KellyCo not going to carry the Makro Racer?

Juice in the hole

Full Member
Mar 22, 2014
North Carolina
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I called KellyCo today to find out when they would have the Makro Racer in stock and the rep that I spoke with claimed they weren't planning on carrying the Racer. I can't think of single reason KellyCo wouldn't want to get in on the ground floor on this unless they had concerns about reliability. Anyone know anything about this? Maybe a rep from KellyCo can shed some light as the lady I spoke with today didn't seem very knowledgeable on the subject.

They are a Nokta distributor/dealer but not Makro. It is my understanding that they will be carrying the Nokta version of the Racer which will have all the upgrades that everyone is asking for. I don't think we will see that announcement for a while to come because that company that makes nokta and makro is up to its arm pits with trying to trying to straiten out the mess they have with the Racer release.

Not to worry.... I believe several other forum sponsors will be carrying them.

They are a Nokta distributor/dealer but not Makro. It is my understanding that they will be carrying the Nokta version of the Racer which will have all the upgrades that everyone is asking for. I don't think we will see that announcement for a while to come because that company that makes nokta and makro is up to its arm pits with trying to trying to straiten out the mess they have with the Racer release.

I didn't know there was going to be another version of the Racer. What are they calling it and what were the improvements everyone is asking for?

I'm trying to decide between several units and the Racer just appeared on my radar.

I didn't know there was going to be another version of the Racer. What are they calling it and what were the improvements everyone is asking for?

I'm trying to decide between several units and the Racer just appeared on my radar.

There has been talk about saving the settings when turned off, change in sound to indicate depth, better discrimination, short time for selection during programming causing the programming to go back to start, Open speaker grill on bottom of unit where it sets on the dirt, Gasket for battery compartment, color, head phone quality, head light trigger location, Volume control location. That is a few of the items thought to be a negative. Whether or not they will except any of them, no one knows but the hopes are up for those potential buyers.

There has been talk about saving the settings when turned off, change in sound to indicate depth, better discrimination, short time for selection during programming causing the programming to go back to start, Open speaker grill on bottom of unit where it sets on the dirt, Gasket for battery compartment, color, head phone quality, head light trigger location, Volume control location. That is a few of the items thought to be a negative. Whether or not they will except any of them, no one knows but the hopes are up for those potential buyers.

Those all sound like good improvements. Glad we have knowledgeable Beta testers out there. Any idea when this will hit the showrooms?

Detector Electronics is the Distributor for Makro, and KelleyCo is the distributor for Notka. Units between the two companies are similar (the companies were run by two brothers who have now merged the companies into one). There is going to be a Gold Racer introduced for prospecting in the near future. The initial field tests show this to be a good detector in iron with good depth.

I can say that this manufacturer is very interested in customer input. They have already made changes due to field tester and potential customer input on the Makro Racer. Units should be arriving in the USA in the next 4-5 weeks.

We have been taking pre-orders on our initial shipment. I suspect most dealers will have sold their initial inventory by the time the first shipment arrives.


Metal Detector Sales and Rentals | Fisher, Garrett, Minelab, White's ? Metal Detecting Stuff

If they're listening, another suggestion is to up the warranty to 5 years to match Teknetics/Fisher. Two years seems a little on the shy side to take a chance on an unknown company and a foreign unknown company at that. JMHO anyway.

Can't wait for the initial reviews!

There has been talk about saving the settings when turned off, change in sound to indicate depth, better discrimination, short time for selection during programming causing the programming to go back to start, Open speaker grill on bottom of unit where it sets on the dirt, Gasket for battery compartment, color, head phone quality, head light trigger location, Volume control location. That is a few of the items thought to be a negative. Whether or not they will except any of them, no one knows but the hopes are up for those potential buyers.

Hello...This is Dilek – Sales & Marketing Manager at Nokta. I just wanted to make a quick comment to clarify a few things so your post does not mislead others. We do not have any ''mess'' with the Racer. We sent testing units to certain individuals and let them state their feedbacks openly in forums. We do not try to keep anything as a secret and we reply to each and every feedback with an action plan if necessary. We call this an open and honest customer oriented approach versus a ''mess'' in your terms. We do not have any issues apart from a minor bolt problem that is being addressed already. And we got some controversial reports on the BT headphones and as BT headphones is an optional accessory, it does not affect the performance of the detector. We will decide whether we need to make any changes in the BT headphones after we receive all the feedbacks. Meanwhile, we are also working on proprietary headphones. There were a few comments on the sequence of the tones which was designed the way it was on purpose – some liked it and some said they would prefer them to be in a progressive order just like we have them in the FORS CoRe so we listened to the customers and we changed them. There were a few comments on increasing the depth on the 3-tone and we did it. Color – it is a very subjective matter and we cannot customize it based on personal preference. Saving the settings – all the settings are on one screen and with 4 keys you can change the settings in a matter of seconds. This is not seen as an issue by most people. These are all the feedbacks and comments we got so far and we did what we could to the best extend. The device is tested and reviewed by Keith Southern, Tom Dankowski, Monte, Steve Herscbach and Gary from UK. Those who are interested can find their reviews and comments on different forums. Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me directly at [email protected] Thank you all !

I called KellyCo today to find out when they would have the Makro Racer in stock and the rep that I spoke with claimed they weren't planning on carrying the Racer. I can't think of single reason KellyCo wouldn't want to get in on the ground floor on this unless they had concerns about reliability. Anyone know anything about this? Maybe a rep from KellyCo can shed some light as the lady I spoke with today didn't seem very knowledgeable on the subject.

Correct. Makro Racer is distributed by Metal Detectors for Hobby & Security from Top Brands | and they already have dealers set up for the product. Kellyco distributes the Nokta branded products only.

Well at least there will be new bolts for the coil. Folks will have to just live with the balance of mentioned areas where upgrades would be great.

Well at least there will be new bolts for the coil. Folks will have to just live with the balance of mentioned areas where upgrades would be great.
If I didn't know any better I would think that you are a dealer of maybe other brands of detectors.
I would think in this case that perhaps you would purchase one of these new machines.....test it out for yourself and then give us all your expert advice.
I don't see your reasoning for bad talking a company that is obviously going above and beyond to compete and in many cases out-do what has been availbale on the market.
Making statements like "Folks will just have to live with the balance of mentioned areas" implies that the product won't be worth having.....before you ever see it perform in the field.
I for one am glad to see some real competition in the arena, at prices that are more realistic with what most people can afford to invest in a hobby.
I've seen all the videos that are available on youtube......of many of the Nokta products. My opinion is they are going to upset the staus quo in the U.S. market.
Given time.......we will all see the results of the competition. Just sayin'!

If I didn't know any better I would think that you are a dealer of maybe other brands of detectors.
I would think in this case that perhaps you would purchase one of these new machines.....test it out for yourself and then give us all your expert advice.
I don't see your reasoning for bad talking a company that is obviously going above and beyond to compete and in many cases out-do what has been availbale on the market.
Making statements like "Folks will just have to live with the balance of mentioned areas" implies that the product won't be worth having.....before you ever see it perform in the field.
I for one am glad to see some real competition in the arena, at prices that are more realistic with what most people can afford to invest in a hobby.
I've seen all the videos that are available on youtube......of many of the Nokta products. My opinion is they are going to upset the staus quo in the U.S. market.
Given time.......we will all see the results of the competition. Just sayin'!

Dealer, I am not. Long time MD user I am. The word came out early that this company was open to suggestion. Many scanned the Specs and later we all scanned the videos until some of them disappeared. There was a slow gathering of member thoughts as to shortcomings. These ideas were looked at by one of their reps and the end results was he thought they would replace the plastic coil bolts. That is when I stated that it looked like folks purchasing this new unit would just have to live with the balance of proposed shortcomings. Take a peak at the Nokta Impact, they say that it will have notch settings which the racer did not have. Let's hope that there is more asked for changes when the spec sheet is posted. As far as "bad talking" is concerned I think that it was more in the form of constructive suggestions for product improvement.

Nokta is one of the few manufacturers who actively monitor the forums looking for feedback as well as customer service problems on their products and should be commended for it.

Just because something hasn't been addressed in a manner a few members think should be doesn't make it a mess...

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I'm sure if you asked 100 different people what they would like changed about this detector, or any other for that matter, and you have close to 100 different things, that would equate to 100 different models, no company could do that.

I'm seriously considering one of these Racers, but just seen a video of it overloading, and apparently it will do it on even pretty small items, not sure I would care for that.

Oh yeah, for me make the 5 X 10 coil the stock one, and make it run on one 9V battery please. Yes that's a bit of a joke.

I'll have to say, maybe on another Forum the Racer might seem to be a mess, not on all the rest BW. Great machine..........

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I'll have to say, maybe on another Forum the Racer might seem to be a mess, not on all the rest BW. Great machine..........
Jack, your post was edited, we do not allow bashing of other forums..

It wasn't Kellyco's choice not to carry the Racer, it was Nokta....

Kellyco will be Nokta's authorized North America repair center..

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