
Justice would of been the cops turning their backs for another 5 minutes(after handing the dad a night stick):evil6:

I saw this the other day and smiled.... Looks like the dad REALLY worked him over and I loved his comment to the officers. Red it literally does look like he used a night stick on this guys head. If not he did one hell of a job. This pervert is LUCKY to be alive. Hopefully he dropped the assault another 24" down.

What scares me, the piece of trash will be free to rape again very soon - Thanks to the Sick lib's!!!! Give me 5 minutes with him, no need to worry about him again.............

Unfortunately, I'm sure there are lawyers lining up to press criminal and civil charges against the dad for unnecessary force (and will probably have the laws on their side). Having said that, I doubt there's a criminal grand jury in the country that would indict him. But in civil court, who knows? Strictly speaking, I'm thinking the dad screwed up. Dead men can't file suit (and his family would have to think twice before defending the actions of a dead perp.).


Unfortunately, I'm sure there are lawyers lining up to press criminal and civil charges against the dad for unnecessary force (and will probably have the laws on their side). Having said that, I doubt there's a criminal grand jury in the country that would indict him. But in civil court, who knows? Strictly speaking, I'm thinking the dad screwed up. Dead men can't file suit (and his family would have to think twice before defending the actions of a dead perp.).


What you just posted may be true buddy and probably is. But like a lot of folks if I caught this pervert assaulting one of my 8 children or one of my grandkids if all he got away with was one hell of an ass beating then he'd be lucky. This excessive force "thing" is over-rated. Once he's down the fun just begins... just like his intentions were when this child was "down". Hopefully this father just walks away with some bruised knuckles with his traumatized child. I'd go back for 2nd's and think nothing of it.

What scares me, the piece of trash will be free to rape again very soon - Thanks to the Sick lib's!!!! Give me 5 minutes with him, no need to worry about him again.............

Amen buddy... I'll stand guard for ya but you gotta share in the "fun". We'd give new meaning to rehabilitation at no charge either. My hats off to this father... but if I was him I bet he's madder now then he was then. I got a heart as big as the world but I have NO tolerance when an adult forces their ill will upon a small child or a weaker person. And anybody who supports or defends this type of deviant behavior is as sick as the person who does it.

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Maybe the guy is a card-carrying NAMBLA member. For those that don't know NAMBLA (The North American Man/Boy Love Association) says minor boys should be able to make their own sexual choices. Maybe the little boy led him on and was "asking for it" like all the little girls do. You people are so ready to condemn someone based solely on their sexual preference. At least here in California (home of one of the 2 main offices of NAMBLA...NY being the other) we have emerged from the dark ages and now allow our boy children to share the restrooms, locker rooms, showers and even our sportsteams with the little girls. If Jr wants to show his feminine side today, he is free to do it. What don't you people understand about the word free?? You say you want to be free, so be free dammit! If you don't like Jr in the shower with your daughter we will tag you with some kind of weird "phobia" title and you will be persecuted by the masses. You people are living in the dark ages and need to come to your senses!..................................................................................cough!...cough!!

Give me 5 minutes with him, no need to worry about him again

You have to drag it out a little longer,death by a thousand cuts(with a blunt object) 48 hours is good.He wants sick,I'll show him what sick is all about.:evil6:

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