybe, because we are so use to it now. :dontknow: Heck when it gets hot around here? They barely have any clothes on, just some threads with pockets, for shorts, and strings for tops!

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If it was the photo of Elena N. I believe you must have been looking for a reason to be offended. It makes me think you have an ulterior motive for starting this thread. To be clear, this is just my personal opinion.

I won't post the picture here but if I did I am pretty darned sure it wouldn't be removed.

I've seen similar photos in posts on this forum. I have no objections to them but that's definitely not what I come to tnet to look at. I don't use facebook at work, I try to keep it all business on the work computers. I will look at this site though, I like to look at parts of the forum I don't normally frequent and see what I can learn.

I just visited Fisher Research Labs' page, saw the photo, and found it tasteful. The metal detecting woman is attractive and I see that amount of decolletage everyday.

If you think today's kids would somehow be harmed by that photo, a reality check may be in order. Watch any amount of TV programming and consider.

Subscribed to Fisher Research Labs.

I thought she was pretty... I did not have my head in the gutter... You see that all of the time in the work place... have you ever been to the beach? You must not watch TV either. I do not get it?? Whoever gets to dig with a pretty girl is a very lucky man in my opinion.
Yes I still swing my F75 and F44.
Gary from Oregon

Anybody must lead a really cloistered life to be offended by the Elena pic!! Here in N.Y. State it is legal for women to bare their breasts completely anyplace a man can. There are often bare breasted women at the beach, nobody cries or whines about it. There are women in Times Square, the "crossroads of the world" who legally walk around wearing no tops at all, and skimpy bikini bottoms.There are legal nude beaches in some states, who cares? Let folks do what they like, all children have seen breasts, and hopefully most have fed on breast milk directly from the source. The human body should not be a cause of shame or ridicule and as others have stated there are many women who walk around wearing much more revealing clothes than Elena in that photo. If it wasn't for women with their breasts none of us would exist, and I see no adverse effects on the public by women who choose to reveal their womanhood.

I have never been on facebook and never will but as I understand it, it's where people post everything about themselves, what they had for dinner, post pictures of dumb stuff.
Nothing is private there so you should either "Get over it" or "Get off it"
Your dear wife must lead a sheltered life if she hasn't seen a naked body before.
I'm not picking on you, but you must remember that this is a free Country.

Marvin, I think it's completely fascinating that you posted this in the way you did. So many things caught me by surprise... I'm also surprised at the number of "likes" it received.

First off, I'm keenly aware that it's a free country. That has VERY little to do with the conversation. It's been my experience, that when I see that thrown into a conversation it's because someone doesn't have a better way to express that they disagree with someone's disagreement. Assuming or even feeling the need to point out "it's a free country" is something that doesn't further a conversation. Especially, in a response to someone exercising that freedom while expressing themselves. I was able to post how I felt, and the choices I made, because it's a free country.

Second, if you've never been on Facebook, that explains a lot. It's not all-or-nothing there. Users certainly don't have to "get over it" or "get off it" to control what content they see. Assuming I have to take it all or leave it all is just silly. Just like I don't have to gamble when I go to Vegas, or jump off the bungie bridge when I go to New Zealand, I don't have to follow Fisher Lab's page if I'm on Facebook.

On Facebook, we can choose the pages we follow. In fact, that's the whole POINT of what I wrote, because we can also choose NOT to follow, too. If I scale back your comments to be toward Fisher Labs, they work... but it appears you missed that part thinking this was a Facebook problem. To be extra clear, this isn't a Facebook problem. This is a Fisher Labs Problem. I'd signed up for and was receiving posts from Fisher Lab's Facebook page. Why? They allowed people to post pictures of their finds. It was great! The pictures from Fisher Labs would show up in my data feed (basically like yahoo.com, the wall on your page shows a collection of posts from everyone you've connected to.). I liked seeing the pictures of finds. I would commonly click the link, then read about their products on the page...

However, every Facebook Page is moderated by the one's who set it up. If someone posts something on my wall I don't like, I can remove it. Pretty simple. They can choose to allow content or not. They can take things down. When I had a photo that came across my page that I felt was out of line, and immodest in a way that I personally didn't want to see it, I let them know. I felt they should know not everyone in their user base was excited to have a woman's self-aggrandizing immodest photo being forced onto our walls, because we signed up to see "finds."

I was expressing myself using that "free country" thing, btw, through the tool which Facebook conveniently set up for it's users! They then ALSO used that "Free country" thing to explain they were leaving it up, because they felt it wasn't "explicit" in nature. Then, just like you suggested I do with Facebook (which, again, is NOT the problem), I chose to un-follow the Fisher Lab's page, and then chose to let others know about it. *which, you may recall is ALSO part of that "free country" thing.*

I think I've beat that enough.

Next. I want to be clear, and go ahead and call you out, in a polite respectful way, that I think less of you for posting what you did about my wife. I cannot see what purpose it served, other than to belittle her to make a point about your own beliefs. I also want to point out that my post absolutely did NOT discuss her feelings in any way. Her feelings should NOT have been a part of this conversation. Go back and carefully read what I wrote, and you'll note that it was about MY reaction if she walked by, not hers. There's a few things that I'll get strongly defensive about, and you can bet she's one of them. I don't appreciate your comment about her. I believe it was an underhanded "light as a feather" demeaning way (and don't pretend it wasn't, I'm not stupid) to insult her, or me through her. Not only do I find that it lowered you, I found it personally repulsive. If you want to slyly insult someone or their beliefs, better stick with me, buddy, because I assure you... she's WAY out of your league.


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Seriously, give me a break. Nothing wrong with that shot in fact I hit "Like".

Anybody must lead a really cloistered life to be offended by the Elena pic!! Here in N.Y. State it is legal for women to bare their breasts completely anyplace a man can. There are often bare breasted women at the beach, nobody cries or whines about it. There are women in Times Square, the "crossroads of the world" who legally walk around wearing no tops at all, and skimpy bikini bottoms.There are legal nude beaches in some states, who cares? Let folks do what they like, all children have seen breasts, and hopefully most have fed on breast milk directly from the source. The human body should not be a cause of shame or ridicule and as others have stated there are many women who walk around wearing much more revealing clothes than Elena in that photo. If it wasn't for women with their breasts none of us would exist, and I see no adverse effects on the public by women who choose to reveal their womanhood.

It's ignorant to assume that someone must live a cloistered life to be offended. Kind of a silly statement, really.

My standards are not dictated by the amount of clothing on the people around me. Note, that I didn't say the human body was shameful. I also didn't suggest there aren't others in the world who show much more of their bodies. You brought up those things. Just like I expect to see people in bikinis at a beach, I expect them to be professionally clothed in the office. That doesn't mean I'm ok with people walking around the office in bikninis, mankinis, in speedos, or going topless. I simply noted that I didn't sign up to see immodest self-aggrandizing women when I clicked "Like page" on Fisher Labs. I expected to see pictures of finds. As a result, I now no longer see Fisher Labs at all.

Let's be clear on the fact that I do not have to accept everyone's decisions as "ok," nor allow it into my life, to be "tolerant" of other's beliefs or choices.

If people want to defend someone's right to believe that wearing LESS clothes is OK, why is is so hard for the same people to defend the rights of the people who believe that MORE clothes are ok, too!?

In the middle of your post, you ask, "Who cares?" ME, and couple million other folks, too. I believe that modest is BETTER. That's it. Does my opinion not count, because it's not YOUR opinion? Yours certainly counts in my eyes. Last I checked, that's the way it's supposed to work here in the USA...



I'm not asking people to drown baby kittens here. I'm asking that my "like" of Fisher Labs metal detectors doesn't include what SOME people believe are immodest photos of women. Stick to the finds, please.



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Seriously, give me a break. Nothing wrong with that shot in fact I hit "Like".

LOL. I appreciate the fact you posted simply and without guile. I get that, btw. I get that she's pretty. But, also making my point, I suspect you didn't hit "like" because of the find she was holding. Which is my point.

For me, it wasn't what I signed up for. I'm now no longer signed up!

The beauty about this country is that we all can have different beliefs...



If you think today's kids would somehow be harmed by that photo, a reality check may be in order. Watch any amount of TV programming and consider.

Subscribed to Fisher Research Labs.

Amazing that folks keep putting words in my mouth. Where did I talk about kids?

Good grief. It's fascinating how people jump from my rant about expecting to see FINDS and getting downblouse shots (which, admittedly, some people LOVE to see),to immediately jumping to kids being harmed, nude beaches, television watching, and assuming my head was "in the gutter."

This has gone from a rant about Fisher Labs response about leaving it up because it wasn't "explicit" to just plain silly.


If it was the photo of Elena N. I believe you must have been looking for a reason to be offended. It makes me think you have an ulterior motive for starting this thread. To be clear, this is just my personal opinion.

I won't post the picture here but if I did I am pretty darned sure it wouldn't be removed.

You're correct, it wouldn't be removed. But this is a completely different environment. Family Friendly, yes... But it doesn't PUSH random content to my facebook wall.

That's what this is about. The photo is incidental. It's about signing up to see finds, and getting a selfie of a woman who is clearly just as proud of her body as her find (if not more so). That's NOT what I signed up for.

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