
Full Member
Mar 11, 2014
Northeast Coast USA
Detector(s) used
Garrett AT PRO 5x8 Coil - VULCAN 360 Pinpointer -Lesche Shovel
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting



"It will be of little "avail" ("use,help or benefit") to people; if the Laws be so voluminous that they cannot be read, or so incoherent that they cannot be understood."

-James Madison
Father of the Constitution
Fourth President of the United States


My thoughts are that we have to bring order to our pastime. The restrictions put on MD'ing on Public Lands are convoluted, inconsistent from area to area and department to department, and too complicated for the average person to research and in some cases to comply with, without some forms of undue hardships.


If you ever researched the laws with regard to Metal Detecting on Government owned property (which can be construed to mean any property (Land, Sea or Air-rights) other than Private Property you would know that there are a myriad of the different agencies to check before you decide to search on Federal, State, County, City, Town, or Village properties. Departments of Governments can include Bureau of Land, National Parks, Historic Landmarks Commissions, The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (and more). It's very discouraging and that's exactly what they want the process to be: DISCOURAGING.


Functions like Hunting, Fishing, Wreck Diving, Boating, Jetskiing, Mining, Bird Watching, as well as Metal Detecting are all regulated in some way or another by the Government.


The Government would probably love to BAN MD'ing altogether but nothing in the USA can be outrightly BANNED if in any way it'll violate a person's (or a commercial entity's) Constitutional Rights. In the US, when something is BANNED it can be Constitutionally challenged in a Court of Law (but could cost $$$$ and TIME - they know that). So, knowing that, when a government agency doesn't like something that cannot be banned and would rather not face a challenge in a Court of Law; instead they will REGULATE it by passing Laws which require that you apply for a PERMIT to preform that function. They will author the Regulation and place as many RESTRICTIONS on it as they possibly can, complicate the process to obtain permits, thereby making the Regulation nearly impossible to comply with; thereby DISCOURAGING as many permit applicants as possible to reduce the popularity of the function.


To give you an example of how the Authorities author laws that are designed to REGULATE and RESTRICT take Billboards for the example:

Most Municipalities are not privy to Billboards being built at all. They see it as a form of blight in most cases and want to discourage the construction of them. They can't outright ban them because it would violate our constitutional rights of Free Speech. Instead they come up with restrictions and excuses for the restrictions. Example: "Billboards are a distraction to drivers and therefore cause accidents, so we will not allow Billboards to be built closer than 660 feet from any major highway and at that distance they can only be 200 sq ft in size and beyond the 660 ft they can increase in size by 1 sq. ft. for every foot beyond."

(A Municipality in New Jersey tried to ban Neon Signs and was challenged in a Court of Law - From what I understand, it went to the Supreme Court and it was Held that the Ban was a Violation of Free Speech and was unjustified).

Back to the Outdoor Sign - They knew by placing that restriction it's going to be a game changer for any outdoor sign company because what's the sense of spending $200,000 to build a billboard that is so far from the road and so small that nobody passing will see it and no company will want to layout any cash to advertise on it. There's no value in doing that! But what they did is that they BANNED it by the choking regulations that they placed on where a billboard can be located. They knew that no business in there right mind would see any value in building a billboard in a location far from a major well traveled road - that would not be profitable to the company nor informative to the audience (the Public).

To give an example of how convoluted Laws can get; let's take the Times Square District in New York. The Sign Code states that any and ALL buildings MUST have a Billboard and it MUST be Illuminated or you face a fine. Meanwhile in all districts other than Times Square, Billboards are heavily RESTRICTED. Is that fair?. Fortunes were made off of these Billboards and if my building is one inch out of the District - I lose out. Doesn't make sense.

As far as it goes with Metal Detecting on PUBLIC PROPERTY; by the time you learn that you are limited in WHERE you can search, WHEN you can search, HOW you can search and WITH what you can dig with you will get so discouraged that you won't see any value in taking up a pastime whose requirements are so restrictive that you feel almost like your carrying a gun around when all your doing is holding a Metal Detector. There's no profit or value to this; monetarily, nor educationally.

Yes, you are permitted to MD on Public Lands BUT you need to 1. Apply for a Permit (to the proper Authority); 2. in some cases provide a Certificate of Insurance and; 3. abide by the regulation set forth by that Authority or Agency; 3. Abide by the APPLICABLE Federal and State Laws; 4.Relinquish the Relic to the State and have no vote in where the Relic will end up. For all you know it will be store away and forgotten about just as if it were still in the ground.


To DISCOURAGE they'll make it difficult by RESTRICTING the equipment size; such as, your digging tool can't be over 4" long with a handle less than two ft in length; You are restricted to certain areas, in the restricted areas you can only dig 25 ft. away from any tree; Anything you find belongs to the State and must be turned over to the Jurisdiction that controls the place where the item was found. Oh, and you can only dig during the months when the ground is FROZEN - thank you very much - I'm just going to DETECT and if I think that something is underground I'll just be happy in knowing that I may have found something - But I won't dig it up!

What a great pastime! It's OK - I don't mind applying for a permit (10 bucks per location) spending Hundreds on equipment and driving 50 miles to a State Park Site (gas is only $3.90 a gal. and my car gets 18 mpg) - the Tolls? no problem - I got an Easy Pass - Parking Fees? Well OK. Food?.......ALL TO FIND A MUSKET BALL and THREE WHEATIES and some clad. While I'm at it I'll remove all the Pop-tops and Bottle-caps from the land at no charge - I'll keep the place clean because nobody else is. Here, wait, before I go; let me hit myself on the head with a hammer because it feels so good when I stop!!


Once you read the the Laws and Regulations and learn the penalty for a violation, I guarantee that it will make most looking to get into MD'ing become sick to their stomach and give up if they started or not start at all. Sometimes, Ignorance is Bliss.

In addition, there are stiff penalties for any violation of the restrictions placed on us. Most, including myself would argue that the penalties are "Cruel and Unusual Punishment. So what they may be really accomplishing is making Criminals out of normal everyday law abiding citizens.


Whats the logic of this? A Relic Hunter finds and removes LEAD musket balls from the ground and streams - that's not criminal! Lead has been deemed as toxic to the environment by the Environmental Protection Agency which issues HUNTING PERMITS so that Hunters can KILL animals with LEAD and put some more LEAD back into the ground when they miss a shot. Relic Hunter's are actually Lead Remediation experts.

So the next time you're stopped by an Official for MD'ing RELICS, tell them that you're an "Underground Lead Removal Specialist" and that you're searching the area for underground HAZARDOUS LEAD THAT WAS LEFT BY SOLDERS FIGHTING WARS TO KEEP OUR COUNTRY FREE!

Meanwhile for most, Historical Relics remain underground; (some polluting the land but for none to enjoy nor to educate therefrom).


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Well said. Unfortunately, those we have "voted" for have changed their name from representatives to "lawmakers." They do not use logic or rational thinking skills. They sit and dream crap up solely to justify their being. We should not accept this, but we do because our very capability (and right) to remove them has, itself, been criminalised. We would go to jail and rot if we exercise our rights. Public land is supposed to be the domain of the public (us) and not some governmental being. Federal land is also supposed to belong to us, not those we have "elected" into office. All land in the United States belongs to the people-- anyone who disagrees is part of the problem.

Most of these rules are NOT laws. They are "codes" or "statutes" and they are created by office workers, not elected officials. Even though they aren't laws, you can still be cited and fined for violating them. Don't pay your fine, THEN you go to jail.

Real pirates hunt public land when they want to, and don't ever ask the gooberment for the "right" to do so.

Public land = land that you own as a citizen of the nation.

...... The restrictions put on MD'ing on Public Lands are convoluted, inconsistent from area to area and department to department, and too complicated for the average person to research ......

Eureka, if this is a true statement, then ALL THE MORE REASON to simply go DO IT, without asking anyone or worry about supposed rules and laws. I mean, if it's as you say, and "inconsistent" from dept. to dept. (rules which may or may not be construed to actually mean or say no detecting), then .... in my mind, how can you be held accountable ? If what you're saying is true, that there is "grey areas", then seems to me the worst you can get is a "scram" and be "alerted". Therefore, no, I will NOT go seeking clarification on the very things you admit yourself, can be interpretted several different ways. Why? Lest I run up against the "no one cared till you asked" psychology.

........ there are a myriad of the different agencies to check before you decide to search on Federal, State, County, City, Town, or Village properties. Departments of Governments can include Bureau of Land, National Parks, Historic Landmarks Commissions, The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (and more). ...

What is surprising about this fact ? Laws and rules differ from agency to agency, entity to entity, all the time. One place allows dog off leash. Another requires leashes. Another disallows dogs altogether. Another is simply silent on the issue of dogs. Some places allow over-night camping, others don't, and still others don't specify. Examples are endless. So detecting is not somehow singled out, or unique in this. So ... having trouble understanding your angst in this.

Inconsistencies abound in big government.

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....... are all regulated in some way or another by the Government. BAN EVERYTHING! - THE TRUTH IS THEY CAN'T - THE CONSTITUTION PROTECTS US ....

Huh ? The person who is disgusted that their particular enjoyable activity is restricted, is quick to gripe (I'm just as guilty). But the minute SOMEONE ELSE'S enjoyable activity hurts ours, we will always be the first to say "THERE OUGHT TO BE A LAW !" haha So for example: with metal detecting, it can be argued (by the preservation/archaeological camp), that we are taking, destroying, and looting the past, depriving future generations of learning, blah blah blah. Yeah yeah I know you and I disagree with that song & dance, but just saying, put yourself in THEIR shoes, and you will see that just as equally and you and I would be railing AGAINST a particular law, yet so too would there be others who's ideals, and "common good" objectives be hurt WITHOUT said laws. I mean, seriously, do you think Shiloh, Ghettysburg, and Bodie should just be opened up nilly willy to all of us yahoos, just because Eureka says it's violiating his consitutional freedoms? Do you really want the chaos of a society with zero laws ?

........As far as it goes with Metal Detecting on PUBLIC PROPERTY; by the time you learn that you are limited in WHERE you can search, WHEN you can search, HOW you can search and WITH what you can dig with you will get so discouraged that you won't see any value in taking up a pastime whose requirements are so restrictive that you feel almost like your carrying a gun around when all your doing is holding a Metal Detector........

The key & revealing word in the above statement is "learn". For starters, let's disclude "catch-all" stuff about "defacement" and "taking", and "collecting" and "alterations" and so forth. All such stuff pre-dates detecting, and exists in some for everywhere. Ok. So to restrict this "learning" to learning of places with an actual specific "no detecting" rule, .. or to restrict the conversation to places with permits, yet with silly things about length of digger, not around trees, sandboxes only, and only from January to March, blah blah blah. I think you have to look BACK to how most such silly things and out-right "no's" ever got there .... TO BEGIN WITH It was because of well-meaning people, back when, who went in asking "can I metal detect?". Thus leading to rules to address their "pressing issue".

So Eureka, your rant here in this thread, I'm afraid to say, is only because of we ourselves. NOT because of some "big evil government" trying to ruin all our fun and make laws to take away our rights, etc... I'm afraid that we md'rs can often-time be our own worst enemy.

When I see your word "learn", it conjurs up images to me of skittish people running around wondering if they'll break any laws, hence leading to asking, hence leading to the VERY NO'S they were afraid of, hence leading to posts like this one lamenting our loss of freedoms. See the vicious circle ?

........ In addition, there are stiff penalties for any violation of the restrictions placed on us. .......

Eureka, whenever this subject of laws and rules comes up, someone will be quick to do exactly what you've done here: Cite scary consequences, fines, jail, confiscations, blah blah blah. And the poor newbies reading such scary things are left shivering in their boots, thinking of all the horrible things about to befall them, and archies lurking behind every tree waiting to pounce.

But SERIOUSLY NOW ! I will extend to you the same challenge I give each of them, when they start spouting about arrests, tickets, jail, etc... : Can you PLEASE cite for us ANY examples of such things befalling md'rs, for hunting in non-posted, run-of-the-mill parks, schools, beaches, etc... ? I'm not talking about obvious sensitive historic monuments (where, yes, a "reasonable" person could/should have known) . I'm talking about routine city parks, campgrounds, beaches, vacant lots, etc.... Ok: can you cite any examples of such things befalling the guy plying the sandbox in anytown USA?

If you can cite any examples, I bet they are someone night sneaking sensitive monuments, or someone who can't take a "scram" warning , etc....

It's not hard to find public places to detect. I hunt public places all the time. If you want to worry yourself to death about what some busy-body might say, then yes, you can ALWAYS find some law or rule that can be morphed to preclude you. Just keep asking long enough and hard enough, and you'll eventually find someone to tell you that you can't hunt even the most innocuous of sandboxes. Moral of the story ? STOP ASKING D*MB QUESTIONS. And if there's a certain busy-body lookie-lou that doesn't like it? FINE. Hunt when that person is not around.

Sure I wish it wasn't like this. Sure I wish everyone "rolled out red carpets" for me. But you've got to realize that detecting has "connotations". If you're not willing to accept this, then I suggest you find another hobby. There will ALWAYS be someone who thinks you might be about to leave a mess. Or "take park features" or harm earthworms, or whatever the h*ck it is they think applies. Ok, fine: avoid that one person. Kinda like nose-picking: can you use a little more discretion in your timing, rather than thinking it's your duty to get every last person in the world to sign off on it ?

Most of these rules are NOT laws. They are "codes" or "statutes" and they are created by office workers, not elected officials. Even though they aren't laws, you can still be cited and fined for violating them. Don't pay your fine, THEN you go to jail.

Hello Jason in Enid
My response to your quote:

The "RULES" are Laws. If you go to a Municipality and look up a "code" or "statute" you will notice next to the various Chapters (usually in bold print) "LOCAL LAW" xxx.xx part a - 3/31/2014.

Someone (usually a citizen) has a problem with something and brings it at a Community Board Meeting. It is decided that the REMEDY is to make LAW and introduce it into the current Code. It's voted upon at the meeting. The code is created and authored by the various boards, committees, etc. and sent to the Law Department of the Municipality for review whom in turn submits it to the State for approval as a "Local Law."

THE PROBLEM? Some Officials FORGET that they work for YOU and I and NOT for the MUNICIPALITY. I doubt that there was any Forum which included regular people or any input by regular folks before they drafted the Laws (rules) concerning Metal Detecting on PUBLIC LANDS. And if they did send out a NOTICE calling on folks to attend a meeting where and when it would be discussed; it was probably announced in the "NOTICES" Section of some junky news paper, buried somewhere between classified ads for used cars and the Help Wanted section. They sure didn't call the industry leaders - MHO is that THEY SNEAK THESE THINGS IN.

What is surprising about this fact ? Laws and rules differ from agency to agency, entity to entity, all the time. One place allows dog off leash. Another requires leashes. Another disallows dogs altogether. Another is simply silent on the issue of dogs. Some places allow over-night camping, others don't, and still others don't specify. Examples are endless. So detecting is not somehow singled out, or unique in this. So ... having trouble understanding your angst in this.

My "angst" is that there is no consistency. Laws should be CLEAR and CONCISE and EQUAL across the whole "United" States - Look at the Affordable Care Act (Obama Care) "We have to pass the Bill, so you can find out what is in it." I DON'T THINK SO!

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Hello Jason in Enid
My response to your quote:

The "RULES" are Laws. If you go to a Municipality and look up a "code" or "statute" you will notice next to the various Chapters (usually in bold print) "LOCAL LAW" xxx.xx part a - 3/31/2014.

Someone (usually a citizen) has a problem with something and brings it at a Community Board Meeting. It is decided that the REMEDY is to make LAW and introduce it into the current Code. It's voted upon at the meeting. The code is created and authored by the various boards, committees, etc. and sent to the Law Department of the Municipality for review whom in turn submits it to the State for approval as a "Local Law."

THE PROBLEM? Some Officials FORGET that they work for YOU and I and NOT for the MUNICIPALITY. I doubt that there was any Forum which included regular people or any input by regular folks before they drafted the Laws (rules) concerning Metal Detecting on PUBLIC LANDS. And if they did send out a NOTICE calling on folks to attend a meeting where and when it would be discussed; it was probably announced in the "NOTICES" Section of some junky news paper, buried somewhere between classified ads for used cars and the Help Wanted section. They sure didn't call the industry leaders - MHO is that THEY SNEAK THESE THINGS IN.

Correct. This happened several times in a city where I'm from. It's typical crap politics. They do forget that they work for us, not the other way around and not for the mayor. They are there to represent us, but that's history now too. Nice post, Eureka.

What is surprising about this fact ? Laws and rules differ from agency to agency, entity to entity, all the time. One place allows dog off leash. Another requires leashes. Another disallows dogs altogether. Another is simply silent on the issue of dogs. Some places allow over-night camping, others don't, and still others don't specify. Examples are endless. So detecting is not somehow singled out, or unique in this. So ... having trouble understanding your angst in this.

My "angst is that there is no consistency. Laws should be CLEAR and CONCISE - Look at the Affordable Care Act (Obama Care) "We have to pass the Bill, so you can find out what is in it." I DON'T THINK SO!

My "angst" is that there is no consistency. Laws should be CLEAR and CONCISE and EQUAL across the whole "United" States - ....

No. That's not correct. C'mon now Eureka, laws consistent across the entire USA ? The "clear and concise" in one easy-to-look up compendium ?

Ok, let's put that to the test: What's the speed limit ? Is it 65 mph ? One easy concise clear and consitent law to apply to "all roads", right? Ok, do you really want people driving down your residential street at 65 mph ? I mean, c'mon Eureka, you CAN'T have laws and rules that "fit all" for every place around. Some places are great for dogs off-leash, while others aren't. Some lakes are great for speed boats, while others aren't big enough or safe enough size-wise. So therefore, no, you're not going to get uniform laws that stretch across all counties, cities, states, and fed's, in a one-size fits all fashion. Because think about it: if this were true, then there would no longer be a need for sub-entities. No states, no counties, and no cities. Why? Because afterall: Eureka wants codes, laws, charters, rules, to be exactly the same everywhere. So if that were true, there's no need to even have those sub-entities, to begin with.

Huh ? The person who is disgusted that their particular enjoyable activity is restricted, is quick to gripe (I'm just as guilty). But the minute SOMEONE ELSE'S enjoyable activity hurts ours, we will always be the first to say "THERE OUGHT TO BE A LAW !" haha So for example: with metal detecting, it can be argued (by the preservation/archaeological camp), that we are taking, destroying, and looting the past, depriving future generations of learning, blah blah blah. Yeah yeah I know you and I disagree with that song & dance, but just saying, put yourself in THEIR shoes, and you will see that just as equally and you and I would be railing AGAINST a particular law, yet so too would there be others who's ideals, and "common good" objectives be hurt WITHOUT said laws. I mean, seriously, do you think Shiloh, Ghettysburg, and Bodie should just be opened up nilly willy to all of us yahoos, just because Eureka says it's violiating his consitutional freedoms? Do you really want the chaos of a society with zero laws ?

Ok- your correct in mentioning that it can be argued that we are "taking, destroying, and looting the past." BUT: RELICS and HISTORY of some of the Greatest Battles fought and Battle Fields of the Revolutionary War in NEW YORK are paved over with Buildings and Asphalt when they could be in showcases in schools and museums; educating the younger generation of the History of our Country. IMHO there's no LOGIC or VALUE in that argument.

I watched one day in horror as a Backhoe was preparing a brook for precast cement troughs to be placed in so to reduce backups. As the operator was removing dirt from the bank of the stream I noticed (five ft down from street level) that he uncovered what appeared to be a full stack of dinner plates. I motioned for him to stop and he did. I yelled to him, "There's dishes there that you're going to destroy." He got down from the machine - he looked - and he got right back up in the box; waving his hand to me as if to say "F it." Good thing for him that no ARCHY was around - that would have ended his $38/hr. job for the day!

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Eureka, whenever this subject of laws and rules comes up, someone will be quick to do exactly what you've done here: Cite scary consequences, fines, jail, confiscations, blah blah blah. And the poor newbies reading such scary things are left shivering in their boots, thinking of all the horrible things about to befall them, and archies lurking behind every tree waiting to pounce.

But SERIOUSLY NOW ! I will extend to you the same challenge I give each of them, when they start spouting about arrests, tickets, jail, etc... : Can you PLEASE cite for us ANY examples of such things befalling md'rs, for hunting in non-posted, run-of-the-mill parks, schools, beaches, etc... ? I'm not talking about obvious sensitive historic monuments (where, yes, a "reasonable" person could/should have known) . I'm talking about routine city parks, campgrounds, beaches, vacant lots, etc.... Ok: can you cite any examples of such things befalling the guy plying the sandbox in anytown USA?

If you can cite any examples, I bet they are someone night sneaking sensitive monuments, or someone who can't take a "scram" warning , etc....

Here's one of MANY I'm sure:

It's not hard to find public places to detect. I hunt public places all the time. If you want to worry yourself to death about what some busy-body might say, then yes, you can ALWAYS find some law or rule that can be morphed to preclude you. Just keep asking long enough and hard enough, and you'll eventually find someone to tell you that you can't hunt even the most innocuous of sandboxes. Moral of the story ? STOP ASKING D*MB QUESTIONS. And if there's a certain busy-body lookie-lou that doesn't like it? FINE. Hunt when that person is not around.

Sure I wish it wasn't like this. Sure I wish everyone "rolled out red carpets" for me. But you've got to realize that detecting has "connotations". If you're not willing to accept this, then I suggest you find another hobby. There will ALWAYS be someone who thinks you might be about to leave a mess. Or "take park features" or harm earthworms, or whatever the h*ck it is they think applies. Ok, fine: avoid that one person. Kinda like nose-picking: can you use a little more discretion in your timing, rather than thinking it's your duty to get every last person in the world to sign off on it ?

OK - Tell that to you neighbor in this Video:

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