Large Hadron Collider - they are fixing to fire it off for the first time - scary...


Gold Member
Mar 3, 2013
SW, VA - Bull Mountain
Detector(s) used
CTX, Excal II, EQ800, Fisher 1260X, Tesoro Royal Sabre, Tejon, Garrett ADSIII, Carrot, Stealth 920iX, Keene A52
Primary Interest:
Yea they are trying to create antimatter and they may open a black hole in the process.

I thought they had fired it up years ago.

They've been testing it for several years, yep they fired it up to make sure it worked and they could control it.

Now they're fixing to go where no man has gone before.

I thought they had fired it up years ago.
Me too and for the last few years they have done some amazing things on alot of scientific areas I believe. Seems like they were in the news for some cool discoveries and just haven't been talked about for awhile.

Well, the PREZ is re-doing Reagan's SDI "thingie"; NOT to worry...

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It’s ok, I am now a captain in the spaceforce

They have had it running for about 7 years now they have actually upgraded it so it has more power they use liquid helium to cool it is the coldest substance on earth.When they first fired it up it would levitate and they would get a leak they use to have a website you could watch everything they did. They took it down when they started to really ramp it up do not want to show the world what is going on but it was supposed to be for the good of humanity.I use to be very interested in its construction the magnets that run it weigh as much as a battleship when I talked to people about it they looked at me like I was crazy so i just kind of let it go away once in awhile I will hear something about it such as it coming up on this forum.Also and interesting tidbit about it they can only run it in the winter it uses to much power in the summer do to everybody using the A/C.

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I'm getting brain dead in my elder years, but I've followed this all my life - though now my brain does not work as it used to.

I've watched this for 60 plus years, but forget so much. I think my brains are full of so much other stuff. When I was 8 years old I was reading this in comic books, library Sci-Fi books, and watching Sci-Fi movies at the local theaters and on TV. Twilight Zone, One Step Beyond, Outer Limits, etc.

It is about time I saw something new, ya reckon?

Good post and keeping it going Sir!

They are fooling around with things there that should be left alone you use to see it in the news quite a bit but know it has grown silent. One of there major problem there is the containment field when they accelerate the product they cannot keep it stable enough to collide it but i think they got it figured out know it was a cooling problem in there field generator. It uses a vast amount of power but it seems they built another fusion reactor over there they don't even use nuclear any more they have evolved to use fusion to generate power now scary stuff.

Well that explains the helium shortage.
....i guess there won't be any "duck & cover" if things go soith with the CERN

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Liquid helium is -453 degrees.

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