Also if you are sharing all your finds with the owners, why would they want to kick you off & get nothing. If you give nothing, they have nothing to lose, right?

over here they just get tired of having to run off people with out permission..not just detectorist,but arrowhead hunters and game hunters...and instead of dealing with the trespasser they just keep everybody out so they dont have to deal with it....again i think a lot of people that get into this hobby are looking to make money or they have to be #1 at finding things and dont care that they make the rest of us look bad......and in 15 yrs of detecting i have never gotten written permission.Most of the farmers are older folks who were raised on giving your word and a handshake..some of them will let you detect but dont want to be bothered with signing papers.

While I've never been kicked off a site once I gained permission, I have had people tell me they didn't want anyone there because it may invite the appearance that anyone could just show up there. Personally unless I had crops/cattle I wouldn't care, but to each their own. With the way people will act to complete strangers/peoples property these days I'm not surprised people don't want others around. Up until this year I was probably getting 90% "yes", although this year it's about 50/50.

With regards to trust, you also have to be careful about who you introduce in the hobby as well!! A few years back I met this guy who was intrested in the hobby and wanted to get into it. Anyway, I helped him out a great deal getting him a detector, advice and shared my sites with him. So one day he found some nice things and I asked him where he found it and he refused to say...What gratitude!! He also found a Graduation Nursing School gold ring with the ladys name and year of graduation. Living in a smaller center she could have been easily located. I suggested to him finding her and returning the ring.....All he said was: "Losers weepers, Finders keepers" . Really showed his character. Anyway, he would call me to find out more places to go and I distanced myself from him....Learned that lesson. So the moral of the story, in this hobby you really have to be careful about who you trust because in the end you could get burned.


basically I am new to the hobby, just been detecting for about 4 years. I have known "Sanddigger" for about the same time frame, she is the one that took me out detecting for the first time and taught me about this hobby, and if there is person in this hobby that I trust the most it would be her. Not many others I will share sites with but I have and really didn't have good results. I haven't found a class ring yet, I would love to! We are working on a site, Mother lost her college class ring, 1930's. I hope we can find it and return it her daughter! That would be so cool!!

over here they just get tired of having to run off people with out permission..not just detectorist,but arrowhead hunters and game hunters...and instead of dealing with the trespasser they just keep everybody out so they dont have to deal with it....again i think a lot of people that get into this hobby are looking to make money or they have to be #1 at finding things and dont care that they make the rest of us look bad......and in 15 yrs of detecting i have never gotten written permission.Most of the farmers are older folks who were raised on giving your word and a handshake..some of them will let you detect but dont want to be bothered with signing papers.

I have about 50% verbal & 50% contract, everyone is different & we don't limit ourself to 1 approach. Every owners has different contraints. If you can explain how stopping 1 or 2 responsible detectorist on your land deals with the whole problem, then go ahead? Our angle is, we clear the land of metal which gets rid of the problem poachers (nothing left for them to find). We are known for this by the hawkers & this puts them off.

As IP says, you need to warm them up to the problem from the start & work with them as a team.

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I've been through all of this too. Recently I took a guy that was introduced to me by someone I go to church with. This guy had been detecting for a few yrs. And had great collection of relics. He seem to be someone I could trust so I took him to several of my favorite sites. We went one place that I had exclusive permission to hunt and could bring one person on the property with me. We had a great day on the property and found several relics. My new friend found a Royal miners and sappers british hat badge and I got several good british buttons. Well a few weeks later I went by his house and picked him up to go to another site but at the last minute changed my mind and went to the property where we found the british relics. After telling him what we were gonna to do he acted really strange and tried to get me to go somewhere else but I continued to the property. when we arrived he wouldn't get for from my truck and Im thinking what's this guys problems. Well well well I was soon gonna find out. The land owner drove onto the property and parked behind my truck. My new friend or should I say ex friend ran a jumped in my truck and the land owner saw him and waved me to the truck. He told me t leave and never come back on his property. When I asked why he said you can thank the guy that's setting in your truck. I caught him and 4 other guys here a few days ago and he said that you had gave him permission to come here and metal detect. I was socked and I apologized to him and let him know that I never gave anyone permission to come onto his property. He didn't want to hear it and told me to leave. What I said to this guy in the way home can't me posted on this forum. MAKE SURE YOU KNOW WHO TO TRUST.

What did you do to the guy? I would have beat him senseless.

Haven't seen are heard from him since that day. I've talked to others that have had the same problems with him.

This sounds like the problem I've had with Deer hunting spots. I'm kinda new to metal detecting; but I know how some guys will take advantage of another's spots. I took a friend to one of my hunting spots once where I had permission to drive up a long laneway through some fields to deer hunt. Sometime later I went there myself and found the gate locked! I asked the land owner what happened and he said he found 2 guys driving around the fields and now it's posted to everyone. I have a good fishing spot that I won't take another guy to because I know from the past that he's likely to show up there later with someone else and most likely leave MT beer cans all over. The same goes for metal detecting. I told one guy I know that I was hunting this school site and he later remarked that he and his friend went there and didn't find a thing on the ballfields and soccer field...he said someone told them they wouldn't find anything there because it was just rebuilt awhile ago. That was true; but they didn't know that I was hunting a section on the school property that the annual fall festival is held on each year. They missed the money by not doing their homework and trying to do it the easy way. lol. You just can't trust anybody these days. Here's a copy of a permission slip that the New York State Depart. of Environmental Conservation provides for hunting permission. It'll work for metal detecting too. The ASK Permission stickers are free too. Your State may provide something like this. With ASK signs, all the owner has to do is say NO when some else asks for permission. Also offer to put up Posted signs for him when you do get permission. They're cheap and may helpView attachment ASK PERMISSION form.pdf ASK sign.gif

The things that you do while nobody's looking defines who you are.


Man! I would love to catch somebody in a field that I had perrmission to hunt and they did'nt, I swear it's so stupid, They think that they are the real deal..And they are just the dredges of our hobby, And to the Idiots that i come behind and fill your holes in.........you two are the main reason that the rest of us are finding it harder and harder to find places to hunt. Guess if breathing did'nt come naturally you probably suffocate. Sorry for The RANTING!.

there's a reason they do it,and that is because they cannot be bothered with askin' permission
because they feel they won't get it anyway! so they don't care! they figure if they are told to
leave,then they have lost and just go to the next field or place without askin' bottom line!
screw everybody! yea for me! hunters like this are around,and will wreck the hobby! its happening
all over the country!


Man! I would love to catch somebody in a field that I had perrmission to hunt and they did'nt, I swear it's so stupid, They think that they are the real deal..And they are just the dredges of our hobby, And to the Idiots that i come behind and fill your holes in.........you two are the main reason that the rest of us are finding it harder and harder to find places to hunt. Guess if breathing did'nt come naturally you probably suffocate. Sorry for The RANTING!.

you are right! its so frustrating because ya seldom ever see 'em! a**holes ,and s**tbags screw it up for everybody else!
a lot of people just don't care! (w.t.f!)


Sanddigger and I actually caught one (poacher) on this very property last week! He had seen us detecting there a few days earlier and thought it was ok....come to find out he detected that field 3 days in a row before we caught him!! I know my blood pressure went straight up when I saw someone in that field swinging a detector! I couldn't get that vehicle stopped fast enough!! The property owner saw him that morning too and thought he was with our group.

This sounds like the problem I've had with Deer hunting spots. I'm kinda new to metal detecting; but I know how some guys will take advantage of another's spots. I took a friend to one of my hunting spots once where I had permission to drive up a long laneway through some fields to deer hunt. Sometime later I went there myself and found the gate locked! I asked the land owner what happened and he said he found 2 guys driving around the fields and now it's posted to everyone. I have a good fishing spot that I won't take another guy to because I know from the past that he's likely to show up there later with someone else and most likely leave MT beer cans all over. The same goes for metal detecting. I told one guy I know that I was hunting this school site and he later remarked that he and his friend went there and didn't find a thing on the ballfields and soccer field...he said someone told them they wouldn't find anything there because it was just rebuilt awhile ago. That was true; but they didn't know that I was hunting a section on the school property that the annual fall festival is held on each year. They missed the money by not doing their homework and trying to do it the easy way. lol. You just can't trust anybody these days. Here's a copy of a permission slip that the New York State Depart. of Environmental Conservation provides for hunting permission. It'll work for metal detecting too. The ASK Permission stickers are free too. Your State may provide something like this. With ASK signs, all the owner has to do is say NO when some else asks for permission. Also offer to put up Posted signs for him when you do get permission. They're cheap and may helpView attachment 633516View attachment 633517

Great form, Thanks!!

Sanddigger and I actually caught one (poacher) on this very property last week! He had seen us detecting there a few days earlier and thought it was ok....come to find out he detected that field 3 days in a row before we caught him!! I know my blood pressure went straight up when I saw someone in that field swinging a detector! I couldn't get that vehicle stopped fast enough!! The property owner saw him that morning too and thought he was with our group.
this is what they rely on, aholes

there's a reason they do it,and that is because they cannot be bothered with askin' permission
because they feel they won't get it anyway! so they don't care! they figure if they are told to
leave,then they have lost and just go to the next field or place without askin' bottom line!
screw everybody! yea for me! hunters like this are around,and will wreck the hobby! its happening
all over the country!


You could not have put it better, almost from experience, no disrespect meant/....

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