Silver Member
Sep 9, 2012
Nebraska City, Nebraska
Primary Interest:
This is a picture of the K.G.C./ O.A.K. coded letter placed in a jar buried 10" deep under the scales symbol at the Chief Justice of Nebraska Daniel Gantt's monument in Wyuka. It is very faded and was over 100 years old so it has been enhanced with a marker on a copy so it is legible. Look at it closely and tell me what you see, I am very interested in anything you may notice about it. I would also like you to pay special attention to the date on the letter as it is quite significant I think....Who was the president then???:thumbsup:. Along with this letter there was a skeleton key and a number cipher that filled a paper card about the same as a recipe card, and a coded carved lead cross. The key was in the jar to tell what it was. The key to the cipher that was contained, but more important than that, was the fact that it was the KEY to a lot of coded things that had not been found at that time and to somethings that are yet to be found. It is 100% genuine and there are some very good pointers now to who it was that wrote and placed it in that jar along with the other very important ciphered items. The most important piece of evidence to surface that brings the K.G.C. and the O.A.K. into 1908 and beyond. It is true that "What ever you are searching for is not as important as each point you accomplish on the journey to it."

Thanks, L.C.

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This is a picture of the K.G.C./ O.A.K. coded letter placed in a jar buried 10" deep under the scales symbol at the Chief Justice of Nebraska Daniel Gantt's monument in Wyuka. It is very faded and was over 100 years old so it has been enhanced with a marker on a copy so it is legible. Look at it closely and tell me what you see, I am very interested in anything you may notice about it. I would also like you to pay special attention to the date on the letter as it is quite significant I think....Who was the president then???:thumbsup:. Along with this letter there was a skeleton key and a number cipher that filled a paper card about the same as a recipe card, and a coded carved lead cross. The key was in the jar to tell what it was. The key to the cipher that was contained, but more important than that, was the fact that it was the KEY to a lot of coded things that had not been found at that time and to somethings that are yet to be found. It is 100% genuine and there are some very good pointers now to who it was that wrote and placed it in that jar along with the other very important ciphered items. The most important piece of evidence to surface that brings the K.G.C. and the O.A.K. into 1908 and beyond. It is true that "What ever you are searching for is not as important as each point you accomplish on the journey to it."

Thanks, L.C.

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Found ANYTHING, yet...?

I have found out where they wanted us to go next. We have went there and we will continue for as long as it takes. The search is far from over....we have yet to go where the motherly corner is pointing. It is a matter of budget and equipment at this point, but it will not be that way for ever. A G.P.R. unit would be nice, but you still have to be able to run it over the terrain. Recovery is something that the treasure hunter never thinks about until the situation arises. Any time spent dwelling on it is useless until you know the particular situation for the particular recovery (in our case there at least 10 not counting the big one) only one cache has been recovered and that was in the 70's. In our case at this time and only one cache trail out of ten sites, it is a matter of having the right tool for the job. We are at the gate of the big kahuna but it is not the kind of thing you can retrieve without some pretty deep pockets for the correct tools for the job and proper gear. We have located map pieces and deciphered codes and symbols and identified members of the K.G.C. and O.A.K. I have produced hard evidence about Teddy R. and many presidents before him clear back to James Buchanan and their involvement with the K.G.C./ O.A.K.. that until now were not known or completely understood. We have decoded the location of the last of the three points of the K.G.C. triangle in question and the number it makes and place it takes us makes goose bumps get on my is a familiar one.8-). I wish I could just spill the beans here but that is not going to get us that G.P.R. unit ! Each season we know more and we get closer. It is a money game now, but Vol. II "BEFORE IT IS LOST" coming out this Winter will help out on that I hope. It will have what everyone wants to know in it. the GPS locations of actual K.G.C. points that were deciphered reckoned and achieved leading to other K.G.C. /O.A.K. things that were found. Most of all it will have a clear and decisive explanation of the symbolism used and the ciphers we have broken (still working on some others)
If I have learned anything during the hunt it was that the treasure is not a treasure:goldbar::coins:, it is a FUND built up and stored for "RETRIBUTION" and that will never change.:thumbsup: My Father and I may not live to see it recovered completely, but what We have deciphered and uncovered and disproved will remain available for a future generation to reap and continue the search. Will they be worthy of finding it? Will they use it for it's purpose? Not if we find it first!:thumbsup: Then I know it will be.


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The penmanship used in the document seems to have been done using the Palmer Cursive, which was taught in most American schools beginning in the early 20th century. It's a simpler, more readable style - the method we were all taught to use. It replaced the earlier handwriting style that had much more flourish and looked more formal and "old fashioned". Is it possible the letter could have been written later than 1908?

Anything is possible sdcfia.:thumbsup: The thing about this site that makes it different is that it is a repository. They started building and stashing during the Civil War and expanded and continued with larger $um$ from 'RECONSTRUCTED avenues" until at least 1930 The evidence of it can be found in the form of large CASH kick backs that were reinvested until monopolies were formed and that $hip began to $ail on it's own wind = regrouped laundered stolen cash funds into one buyers control...not saying any names..but it rhymes with J.P. Morgan. (stocks bonds trusts government allotment and investments). I can say that there is a document used by the K.G.C. and O.A.K. that is dated 1896 and it is tied to this coded letter, and there was a coded cross in the jar that leads to something that was there when the Turtle was placed at Morton's monument. There is also a stone that was placed before the man was dead and then they came and carved his name on it. His whole family has modest stones and his is a 10,000 monument for a working class man. There is also evidence that the O.A.K. revisited K.G.C. sites laid out in the late 1800's and placed other things on top of things that were already placed to be found from coded ciphers and text that were placed in 1862,63,64,65 but there is evidence that those sites were first scouted out and claimed by the K.G.C. in the 1840's when the organization's move to take the west and make it slave owner friendly began. This group of the inner circle were very driven by their hate and fear of the early flow of abolitionist into the Midwest. If you look at where the K.G.C. orders originate it always goes back to Virginia and Michigan until the formation of Colorado and Wyoming territories into states. The letter is signed by B.L. Few (B of L.F.) desk sergeant of the Pinkerton detective agency. What we have learned is that this organizations leaders loved to use their enemies boasts and glories for the K.G.C.'s coding purposes. After all, your enemy would never think you would use there anthems and glorious speeches as your secret keys to secret K.G.C. ciphers. This caries at least to 1896 as that is the last key that we have found as of this date. However the letter is dated 1908 which makes perfect sense if you know who the next generation consisted of. If you look at Paul Morton's handwriting there is a lot of similarity to the hand writing used on the letter, especially if you lay out samples of each mans pen next to the letter. That is when you can really see the likeness and what I believe is intentional unlikeness to disguise his handwriting. I am no expert, but it was not J.Sterling Morton a known K.G.C. inner circle member that finished the K.G.C. trail as an O.A.K. because he was dead April 27, 1902 and spent the last part of his life in a coma at his son Joy Morton's home in Chicago where he passed on. The key revealed in the cipher definitely reflects Julius's personal beliefs and scolds a personal and political enemy by using his words for K.G.C. code. Paul Morton his son, was holding hand$ in the early 1900's with Teddy Roosevelt ,Jay Gould, J.P. Morgan, Andrew Carnegie etc. etc. (the real face of the O.A.K. through the gilded age and beyond.) The K.G.C.'s hold on this country was at a presidential level until Lincoln.....but they picked it back up with Andrew Johnson and I can safely say they maintained it through President Taft....BUT...I have some pretty good evidence building that supports the theory the O.A.K. continued on long after that. Their control had a snowball effect as they grew to big and in too many directions....(JUST LIKE THE GOVERNMENT of the U.S.A.) Too big to keep a grip on too many avenues too many courts....TOO MANY PEOPLE! Too BIG FOR THEIR RICHES!!!!!!


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To some extent ECS. The earliest being that of Ben Ficklin-William Gwinn-Mexico and the earlier Aztec club. All would have K.G.C. gold mining connections and some through La Abra Silver Mining Co. As far a Cuba goes....I have a line of interest there that I would love to pursue some day! I will have to have some serious finances to pull that off.LOL!:laughing7: It is really an amazing connection to the original Cuban headquarters.

These guys were still Banking money after the 1857 collapse of every other bank but theirs. The most important things to them were gathering land and assets and gaining control of the land and forcing out or killing the abolitionists. When they finally got John Brown S.F. Nuckolls wished there had been a 1000 with him in that Harper's Ferry arsinal and in a letter to J.S. Morton he also talks about money and pay outs among brothers of lasting faith that only seem to have initials. He also used K.G.C. funds from the original repository (Platte Valley Bank) to buy K.G.C. land and start legitimate K.G.C. funded businesses under directed ownership (in whoever's name he wanted to put it so it would not look like an organised buy out by the K.G.C..)
KLetter about john brown and $.JPG

The Sanchez family of Palatka during the War of Northern Aggression knew both Yulee and his cousin, CSA Sec of State, Judah P Benjamin. Daughter, Lola Sanchez, was a spy for the Confederacy, reporting Union gunboat movements on the St Johns River, including to CSA Capt J J Dickinson, whose Florida cavalry captured and sunk a Union gunboat.
During Benjamin's escape from the Union, along with CSA Sec of War John C Breckinridge ad CSA Pres. Davis's nephew, CSA Capt John Taylor Wood (CSS Tallahassee), Lola was given 500 Mexican silver dollars from the CSA treasury.
After Breckinridge and Wood sailed to Cuba, they stayed with Lola's Cuban relatives.

As far a Cuba goes... It is really an amazing connection to the original Cuban headquarters.
It all goes back to the New Orleans Pickwick Club meetings of Pike, Benjamin, and Slidell.
The Bullock brothers of Georgia(Teddy's uncles) were later involved.

It is the place from where the K.G.C. intended to crucify the United States from. When I publish the stuff I have it will actually become visible. They were a symbolical bunch who loved to taunt their enemies...even in a secret code that the enemy would never break.!


It all goes back to the New Orleans Pickwick Club meetings of Pike, Benjamin, and Slidell.
The Bullock brothers of Georgia(Teddy's uncles) were later involved.

There is no doubt in my mind that you are correct about that group of men. The web had a lot of rings and believe it or not, the men that made up the inner rings were and are still not talked about. The men that told them what to do and where to do it and how much they had to spend on it to get it done.

I'll leave you with this question:
Why did Teddy and the Rough Riders stop in Ocala before going to Tampa where they shipped out to Cuba to charge up San Juan Hill?
If you read my posts on other threads concerning Ocala during the War of Northern Aggression and during the first two years of Reconstruction, the answer is evident.

Anything is possible sdcfia.:thumbsup: The thing about this site that makes it different is that it is a repository. They started building and stashing during the Civil War and expanded and continued with larger $um$ from 'RECONSTRUCTED avenues" until at least 1930 The evidence of it can be found in the form of large CASH kick backs that were reinvested until monopolies were formed and that $hip began to $ail on it's own wind = regrouped laundered stolen cash funds into one buyers control...not saying any names..but it rhymes with J.P. Morgan. (stocks bonds trusts government allotment and investments). I can say that there is a document used by the K.G.C. and O.A.K. that is dated 1896 and it is tied to this coded letter, and there was a coded cross in the jar that leads to something that was there when the Turtle was placed at Morton's monument. There is also a stone that was placed before the man was dead and then they came and carved his name on it. His whole family has modest stones and his is a 10,000 monument for a working class man. There is also evidence that the O.A.K. revisited K.G.C. sites laid out in the late 1800's and placed other things on top of things that were already placed to be found from coded ciphers and text that were placed in 1862,63,64,65 but there is evidence that those sites were first scouted out and claimed by the K.G.C. in the 1840's when the organization's move to take the west and make it slave owner friendly began. This group of the inner circle were very driven by their hate and fear of the early flow of abolitionist into the Midwest. If you look at where the K.G.C. orders originate it always goes back to Virginia and Michigan until the formation of Colorado and Wyoming territories into states. The letter is signed by B.L. Few (B of L.F.) desk sergeant of the Pinkerton detective agency. What we have learned is that this organizations leaders loved to use their enemies boasts and glories for the K.G.C.'s coding purposes. After all, your enemy would never think you would use there anthems and glorious speeches as your secret keys to secret K.G.C. ciphers. This caries at least to 1896 as that is the last key that we have found as of this date. However the letter is dated 1908 which makes perfect sense if you know who the next generation consisted of. If you look at Paul Morton's handwriting there is a lot of similarity to the hand writing used on the letter, especially if you lay out samples of each mans pen next to the letter. That is when you can really see the likeness and what I believe is intentional unlikeness to disguise his handwriting. I am no expert, but it was not J.Sterling Morton a known K.G.C. inner circle member that finished the K.G.C. trail as an O.A.K. because he was dead in 1901 and spent the last part of his life at his son Joy Morton's home in Chicago in a coma. The key revealed in the cipher definitely reflects Julius's personal beliefs and scolds a personal and political enemy by using his words for K.G.C. code. Paul Morton his son, was holding hand$ in the early 1900's with Teddy Roosevelt ,Jay Gould, J.P. Morgan, Andrew Carnegie etc. etc. (the real face of the O.A.K. through the gilded age and beyond.) The K.G.C.'s hold on this country was at a presidential level until Lincoln.....but they picked it back up with Andrew Johnson and I can safely say they maintained it through President Taft....BUT...I have some pretty good evidence building that supports the theory the O.A.K. continued on long after that. Their control had a snowball effect as they grew to big and in too many directions....(JUST LIKE THE GOVERNMENT of the U.S.A.) Too big to keep a grip on too many avenues too many courts....TOO MANY PEOPLE! Too BIG FOR THEIR RICHES!!!!!!


All good points L.C., and further evidence of the level of your research and tenacity. I want to make it clear that I'm not a handwriting expert by any means, and my observation is not meant to challenge your work. I've seen a lot of old handwriting - some private correspondence, but mostly courthouse documents - and have noticed the "modern" shift beginning ca 1920s-30s in general. One thing I'll say about all things KGC is that things are seldom as they seem.

I'll leave you with this question:
Why did Teddy and the Rough Riders stop in Ocala before going to Tampa where they shipped out to Cuba to charge up San Juan Hill?
If you read my posts on other threads concerning Ocala during the War of Northern Aggression and during the first two years of Reconstruction, the answer is evident.

please leave us some links ECS, I would like to read that.


sdcfia I'm not a handwriting expert by any means said:

I never felt like you were. I appreciate your experienced opinion. I wish I could lay some on a table for you to look at and really see up close. I would really like to have it analyzed and compared professionally to some other documents I have for handwriting analysis. It is only important if we want to know the truth of who wrote it. I don't know about you guys, but I really really want to know.:laughing7:


It all goes back to the New Orleans Pickwick Club meetings of Pike, Benjamin, and Slidell.
The Bullock brothers of Georgia(Teddy's uncles) were later involved.

The Southern chapter. Look at the proximity of their personal dwellings at the time these meetings took place. Did some of these men have castles to tend to elsewhere? Where did they sit in the order?

Curious, L.C.:thumbsup:

The K.G.C. around here were divided up by counties more than cities and townships. They met in very few safe places. The only meeting of inner circle of the O.A.K. that I know about for a fact, is one time in 1905, but the early K.G.C. met regularly in the open. The implications of guilt by association were far too risky for the Inner Circle I would say, after around May, 1861. From what I can find in secret personal documents that contain messages they sent incomplete hints and answers to questions that were not contained in the same document. The most important Knights had to have been informed from mouth to ear and after the Civil War began most of the communication was by coded cipher and a most unsuspected messenger. For all of you out there that search for a key document to break a code, keep in mind that the personal column of many news papers traveled the country freely and could be read by anyone. If the messenger made it through with the card full of numbers, the key could be easily found in the news paper! It does not have to be a big document to include the entire alphabet. (Helped to own the news press too!) In our case only three digit numbers were used at an inner circle level. It makes me wonder about the Beale cipher's four digit code. It must contain some pretty secret information to go to those extremes.


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